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Last active December 10, 2016 11:22
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Run Chef's knife command with ido completion
;;; KNIFE --- Runs Chef's knife command with ido completions
;; Author: Howard Abrams <>
;; Copyright © 2016, Howard Abrams, all rights reserved.
;; Created: 11 July 2016
;;; Commentary:
;; Build knife commands from completing read functions and execute
;; the results.
;; Anyone who plays with Chef's `knife' command realizes that, while
;; flexible, has a dizzying array of options, commands, sub-commands
;; and sometimes, sub-sub-commands. I figured that I could use the
;; IDO's `ido-completing-read' function at each step along the way to
;; build up the command line. Once you've executed it once, it
;; remembers it, so that calling `C-u C-x knife' simply re-executes
;; it.
;;; Change log:
;; - v.1.0 :: Banged out while waiting for a Jenkins build job
;; - v.1.1 :: Created a `history' ring to choose past commands
;; Refactored the code to be more readable
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
;; Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
;;; Code:
(defvar knife--previous-commands '("<New Request>"))
(defun knife--build-command-line ()
"Build a `knife' command line string by using IDO to select
each command and sub-command."
(let ((cmd-list '("knife"))) ; We'll prepend to this list...
;; Specify a few helper functions to make the code easier to parse
;; and read:
(cl-flet* ((join (lst) (concat (mapconcat 'identity (reverse lst) " ") " "))
(choose-cmd (options)
(push (ido-completing-read (join cmd-list)
options) cmd-list))
(choose-file (&optional dir)
(push (ido-read-file-name (join cmd-list) dir) cmd-list))
(choose-dir (&optional dir)
(push (ido-read-directory-name (join cmd-list) dir) cmd-list))
(choose-str () (push (read-string (join cmd-list)) cmd-list))
(first (lst elt) (equal (car lst) elt))
(second (lst elt) (equal (cadr lst) elt))
(first-ends-with (lst elt) (string-suffix-p elt (car lst))))
;; Top-level KNIFE commands:
(choose-cmd '("client" "configure" "cookbook" "data bag"
"environment" "exec" "index rebuild" "node"
"recipe" "role" "search" "ssh" "ssl" "status"
"tag" "user"
;; Path-base commands
"delete" "deps" "diff" "download" "edit"
"list" "show" "upload" "xargs"))
;; The RECIPE command is odd, in that it only has a 'list' option:
(if (first cmd-list "recipe")
(push "list" cmd-list)
;; Many of the other options, accept a SUB-COMMAND, add one
;; based on the command at the top of the `cmds' list:
(choose-cmd (pcase (car cmd-list)
("client" '("bulk delete" "create" "delete" "edit"
"list" "reregister" "show"))
("cookbook" '("bulk delete" "create" "delete" "download"
"list" "metadata" "metadata from" "show"
"test" "upload"))
("data bag" '("create" "delete" "edit" "from file"
"list" "show"))
("environment" '("compare" "create" "delete" "edit"
"from file" "list" "show"))
("node" '("bulk delete" "create" "delete" "edit"
"from file" "list" "run_list" "show"))
("role" '("bulk delete" "create" "delete" "edit"
"from file" "list" "show"))
("ssl" '("check" "fetch"))
("tag" '("create" "delete" "list"))
("user" '("create" "delete" "edit" "list" "reregister" "show")))))
;; If the sub-command was RUN_LIST, then we can add another sub-sub-command:
(when (first cmd-list "run_list")
(choose-cmd '("add" "remove" "set")))
;; Some sub-commands ask for a file:
(when (or (first cmd-list "metadata from") (first cmd-list "from file"))
;; The DATA BAG FROM FILE command asks for
;; the name of the data bag before the file:
(when (and (second cmd-list "data bag") (first cmd-list "from file"))
(choose-str) ; data bag BAG
(choose-file)) ; data bag BAG FILE
;; Final options are just added to the list:
(while (or (first-ends-with cmd-list "-c") (first-ends-with cmd-list "-o"))
(if (first-ends-with cmd-list "-c")
(choose-file "~/.chef")
(choose-dir "~/.chef-repo"))
;; The actual knife command line is just a join of what was specified:
(join cmd-list))))
(defun knife ()
"An IDO interface to the `knife` command. Each step prompts for
the next command option, and attempts to be somewhat intelligent
about the choice. After completing, it accepts final options,
like references to a configuration file.
Given a prefix option, it simply re-runs the previous command."
(let ((new-cmd (car (last knife--previous-commands)))
(knife-cmd (ido-completing-read "Run Command: " knife--previous-commands)))
(when (equal knife-cmd new-cmd)
;; Requested a new command, so let's go through the process
;; and reset the 'knife-cmd' to the new choice:
(setq knife-cmd (knife--build-command-line))
(push knife-cmd knife--previous-commands))
(message "Running: %s" knife-cmd)
(shell-command knife-cmd)))
;;; knife.el ends here
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