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Last active August 7, 2024 05:27
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IntelliJ IDEA Keyboard Shortcuts Cheatsheet


distraction mode
fullscreen mode
autoscroll from/to source
termial settings -> don't override shortcuts presentation asist


Start new line SHIFT + ENTER
Start new line before current :: CTRL + ALT + ENTER
Delete line (yank) CTRL + Y
Move line or selected block up/down. ALT + SHIFT + UP/DOWN ARROW
Expand current selection CTRL + W
Join current line with next line CTRL + SHIFT + J
Duplicate current line/selection CTRL + D


Search/find everywhere (tab go to sections) SHIFT x 2
Fold/unfold current selected method CTRL + .
Fold all methods CTRL + SHIFT + MINUS
Unfold all methods CTRL + SHIFT + PLUS
Show/hide all windows CTRL + SHIFT + F12
Narrow current selection CTRL + SHIFT + W

alt + shift + insert :: column selection mode  
alt + j :: add selection for next occurrence  
CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + J :: select all occurrences  
CTRL + ALT + L :: reformat code  
ctrl + alt + i :: auto-ident lines  
ctrl + c :: copy current selection  
ctrl + v :: paste  
ctrl + shift + v :: you can choose which item from clipboard should be pasted  
ctrl + shift + alt + c :: copy reference  
alt + shift + left mouse :: multiple selection  
alt + shift + 2x left mouse :: multiple words selection  
ctrl + shift + u :: visualise database  
ctrl + shift + a :: quick actions  
shift + f10 :: run our project  
alt + 1 - project view  
alt + 2 - favourites view  
alt + 6 - todo list view  
alt + 7 - structure view  
ctrl SHIFT A - open action menu  
alt + insert -> intention?  
f4 navigate to dependencies?  
ctrl + N : navigate to class  
ctrl + shift + n : navigate -> file  
ctrl + alt + shift + n :: navigate to any source  
ctrl + u :: go to superclass  
alt + up/down arrow :: navigate thru class members  
ctrl + shift + t : navigate -> test subject  
ctrl + g :: go to line  
ctrl + alt + left/right :: navigate back & forward  
ctrl + e :: recent files  
ctrl + shift + a :: find action  
ctrl + shift + numpad plus/minus :: folding -> expand/collapse all  
f4 :: jump to source!  
ctrl + alt + b :: navigate -> implementation(s)  
ctrl + q :: quick documentation  
ctrl + shift + i :: quick definition  
ctrl + h :: navigate -> type hierarchy  
ctrl + shift + h -> method hierarchy  
ctrl + alt + h -> navigate -> call hierarchy  
alt + left/right :: previous/next tab  
alt + f7 :: usages  
f2 :: nex error in code  
shift + f2 :: previous error in code  
shift + escape :: hide tool window  
ctrl + w :: select block, extend selection  
ctrl + alt + m :: extract method  
shift + ctrl + z :: redo extract method  
ctrL + alt + p :: extract parameter  
alt + 7 :: project structure view  
cltrl + h :: type hierarchy  
shift + ctrl + alt + t :: refactor this menu   
ctrl + shift + t :: go to corresponding test  
ctrl + shift + f10 :: run test   
ctrl : n :: navigate to type  
shift + ctrl + N :: navigate to file  
ctrl : n :: class:<line_number> :: got to line number  
shift + ctrl + alt + n :: symbol lookup  
2x shift :: search everywhere  
ctrl + alt + left/right :: go to next/previous   
ctrl + shift + f12 :: hide all windows/restore windows  
ctrl + w :: extend selection  
shift + ctrl + w :: shrink selection  
shift + alt + up/down :: move line up/down  
ctrl + y :: kill line  
ctrl + d :: duplicate a line  
ctrl + n  - class
ctrl + shift + n - file
shift + ctrl + alt + n - symbol lookup
shift + alt + up/down :: move up down line
ctrl + alt + i :: fix identation on selected code
ctrl + P :: parameter info when invoking constructor or method
alt + shash :: completion -> cyclic expand word
alt + shift + shlash ::: completion -> cyclic expand word
ctrl + b :: navigate -> declaration 
ctrl + alt + b:: navigate -> implementation
ctrl + u :: navigate => super method
ctrl + h :: type hierarchy
ctrl + shift + h :: navigate -> method hierarchy
alt + home :: navigate -> jump to navigation bar
ctrl + f12 :: navigate -> file structure
alt + f12 :: command line window/view
ctrl + shift + a :: actio or option by name
ctrl + alt + z :: rollback changes
alt + backtick/back quote (`) ::  vcs operations popup
alt + 9 :: version control window
ctrl + shift + f - wyszukaj
ctrl + shift + r - zamień
esc - przejdź do edytora
f4 - jump to source
ctrl + f12 :: file structure
ctrl + shift + i :: quick definition popup
alt + up/down :: next previous method/element
CTRL + ALT + left/right :: 
ctrl + shift + backspace : powrót do mejsca ostatniej edycji
next edit location :: ctrl + shift + backslash
alt + f7 :: find usages
ctrl + shift + up /down arrow :: navigate through search results
f11 :: bookmark current place
shift + f11 :: bookmarks
ctrl + 1/9 :: named bookmarks
ctrl + shift + 1/9 :: add named ctrl
bookmark + ; :: ace jump // plugin
ctrl + shift + ' :: maximize tool window
ctrl + alt + enter :: new line before current line
shift + entne :: new line after current line
ctrl + d : duplicate lines
ctrl + y :: cut line
alt + insert :: intention
ctrl + shift + a : 
ctrl + N :: otwórz klasę
ctrl + shift + alt + n :: find symbol
2 x shift :: search everywhere 
ctrl + - :: zwinięcie drzewa w project view/window
numpad * :: fully expand tree node
shift + esc + close current window
ctrl + e :: recent files
ctrl + shift + left/right arrow :: zmiana rozmiaru aktywnego okna/panelu

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