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Created March 23, 2016 12:14
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hammerspoon init.lua
-- watch for changes"HOME") .. "/.hammerspoon/", hs.reload):start()
-- start custom config
hs.grid.MARGINX = 0 -- The margin between each window horizontally
hs.grid.MARGINY = 0 -- The margin between each window vertically
hs.grid.GRIDHEIGHT = 2 -- The number of cells high the grid is
hs.grid.GRIDWIDTH = 8 -- The number of cells wide the grid is
-- moves window into position
function movewindow(pos)
local grid
local grid_positions = {
full = { x = 0, y = 0, w = hs.grid.GRIDWIDTH, h = 2 },
left_half = { x = 0, y = 0, w = hs.grid.GRIDWIDTH / 2, h = 2 },
right_half = { x = hs.grid.GRIDWIDTH / 2, y=0, w = hs.grid.GRIDWIDTH / 2, h = 2 },
left_2_3 = { x = 0, y = 0, w = 7, h = 2 },
right_2_3 = { x = 1, y = 0, w = 7, h = 2 }
return function()
hs.grid.set(hs.window.focusedWindow(), grid_positions[pos], hs.screen.mainScreen())
-- keyboard modifier for bindings
local mod1 = {'ctrl', 'shift'}
{ key = 's', pos = 'full' },
{ key = 'a', pos = 'left_half' },
{ key = 'd', pos = 'right_half' },
{ key = '.', pos = 'left_2_3' },
{ key = '/', pos = 'right_2_3' }
}, function(obj), obj.key, movewindow(obj.pos)):enable()
function application_positions()
local screen = hs.screen.mainScreen():fullFrame()
-- application positions we want for defaults.
-- allow for setting 'by_window' within an application for more finite control.
local app_positions = {
HipChat = { x = 0, y = screen.h - 468, w = 900, h = 468 },
Textual = { x = 0, y = 0, w = 900, h = 410 },
Messages = {
by_window = true,
Buddies = { x = screen.w - 190, y = 0, w = 190, h = 900 },
Messages = { x = screen.w - 670, y = screen.h - 360, w = 600, h = 360 }
iTunes = { x = (screen.w - 1100) / 2, y = 22, w = 1100, h = 725 },
['Google Chrome'] = { x = 0, y = 0, w = screen.w - 150, h = screen.h },
['Sublime Text'] = { x = 150, y = 0, w = screen.w - 150, h = screen.h },
['Atom'] = { x = 150, y = 0, w = screen.w - 150, h = screen.h },
iTerm = { x = 0, y = 0, w = screen.w, h = 460 },
SourceTree = { x = 0, y = screen.h - 720, w = screen.w, h = 720 }
-- iterate over every visible window in the current screen.
hs.fnutils.each(hs.window.allWindows(), function(win)
-- grab the window's application's title.
local app_title = win:application():title()
-- save our desired application position
local app_position = app_positions[app_title]
-- if we've found an application position then we can position its frame
if app_position then
-- if we're setting frame by_window instead of by application
if app_position.by_window then
-- iterate over every window open in the application
hs.fnutils.each(win:application():allWindows(), function(app_window)
-- get the actual window's title (not the application's)
local window_title = app_window:title()
-- if we have a desired position then we can position it!
if app_position[window_title] then
-- set window frame
end, '1', application_positions):enable()
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