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Last active February 2, 2023 15:07
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Word Explanation
Adria the Adriatic sea.
After this manner in this way.
Alleluia praise the LORD.
Anathema under a curse.
Away with take away.
Away with him take him away.
Barbarian foreigner.
Barbarians foreigners.
Bishop overseer.
Chasten correct by punishing.
Declare explain.
Divers diverse, different.
Easter passover.
Forasmuch since.
Forasmuch as because.
Forasmuch then as seeing that.
Fret grieve, be angry.
Frowardness perverseness, contrariness.
Ghost Spirit.
Gird secure with a belt or band, encircle.
Girded secured with bands or belts, encircled.
Give place make room.
Give this man place make room for this man.
Go to Come now!
Grecians Greek speaking Jews.
Hew shape by cutting or chopping.
Hitherto until now, before.
Hosanna save, we pray, a shout of praise.
I will know the uttermost of I will decide.
I would to God Oh that!
I would to God, that Oh that!
Jewry Judaea.
Legion Roman legion = 3000 6000 soldiers.
Lest haply lest it should happen that.
Libertines freed slaves.
Maran atha our Lord is come (Aramaic).
Meats food of any kind.
Messias lit: The Anointed One.
Mortify destroy the vitality of, kill.
Occupy trade, do business.
Pentecost the fiftieth day after passover.
Peradventure perhaps.
Potentate a person with great power; king, ruler, sovereign.
Prove try, test.
Quicken bring to life.
Save except.
Stand upon attack.
Stay sustain.
To wit that is.
Verily surely, truly.
What why.
When as when.
Whether which (of two).
Whither where.
Withal at the same time.
Woe worth the day alas for the day!
Wot know.
Would to God Oh that!
abase humble, humiliate.
abjects the lowest, outcasts.
about the paps around his chest.
abroad over a wide area.
adamant sharp, hard stone, diamond.
adjure command or charge solemnly.
admiration wonder, astonishment.
admired marvelled at.
adventure venture, risk.
adventured ventured, risked.
adversary opponent in lawsuit.
advertise tell, inform.
advisement consideration, taking advice.
affect desire, seek.
affected embittered.
affinity relationship by marriage.
affording furnishing, providing.
affrighted frightened.
afore before, previously.
aforetime before, previously.
after this manner in this way.
ague a fever, usually malarial.
algum almug, sandalwood.
all to utterly.
alleging bringing evidence.
allow approve of.
almug algum, sandalwood.
amazed terrified, fearful.
amazement terror.
ambassage ambassadors, a deputation.
amerce fine, impose a penalty.
amiable lovely.
an hungred hungry.
ancients elders.
anon immediately.
any whither anywhere.
apothecary perfume and spice dealer.
apparel clothing, garments.
apparently openly.
apple of his eye pupil of his eye.
apple of the eye pupil of the eye.
apple of thine eye pupil of your eye.
apprehend lay hold of, seize.
apprehended seized.
artificer skilled craftsman, inventor.
artificers skilled craftsmen, inventors.
artillery weapon, equipment.
assay try, attempt.
assayed tried, attempted.
assaying attempting.
asswage restrain.
asswaged restrained.
astonied astonished.
asunder apart.
at a stay stopped, held back.
at a venture at random.
attent attentive.
aul pointed tool for making holes.
avoided departed, escaped.
avouched declared.
away with endure, tolerate.
axletrees bars connecting wheels.
bade told.
badest asked, told.
bakemeats cooked food.
baken baked.
bank mound for besieging a city.
barbarian foreigner.
barbarians foreigners.
barbarous foreign.
barked stripped of bark.
base lowly, humble.
basest lowliest.
be thou ware be wary, beware.
beeves cattle, oxen.
beggarly worthless.
behemoth large animal.
behoved was necessary for.
being privy to it knowing the secret.
besom broom.
betimes in good time, early.
bewray betray, reveal.
bewrayeth betrays, reveals.
bidden invited, asked.
bier portable framework supporting a coffin.
bishop overseer.
bishoprick oversight, office, charge.
bishops overseers.
blains boils.
blasting a plant disease which causes foliage death.
bloody flux flow of blood.
bolled full of seed pods.
bosses knobs at centre of a shield.
botch ulcer or boil.
bottom valley.
bowels heart.
bowels of mercies tender mercies, inward affections.
bray pound, crush.
brigandine coat of mail, breastplate.
brigandines coats of mail, breastplates.
brimstone sulphur.
broidered embroidered.
bruit rumour, report.
buckler small shield.
bucklers small shields.
bulwarks defensive walls.
burnished polished.
butler cup bearer.
butlers cup bearers.
butlership office of cup bearer.
by with reference to.
byword object of scorn or derision.
camphire henna, Egyptian privet.
canker cancer, ulcerous disease.
cankered eaten away with rust.
cankerworm hopping locust.
carbuncle a deep red gemstone.
carefulness anxiety.
careless free from care, secure.
carriage baggage, goods, burdens.
carriages baggage, goods, burdens.
cast a mount build a raised fortification.
cast about turned round, turned back.
cast angle to fish with a hook and line.
castaway rejected.
casting up mounts building raised fortifications.
caul fatty membrane around an organ.
causeway paved road.
chalkstones pieces of chalk.
chambering sensual, wanton living.
chamberlain treasurer.
champaign plain, flat countryside.
chancellor chief counsellor, governor.
changeable that can be changed, changes of dress being a sign of wealth.
chapiter ornamentation at the top of a pillar.
chapiters ornamentation on the top of a column.
chapmen merchants.
chapt cracked.
charger dish, large plate.
chargers dishes, large plates.
charity love.
chasten correct by punishing.
chastened corrected by punishing.
chastenest corrects by punishing.
chasteneth corrects by punishing.
chastening correcting by punishment.
check rebuke.
chesnut chestnut, or plane tree.
chide emphatically express anger or disappointment. Complain.
chief estates great men.
chimney window (as in Ec. 12.3).
chode argued, contended.
chode with complained to.
choler anger.
churl mean, miserly person.
churlish harsh, ill tempered.
cieled panelled, overlaid.
clave clung.
clave asunder split apart.
clift cleft, hollow.
clifts clefts, hollows.
closet private room.
closets private rooms.
clouted patched.
clouts rags.
clovenfooted having a split or divided foot or hoof.
coast border, region, country.
coasts regions.
cockatrices adders, cobras.
cockle weeds.
coffer box.
collops lumps.
comeliness beauty.
commotions civil uprisings.
companied accompanied.
compass surround.
compass thee round surround you.
compassed surrounded.
compassed about surrounded.
compassest surround.
compasseth surrounds.
compassing surrounding.
conceit opinion, conception.
conceits opinions.
concision mutilation (circumcision).
concluded included.
concourse assembly of people, crowd, gathering.
concupiscence strong desire or appetite, especially of a sexual nature.
conduit pipe or channel for carrying fluid.
coney hyrax, rock badger. Like a rabbit.
confectionaries ointment makers.
conies hyraxes, rock badgers. Like rabbits.
consumption a disease causing wasting away of the body, such as TB.
contemn despise, scorn.
contemned despised, treated with contempt.
contemneth despises, scorns.
convenient suitable.
conversant dwelling.
conversant with dwelling with.
conversation behaviour.
convince convict.
convinced convicted.
convinceth convicts.
convocation assembly.
convocations summonings to assemble.
coping top layer of masonry wall.
coriander plant with small round white spicy seeds.
cotes small shelters for birds, sheep, etc.
couchingplace place to lie down.
coulter blade, part of a plough.
countervail counterbalance, compensate for.
cousin kinswoman.
cousins kinsmen, kinswomen.
covert shelter, hiding place.
creature created thing.
creatures created things.
crisping pins curling pins for the hair.
crookbackt hunch backed.
cruse small jar.
cuckow gull.
cumbered distracted.
cumbereth wastes, makes worthless.
cumbrance trouble, responsibility.
cummin a plant like fennel with hot seeds, used as a spice.
cunning skilful.
curious embroidered.
curious arts magic, sorcery.
custom tribute, tax.
dam mother bird.
damsel young woman, girl, servant.
damsels young women, girls.
daysman mediator.
dealt subtilly with took shrewd advantage of.
declare explain.
declared explained, made distinct.
decline turn aside.
declined turned away.
delicately daintily.
delicates dainties.
deliciously luxuriously.
describe divide, mark out.
descry spy out, make search.
desired regretted, mourned.
despite contempt.
despiteful contemptuous.
despitefully contemptuously.
devotions objects of worship.
diadem head dress.
diet daily allowance.
discomfited defeated, confused, routed.
discover uncover, disclose.
discovered came in view of.
discovereth lays bare.
dispensation administration, distribution.
disposition ordinance, appointment.
distaff rod to hold wool for hand spinning.
divers various, different.
divination prediction by magic or supernatural means.
divinations predictions by magic or supernatural means.
diviners predictors using magic etc.
doctor teacher.
doctors teachers.
dote say, think, or do foolishly.
dragon serpent.
dragons jackals.
drams darics, drachmae, coins.
draught net full of fish.
drave drove.
dress prepare: the removal of an animal's inward parts in preparation for eating.
dressed prepared: the removal of an animal's inward parts in preparation for cleaning.
duke chief.
dukes chiefs.
dulcimer stringed instrument.
dureth endures, goes on.
eared ploughed.
earing ploughing.
earnest pledge, deposit.
emerods swellings, haemorrhoids.
endamage damage, cause or suffer loss.
endued endowed.
engines battering rams.
engrafted implanted, firmly established.
enlargement freedom, relief.
ensample example, model from within a defined group or type.
ensamples examples, models from within a defined group or type.
ensign flag, banner, esp. a military one.
ensigns flags, banners, esp. military ones.
ensue follow after.
enterprise purpose.
entreated treated.
environ surround, encompass.
ephod embroidered cape worn by priest.
eschew avoid.
eschewed avoided, shunned.
escheweth avoids, shuns.
espousals time of betrothal.
espy see, perceive.
estate position.
eunuch (castrated) male employed as a high officer, usually by an Oriental ruler.
eunuchs [castrated] males employed as high officers, usually by an Oriental ruler.
every whit completely.
evidently plainly, clearly.
evilfavouredness ugliness, deformity.
exchangers money changers or bankers.
execration curse.
expecting waiting.
experiment proving.
fain gladly.
familiar spirit demon supposed to be in, or under the power of, a man.
familiar spirits demons supposed to be in, or under the power of, a man.
familiars intimate friends.
fan fork like tool used for winnowing.
fanners winnowers.
fatlings young animals fattened for slaughter.
fell chop down.
felled chopped down.
feller lumberjack, tree surgeon.
felling chopping down.
felloes curved sections of wheel rim.
fens swamps, marshes.
fetch a compass go round, turn round.
fetched a compass went round, turned round.
fetters shackles, metal bands.
filleted ornamented with encircling bands.
fillets ornamental bands.
finer refiner.
fining refining.
firmament sky, the vault or expanse of the heavens.
firstling first offspring.
firstlings first offspring.
fitches a cereal like wheat.
flag marshland plants, such as reed or rush.
flags marshland plant, such as reed or rush.
flakes folds.
flay remove the skin.
flayed removed the skin from.
fleshhook fork used to retrieve meat from a cooking pot.
fleshhooks forks used to retrieve meat from a cooking pot.
floats rafts.
forasmuch since, seeing that.
forasmuch as since, because.
forecast plan, scheme, arrange.
foreship bow or front of a ship.
forum market place.
founder a person who casts metal or glass in a mould.
fourth watch 3.00 6.00 a.m.
fowler bird hunter.
fowlers bird hunters.
frame make.
framed completed.
frameth forms.
frankincense aromatic gum resin burned as a fragrant incense.
frankly freely.
fray frighten.
fret grieve, be angry.
fretted grieved, worried.
fretteth grieves, is angry.
frontlets headbands.
froward perverse, self willed.
frowardly perversely.
frowardness perverseness, contrariness.
fuller bleacher or cleaner of cloth.
fullers bleachers or cleaners of cloth.
furbish polish, sharpen.
furbished polished, sharpened.
furniture vessels.
gainsay contradict.
gainsayers contradictors.
gainsaying contradicting.
garner barn, grain store.
garners barns, grain stores.
gat got.
gave place gave way, yielded.
gave up the ghost died, expired.
gazingstock something to stare at in wonder.
gender produce.
gendereth bears young.
ghost spirit.
gier eagle vulture.
gin snare, trap.
gird secure with a belt or band, encircle.
girded secured with a belt or band, encircled.
girdedst secured with a belt or band, encircled.
girdeth secures with a belt or band, encircles.
girding securing with a belt or band, encircling.
girt secured with a belt or band.
give place give way, yield.
glass mirror.
glean collect what the reapers drop at harvest time.
gleaning gatherings of what the reapers have dropped at harvest time.
gleanings crop dropped by the reapers at harvest time.
glede kite, vulture.
glistering shining.
go to come now!
goeth about endeavours, tries.
going about trying.
good liking good condition.
goodman master.
gopher possibly cypress wood.
gotten got, obtained.
graffed grafted.
grave engrave.
graving engraving.
gravings engravings.
greaves armour for the legs.
grisled grey.
guilty of worthy of.
gutter channel, shaft, tunnel.
habergeon coat of mail.
had our conversation conducted ourselves.
haft handle.
hale haul, drag.
haling hauling. Pulling with force or violence.
halt lame, disabled.
handstaves staffs used as weapons.
haply perhaps.
hardly with difficulty.
hardly bestead hard pressed.
harrow plough.
harrows implements used for breaking up and levelling ploughed ground.
hart deer.
have worship have respect, honour.
heady headstrong.
help meet suitable helper.
helve axe handle.
her hap was it happened that she.
heretick heretic, one who chooses a wrong belief.
heretofore before, previously.
hew shape by cutting or chopping.
hewed shaped by cutting or chopping.
hewer cutter, chopper.
hewers choppers, cutters.
heweth chops.
hewn shaped by cutting.
highminded puffed up with pride.
hither here, to this place.
hitherto until now.
hoar grey or white with age.
hoised hoisted.
hold to cling to.
holden held.
holpen helped.
honest honourable, good.
horn symbol of strength and power.
hosen trousers, stockings.
hough cut the hamstring or hock.
houghed cut the hamstring or hock.
husbandman farmer.
imagery painted or carved images.
implead accuse, plead against.
impotent without strength, disabled.
in a table on a writing tablet.
in sunder into pieces.
in ward under guard.
inclose surround.
inclosed enclosed, surrounded.
incontinent without self control.
inditing overflowing.
infolding flashing here and there.
inkhorn inkpot.
inquisition search, investigation.
instant urgent.
instantly earnestly.
into ward under guard.
jacinth a reddish orange gemstone.
jangling foolish talking.
jasper precious stone of various colours.
jeoparded risked.
joinings clamps, fitting.
jot jod, the smallest Hebrew letter.
jubile year of release, begun with the sound of the trumpet or horn.
kerchiefs cloths, veils, head scarves.
kine cows.
knop knob, model of flower bud.
knops knobs, models of flower buds.
laded loaded.
laden loaded.
lance spear, javelin.
lasciviousness lustfulness, sexual wantonness, indecency.
latchet strap, lace.
laud praise.
laver basin, bath.
lavers basins, baths.
layeth at strikes at.
leasing lying, falsehood.
leaven yeast, fermented dough.
leavened fermented (dough), risen.
lees dregs, sediment.
legions Roman legion = 3000 6000 soldiers.
lest haply in case it should happen that.
let hinder.
letteth hindereth.
leviathan river or sea monster.
lewd vicious, ignorant.
lien lain.
lieutenants provincial rulers.
lign aloes aromatic wood.
ligure a precious stone.
listeth chooses, pleases.
litters covered wagons.
lively living.
loft upper storey.
look to look upon.
looking glass mirror.
lowring gloomy.
lucre ill gotten or unlawful gain or advantage.
lusty vigorous, strong.
magnifical magnificent.
make to offend cause to sin or stumble.
malefactor criminal, a person who does wrong.
malignity deep rooted hatred, great malice.
mallows salt wort, an inedible plant.
mammon riches, money personified.
mandrakes plants with narcotic roots.
manner kind, sort.
manners ways.
mansions resting places, abiding places.
mantle sleeveless cloak or cape.
marishes marshes, swamps.
mart market place.
matrix womb.
matter timber, forest, fuel.
mattock pick axe.
maul hammer, mallet.
maw animal's stomach.
mean men obscure, low, inferior men.
meat food of any kind.
meats food of any kind.
meet suitable, fitting.
meetest most suitable.
mess dish of food.
messes dishes of food.
mete measure.
meteyard measuring rod.
middle watch 10.00pm to 2.00am.
milch giving milk.
mincing with little steps.
mitre head dress, turban.
morning watch 2.00am to 6.00am.
morrow morning.
mortify destroy the vitality of, kill.
mote speck of dust.
motions impulses.
mufflers scarves covering the lower part of the face.
munition fortress, stronghold.
munitions fortresses, strongholds.
murrain cattle plague.
napkin cloth, handkerchief.
naught worthless, bad.
naughtiness badness, wickedness.
naughty worthless, bad.
naves hubs.
neesings sneezings.
nephew grandson.
nether lower, beneath.
nethermost lowest.
nitre carbonate of soda.
no whither nowhere.
noised abroad widely reported.
noisome hurtful, deadly.
not a whit not in anything.
obeisance expression of submission, often a bow.
oblation sacrifice, offering.
oblations sacrifices, offerings.
occupy trade, do business.
occurrent happening, taking place.
offend cause to stumble or sin.
onycha shell used in perfume.
ossifrage vulture which breaks the bones of its prey.
ouches sockets, settings.
outgoings limits or boundaries.
outlandish foreign.
overcharged overburdened.
overran outran, overtook.
paddle small spade or trowel.
painful laborious, difficult.
painfulness toil, labour.
palmerworm destructive locust.
palsy paralysis.
paper papyrus.
paps breasts.
paramours forbidden lovers.
parcel piece, portion.
parchments scrolls made of animal skins.
parlour room.
parlours rooms.
passage mountain pass.
passages mountain passes.
pate head.
pavilion large tent.
pavilions large tents.
pay tithe give a tenth.
peculiar special, one's own possession.
peep chirp, as a bird.
peeped chirped, as a bird.
peradventure perhaps.
phylacteries strips of parchment inscribed with texts in a small leather case bound on the forehead or left arm.
pictures images carved in relief.
pilled peeled, stripped off bark.
pitiful full of pity, compassionate.
plat plot of ground.
platter dish.
play fence, fight with swords.
plowshares cutting blades of a plough.
plummet a measuring line having a weight at the end.
polled cut hair.
polls heads.
pommels bowl shaped ornament on a pillar.
port gate.
post messenger carrying letters.
potsherd piece of broken pottery.
pottage soup, stew.
pourtray draw, carve.
pourtrayed drawn, carved.
prating chattering, babbling.
presently immediately.
press crowd.
pressfat vat of a wine press.
prevent go before.
prevented anticipated.
prevented me given to me.
preventest go before, anticipate.
prey spoil, booty.
pricks goads for driving cattle.
printed inscribed.
prised priced, valued.
privily secretly.
privy secret, private.
profane dishonour.
prognosticators forecasters.
proper handsome, beautiful.
propitiation the wrath ending sacrifice by which the Lord Jesus Christ secured His people's pardon.
proselyte convert.
proselytes converts.
prove test, try.
proved tried, tested.
provender food, fodder.
proveth tests.
provided considered beforehand, taken thought for.
providence forethought.
provocation defiance.
psaltery stringed instrument.
publican tax collector.
publicans tax collectors.
pulse vegetables, beans.
purchase obtain.
purtenance internal organs, inward parts.
put to apply, use.
pygarg antelope.
quaternions guard parties of four men.
quick alive, living.
quicken bring to life.
quickened brought to life.
quickeneth brings to life.
quit behave.
quit you behave.
rail insult.
railed insulted, blasphemed.
railed on insulted.
railer abusive person.
railing abusive, reviling.
railings abusive behaviour.
raiment clothing, attire.
rampart raised bank of earth around a fort as a defence.
ranges ranks of soldiers.
ranging roving.
rank full grown, ripe, healthy.
rase demolish.
ravening plundering.
ravin prey which has been torn to pieces.
receipt of custom tax office, place of toll.
redound overflow, surge up.
rehearse report, declare.
rehearsed reported, declared.
reins mind, inmost being (literally kidneys).
remission forgiveness, pardon.
remit forgive, pardon.
remitted forgiven, pardoned.
reprobate disapproved, unfit.
reprobates unapproved.
require seek.
required sought.
requirest ask.
rereward rear ward, rearguard.
ribband cord, twisted thread.
rid clear away, remove.
rie rye, spelt, a cereal like wheat.
rifled plundered.
ringstraked streaked, striped.
riot live self indulgently.
riotous reckless, loose.
riotous men gluttons.
rising e.g. swelling, boil, tumour.
road raid.
roll scroll.
rolls scrolls.
room place.
rooms places at the table.
rude inexpert, untrained.
rue a herb.
sackbut pipe or lyre of elderwood.
sardine a red stone from Sardius.
sardius a red stone, carnelian.
satyr a goat like creature.
satyrs goat like creatures.
save except.
savour fragrance, aroma.
savourest think, understand.
scall skin disease, sore.
scant meagre.
scourge whip.
scourged whipped.
scrip bag.
seared cauterised, scorched.
second watch 9.00pm to midnight.
secure free from anxiety.
securely free from anxiety.
see to look upon.
seethe boil.
seething boiling.
selvedge specially woven fabric edge which does not fray.
serjeants officers carrying a staff as a symbol of office.
servitor serving man, attendant.
set a compass marked out a circle.
set forward oversee.
set light by dishonoured, treated with contempt or shame.
set on attack.
set to his seal affixed his seal.
settle base, pedestal, ledge.
several separate.
severally separately, individually.
shambles meat market.
shamefacedness a sense of shame.
sheepcote pasturage, sheep pens.
sheepcotes pasturage, sheep pens.
sherd fragment.
sherds fragments.
shittim thorny acacia tree.
shock stack of sheaves.
shocks stacks of sheaves.
shroud cover, shelter.
silly simple, foolish.
silverlings silver coins.
simple ignorant, innocent.
sincere pure.
single healthy, whole.
sith since.
sixscore 120.
skill to know how, to be skilled.
sleight deceitfulness, slyness.
slime mud, bitumen.
slips stems or roots cut from a plant and used for grafting or planting.
slow bellies idle gluttons.
sluggard habitually idle or lazy person.
sluices water channels controlled at the head by a gate.
snuffdishes pans for wick trimmings.
sod boiled.
sodden boiled.
sodering soldering.
sojourn dwell for a time.
sojourned dwelt for a time.
sojourner dweller for a time.
sojourner of the priest one staying with the priest for a time.
sojourners those who dwell in a place for a time.
sojourneth dwells for a time.
sojourning dwelling for a time.
sometime formerly, at one time, once.
sometimes at one time, once.
soothsayer one who professes to foretell the future.
soothsayers those who profess to foretell the future.
soothsaying professing to foretell the future.
sore greatly.
sorely very greatly.
sort manner.
sottish foolish.
spoken for asked in marriage.
spread abroad spread out.
spreadeth abroad spreads out.
spring dawn.
stacte aromatic gum from a tree.
standard flag, banner.
standardbearer one carrying a flag or banner.
staves poles, staffs.
stay stop, hold back.
stayed stopped, held back.
stead place.
stock wooden block or log.
stomacher richly ornamented triangular piece of cloth, worn as a covering for the chest or abdomen.
stood upon attacked.
stout hard, bold.
stoutness hardness.
strait narrow.
straitened limited, restricted.
straitly strictly.
straitness distress.
strake sail lowered sail.
strakes streaks.
strange foreign.
strawed strewed, scattered.
stricken in age aged.
stricken in years aged.
strike hands shake hands, usually concluding an agreement.
striketh hands shakes hands, usually concluding an agreement.
suborned bribed.
subtil cunning.
subtilly cunningly.
subtilty cunning.
sunder pieces, parts.
sundered separated, divided into pieces.
suppliants those praying or pleading.
surfeiting sickness from over eating or drinking.
sycamine mulberry.
tabering beating, as on a tabor or drum.
tabernacle tent, dwelling. (Here=body).
tabernacles tents, dwellings.
table writing tablet.
tables writing tablets.
tablet necklace, ornament.
tablets necklaces, ornaments.
tabret small drum.
tabrets small drums.
taches clasps, fastenings.
take trap, catch.
taken trapped, caught.
tale number.
tares weeds, darnel.
target shield.
targets shields.
taxation compulsory payment.
taxing registration, census.
teil tree oak tree.
tell count.
telleth counts.
temper mix.
tempered mixed, combined.
tempt test, try.
tempted tested, tried.
tempting testing, trying.
tenons projections on a piece of wood which fit into corresponding holes to make a joint.
teraphim images.
tetrarch ruler of one quarter of a country.
thee ward toward you.
third watch midnight to 3.00am.
thongs leather straps.
thought anxiety.
thyine sweet smelling wood.
till cultivate.
tillage cultivation.
tilled cultivated.
tiller of the ground farmer.
tillest cultivate.
tilleth cultivates.
timbrel type of tambourine or drum.
timbrels type of tambourine or drum.
tire head dress.
tires head dresses.
tithe give a tenth.
tittle small projection of some Hebrew letters, hence anything very small.
to the mercy seatward toward the mercy seat.
to us ward toward us.
to wit that is.
to you ward toward you.
told counted.
took shipping got into the boats.
tormentors torturers.
tow coarse fibres of flax or hemp used for spinning.
traffick trade.
translate transfer.
translated taken up to heaven.
travail manual labour.
travail with child labour in childbirth.
travailed laboured in childbirth.
travailest labours in childbirth.
travaileth labours in childbirth.
travaileth with child labours in childbirth.
travailing labouring in childbirth.
travailing woman woman in childbirth.
trespass sin, transgress.
trespassed sinned, transgressed.
trespasses sins, transgressions.
trespassing sinning.
trimmest arranges carefully.
trow think, suppose.
trump trumpet call.
turtle turtle dove.
turtles turtle doves.
tutors guardians.
twain two.
unawares secretly.
uncomely unpresentable.
undergirding passing ropes under a ship to strengthen it.
undersetters supports, bases.
undertake be surety for.
unicorn wild bull.
unicorns wild bulls.
unperfect imperfect, unformed.
untoward stubborn, unruly.
upbraid reproach.
upbraided reproached.
upbraideth reproaches.
us ward toward us.
usury interest on money lent.
utmost outermost.
utter outer.
uttermost last.
vagabond fugitive, wandering.
vail curtain.
vainglory extreme self pride and boastfulness.
vanities vain or useless things.
vaunt boast.
vaunteth boasts.
veil curtain.
vein lengthy and regularly shaped occurrence of ore.
verily surely, indeed, truly.
vermilion mercuric sulphide used as a bright red pigment.
vestments garments, robes.
vestry store room for robes.
vex harm.
vexation distress, affliction.
vexations troubles, afflictions.
vexed troubled.
vial shallow bowl or dish.
vials shallow bowls or dishes.
victuals food.
vile lowly.
vile person fool.
vile raiment filthy clothing.
viler more filthy.
vintage time of grape gathering.
viol lyre, stringed instrument.
viols lyres, stringed instruments.
virtue goodness.
visage face, expression.
volume scroll.
ward guard.
ware aware.
warp the threads running lengthwise in a loom.
waymarks guideposts.
we do you to wit we are letting you know.
went abroad went here and there.
whelp cub.
whelps cubs.
whether which (of two).
which who.
whither where.
will wish, desire.
wimples shawls, cloaks.
winefat wine vat, wine press.
winked at overlooked.
wist knew.
withal also.
without outside.
withs cords.
witty clever, skilful.
wont accustomed.
woof yarns carried back and forth across the loom in weaving.
wormwood bitter, oil yielding plant.
worse liking in worse condition.
worship have respect, honour.
wot know.
wotteth knows.
would to God oh that!
wreathen twisted, like cord.
wrest twist, distort.
wringed wrung.
writing table writing tablet.
wroth angry.
yesternight last night.
you ward toward you.
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