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Nate Hopkins hopsoft

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hopsoft /
Last active July 30, 2024 19:55
Simple Template Rendering

Simple Template Rendering

I'm experimenting with a simple template rendering solution that leverages Ruby's native String formatting. It feels a little bit like Mustache templates. Note that this demo adds new "formatting specifiers" to support Rainbow color mechanics.


See the files below for the implementation... and note that this is simply a proof of concept (POC)


hopsoft /
Last active July 5, 2024 00:23
TurboBoost Commands generator example

TurboBoost Commands Generator

The next version of TurboBoost will ship with generators to help you get started with Commands quickly.

  1. View help for the generator
bin/rails g turbo_boost:command -h
  bin/rails generate turbo_boost:command NAME [options]
hopsoft /
Last active June 29, 2024 07:43
TurboBoost Command generator

TurboBoost Command Generator

Run the Generator

➜  showcase git:(main) bin/rails g turbo_boost:commands:command Example
Where is your Commands directory located? (default: app/commands)
   identical  app/commands/application_command.rb
      create  app/commands/example_command.rb
hopsoft /
Last active April 2, 2024 15:49
AI Prompt Cheatsheet

AI/Large Language Model Prompt Tuning Cheatsheet

When crafting prompts for AI or LLMs, you can adjust various inputs or variables to tailor the model's responses. Here's a simple guide to understanding what each of these terms means:

  • prompt: The question or statement you provide to the model, essentially telling it what you want to know or do.

    • Example: "What is the weather today?" vs. "Write a poem about the rain."
    • Effect: Directly sets the topic and style of the AI's response.
  • max_tokens: Limits how long the AI's response can be, like setting a maximum number of words or sentences it can use to answer.

  • 50 - Makes the AI provide a concise, often one-sentence reply.

hopsoft /
Last active March 29, 2024 18:54
stdin → fzf with preview

stdin → fzf with preview


  • ruby
  • ripgrep
  • fzf


hopsoft / build_insert_query.rb
Created March 15, 2024 18:00
Get the SQL for an insert statement from ActiveRecord
# Builds an SQL insert query for a given record
# @param record [ActiveRecord::Base] Record used to build the SQL insert query
# @return [String] SQL insert query
def build_insert_query(record)
columns = record.class.columns.reject { |col| == record.class.primary_key }
values = { |col| record[] }
insert_manager =
hopsoft /
Last active February 29, 2024 17:50
Rails System Test Supervisor

Rails System Test Supervisor

System tests with Rails, Capybara, and Selenium (with the Chrome driver) may go rogue and spike the CPU to 100% on the spawned browser depending on how heavily you've monkey patched these libraries and/or have complex JavaScript that mutates the DOM (morphs etc.).

This supervisor class monitors the driver process and its children and will kill any rogue process that persistently spikes to >=99% CPU utilization for an extended period of time. If and when this occurs, you lose control of the browser and your tests will hang until they eventually time out or error.

hopsoft /
Last active March 29, 2024 18:06
ActiveRecord ETL

ActiveRecord ETL

I created this to help me run benchmarks/comparisons against Universal ID, but it could serve as the foundation for a robust ETL data pipeline... and it's less than 70 LOC right now! 🤯 🚀

It handles the extract and transform parts of an ETL process and supports the following options:

  • only - specify which attributes to include
hopsoft / Dockerfile
Created September 7, 2023 14:36
Ruby + SQLite Dockerfile
FROM ruby:3.2.2-alpine
# ============================================================================================================
# Install system packages
# ============================================================================================================
RUN apk add --no-cache --update \
bash \
build-base \
curl \
gcompat \
hopsoft / 00_do_stuff_job.rb
Last active September 13, 2024 15:03
ActiveJob as Service Worker
# ActiveJob natively captures constructor arguments in an `@arguments` instance variable
# which is also exposed as an `arguments` property on each job instance.
# Calls to `perform_now` and `perform_later` both forward arguments to the constructor.
# For example, all of these invocation styles work.
# result ="foobar").perform # sync
# result ="foobar") # sync
# result = DoStuffJob.perform_now("foobar") # sync