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Forked from davidad/
Created August 6, 2023 19:03
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import pandas as pd
# Load the data
df = pd.read_excel('pnas.2118631119.sd01.xlsx')
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# Load the HTML file
with open('crime.html', 'r') as f:
contents =
# Parse the HTML with BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(contents, 'html.parser')
# Find the table in the HTML
table = soup.find('table')
# Parse the table into a DataFrame
df_crime = pd.read_html(str(table), header=0)[0]
# Identify the rows that contain the headers
header_rows = df_crime[df_crime['Unnamed: 0'] == 'Year'].index
# Remove the header rows
df_crime = df_crime.drop(header_rows)
# Rename the columns based on the first row of headers
df_crime.columns = ['Year', 'Population', 'Total', 'Violent', 'Property', 'Murder', 'Rape', 'Robbery', 'Aggravated assault', 'Burglary', 'Larceny', 'Vehicle theft']
# Remove rows with NaN in the 'Year' column
df_crime = df_crime.dropna(subset=['Year'])
# Convert the Year and Violent columns to the appropriate data types
df_crime['Year'] = df_crime['Year'].astype(int)
df_crime['Violent'] = df_crime['Violent'].astype(float)
# Extract the time series for "Violent Crimes"
df_crime = df_crime[['Year', 'Violent']].dropna()
df_crime['Year'] = df_crime['Year'].astype(int)
df_crime.set_index('Year', inplace=True)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as mtick
# Filter the data for ages
df_filtered = df[(df['AGE'] >= 14) & (df['AGE'] <= 30) & (df['YEAR'] >= 1955) & (df['YEAR'] <= 2020)]
# Create a new column 'condition_min' to hold the minimum value of each range
df_filtered['condition_min'] = df_filtered['condition'].apply(lambda x: 30 if x=='30+ (ud/dL)' else float(x.split('-')[0]))
# Fix typo in units
df_filtered['condition'] = df_filtered['condition'].str.replace('ud/dL', 'ug/dL')
# Pivot the data to get years as index, conditions as columns and leadpop as values
df_pivot = df_filtered.pivot_table(index='YEAR', columns=['condition_min', 'condition'], values='leadpop', aggfunc='sum')
# Sort the columns by 'condition_min'
df_pivot = df_pivot.sort_index(axis=1, level='condition_min', ascending=False)
# Normalize by youth population
df_youth_pop = df_pivot.sum(axis=1)
df_pivot = df_pivot.div(df_youth_pop, axis=0)
# Drop the 'condition_min' level in the column index
df_pivot.columns = df_pivot.columns.droplevel('condition_min')
# Ensure the dataframes have the same index by reindexing df_crime to match df_pivot
df_crime_reindexed = df_crime.reindex(df_pivot.index)
df_crime_reindexed = df_crime_reindexed.div(df_youth_pop,axis=0)
# Create a function to format the x-axis labels
def format_year_labels(year):
if year % 5 == 0:
return str(year)
return ''
# Define color palette
colors = ['#eaf2f0', '#fae5c6', '#f0c2a3', '#e19578', '#cb624c', '#af211f', '#8d0000']
# Update color palette
colors[0] = '#cbe3ce'
# Create the normalized stacked bar chart
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(14, 8))
# Bar plot
bar_plot = df_pivot.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, ax=ax1, color=colors[::-1])
# Set labels and title
ax1.set_title('U.S. Childhood Lead Poisoning in 14-30 Age Group and Violent Crime Rates')
ax1.set_ylabel('fraction of the 14-30 U.S. population')
# Create a secondary y-axis
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
# Get the x-axis coordinates for the bar plot
x_coords = range(len(df_pivot.index))
# Line plot for violent crime rates using ax.plot with x_coords
ax2.plot(x_coords, df_crime_reindexed['Violent'], color='black', linewidth=3, label='U.S. Violent Crimes per youth')
ax2.set_ylabel('violent crimes per annum per total population age 14-30')
# Adjust the y-axis limit
ax2.set_ylim(0, 0.05)
# Show the legend
lines, labels = ax1.get_legend_handles_labels()
lines2, labels2 = ax2.get_legend_handles_labels()
ax2.legend(lines[::-1] + lines2, labels[::-1] + labels2, loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.8))
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