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Last active March 15, 2022 13:44
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Construct an EnregyPlus Schedule:Year object from multiple csv files
read_sch_data <- function(path) {
# read meta data
meta <- data.table::fread(path, nrows = 4)
# get the month number
month <- meta[V1 == "IMonth", as.integer(V2)]
# get the occu num
num <- meta[V1 == "OccuNum", as.integer(V2)]
# get the accom type
type <- meta[V1 == "AccomType", V2]
# read the schedule value
data <- data.table::fread(path, skip = 4)
data[, DiaryDay_Act := hms::as_hms(DiaryDay_Act)]
# get the weekday name from colum name
weekday <- names(data)[2L]
# get the interval in mins
interval <- diff(data$DiaryDay_Act[1:2]) / 60
# store all data
list(month = month, num = num, type = type, weekday = weekday,
interval = interval, data = data)
create_sch_daily <- function(idf, data, type_limits = "On/Off") {
# add an empty Schedule:Day:List object
sch <- idf$add(
Schedule_Day_List = list(
# create schedule name in style 'AccomType_Month_Weekday'
sprintf("%s_%s_%s", data$type,[data$month], data$weekday),
type_limits, "No", data$interval
sch$set(c(sch$value(1:4), data$data[[data$weekday]]))
create_sch_weekly <- function(idf, name, list_days) {
WEEKDAY <- c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday")
# stop if any weekday data is missing
if (any(mis_wd <- !WEEKDAY %in% names(list_days))) {
stop("Missing schedule for weekday [", paste(WEEKDAY[mis_wd], collapse = ", "), "]")
# create a "AlwaysOff" for weekends, design days and other days
# adjust this as you need
if (!idf$is_valid_class("Schedule:Day:Interval") ||
!idf$is_valid_name("AlwaysOff", "Schedule:Day:Interval")) {
idf$add(Schedule_Day_Interval = list("AlwaysOff", "On/Off", "No", "Until: 24:00", 0))
# create a daily schedule
Schedule_Week_Daily = list(
"AlwaysOff", "AlwaysOff",
"AlwaysOff", "AlwaysOff"
create_sch_yearly <- function(idf, name, list_months, type_limits = "Any number") {
# get the start and end day for each month
start <- lubridate::ymd("2022-01-01") + months(0:11)
end <- lubridate::rollforward(start)
# combine start day, end day and month schedules
data <- data.table::data.table(
index = seq_len(12),
start = start, end = end,
sch = purrr::map(list_months, ~.$name())
# get the start and end day field value
data[, `:=`(
start_month = as.list(lubridate::month(start)),
start_day = as.list(lubridate::mday(start)),
end_month = as.list(lubridate::month(end)),
end_day = as.list(lubridate::mday(end))
# remove original start and end column since not needed
data[, `:=`(start = NULL, end = NULL)]
# melt the data based on index column
m <-, "index")
data.table::setorderv(m, "index")
Schedule_Year = as.list(c(name, type_limits, m$value))
# use the example model distributed with EnergyPlus v8.8 for illustration
path_idf <- eplusr::path_eplus_example(8.8, "1ZoneUncontrolled.idf")
idf <- eplusr::read_idf(path_idf)
# read all schedule data for a certain week
path_csv <- list.files("CSV Dir", pattern = ".csv", full.names = TRUE)
sch_data <- purrr::map(path_csv, read_sch_data)
names(sch_data) <- purrr::map_chr(sch_data, ~.$weekday)
# create a daily schedule for each weekday
list_days <- purrr::map(sch_data, create_sch_daily, idf = idf)
# create a weekly schedule for a month
# here use Jan as an example
Jan <- create_sch_weekly(idf, "Jan", list_days)
# since the sample data is only for Jan, I create schedules for other months by
# duplicating Jan sch
list_months <- purrr::map(, ~{
if (. == "Jan") return(Jan)
new <- Jan$name()
names(new) <- .
# create yearly data using 12 month schedules
create_sch_yearly(idf, "Yearly", list_months, "On/Off")
#> <IdfObject: 'Schedule:Year'> [ID:72] `Yearly`
#> Class: <Schedule:Year>
#> +- 01*: "Yearly", !- Name
#> |- 02 : "On/Off", !- Schedule Type Limits Name
#> |- 03*: "Jan", !- Schedule:Week Name 1
#> |- 04*: 1, !- Start Month 1
#> |- 05*: 1, !- Start Day 1
#> |- 06*: 1, !- End Month 1
#> |- 07*: 31, !- End Day 1
#> |- 08 : "Feb", !- Schedule:Week Name 2
#> |- 09 : 2, !- Start Month 2
#> |- 10 : 1, !- Start Day 2
#> |- 11 : 2, !- End Month 2
#> |- 12 : 28, !- End Day 2
#> |- 13 : "Mar", !- Schedule:Week Name 3
#> |- 14 : 3, !- Start Month 3
#> |- 15 : 1, !- Start Day 3
#> |- 16 : 3, !- End Month 3
#> |- 17 : 31, !- End Day 3
#> |- 18 : "Apr", !- Schedule:Week Name 4
#> |- 19 : 4, !- Start Month 4
#> |- 20 : 1, !- Start Day 4
#> |- 21 : 4, !- End Month 4
#> |- 22 : 30, !- End Day 4
#> |- 23 : "May", !- Schedule:Week Name 5
#> |- 24 : 5, !- Start Month 5
#> |- 25 : 1, !- Start Day 5
#> |- 26 : 5, !- End Month 5
#> |- 27 : 31, !- End Day 5
#> |- 28 : "Jun", !- Schedule:Week Name 6
#> |- 29 : 6, !- Start Month 6
#> |- 30 : 1, !- Start Day 6
#> |- 31 : 6, !- End Month 6
#> |- 32 : 30, !- End Day 6
#> |- 33 : "Jul", !- Schedule:Week Name 7
#> |- 34 : 7, !- Start Month 7
#> |- 35 : 1, !- Start Day 7
#> |- 36 : 7, !- End Month 7
#> |- 37 : 31, !- End Day 7
#> |- 38 : "Aug", !- Schedule:Week Name 8
#> |- 39 : 8, !- Start Month 8
#> |- 40 : 1, !- Start Day 8
#> |- 41 : 8, !- End Month 8
#> |- 42 : 31, !- End Day 8
#> |- 43 : "Sep", !- Schedule:Week Name 9
#> |- 44 : 9, !- Start Month 9
#> |- 45 : 1, !- Start Day 9
#> |- 46 : 9, !- End Month 9
#> |- 47 : 30, !- End Day 9
#> |- 48 : "Oct", !- Schedule:Week Name 10
#> |- 49 : 10, !- Start Month 10
#> |- 50 : 1, !- Start Day 10
#> |- 51 : 10, !- End Month 10
#> |- 52 : 31, !- End Day 10
#> |- 53 : "Nov", !- Schedule:Week Name 11
#> |- 54 : 11, !- Start Month 11
#> |- 55 : 1, !- Start Day 11
#> |- 56 : 11, !- End Month 11
#> |- 57 : 30, !- End Day 11
#> |- 58 : "Dec", !- Schedule:Week Name 12
#> |- 59 : 12, !- Start Month 12
#> |- 60 : 1, !- Start Day 12
#> |- 61 : 12, !- End Month 12
#> \- 62 : 31; !- End Day 12
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