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M0r13n / doh
Last active September 14, 2024 23:22
Setup Cloudflare as a DoH (DNS over HTTPS) resolver on Mikrotik devices (RouterOS v7.0.2+)
# Temporarily add a normal upstream DNS resolver
/ip dns set servers=,
# CA certificates extracted from Mozilla
/tool fetch url=
# Import the downloaded ca-store (127 certificates)
/certificate import file-name=cacert.pem passphrase=""
# Set the DoH resolver to cloudflare
mohanpedala /
Last active September 20, 2024 16:38
set -e, -u, -o, -x pipefail explanation
tzmartin /
Last active September 15, 2024 15:58
m3u8 stream to mp4 using ffmpeg

1. Copy m3u8 link

Alt text

2. Run command

echo "Enter m3u8 link:";read link;echo "Enter output filename:";read filename;ffmpeg -i "$link" -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -vcodec copy -c copy -crf 50 $filename.mp4
timmolderez / pom.xml
Last active June 25, 2024 01:46
Adding dependencies to local .jar files in pom.xml
If you'd like to use a .jar file in your project, but it's not available in any Maven repository,
you can get around this by creating your own local repository. This is done as follows:
1 - To configure the local repository, add the following section to your pom.xml (inside the <project> tag):
<name>In Project Repo</name>
ryross /
Last active July 2, 2023 22:10
Move Odroid filesystem to SSD
## Instructions to switch odroid over to external ssd
# You shouldn’t see any errors when running this process, if you do. Stop immediately and ask me.
# run lsblk to see all the hard drives. You should see a line starting with mmcblk0 and then 2 more underneath it with
# mmcblk0p1 and mmcblk0p2. That’s the sd card disk and the sd card partitions. You’ll also see a line starting with
# sda (and/or sdb if there are two usb drives). We want to use the sd* one.
#pull out some of the values from lsblk so we can automate the rest of the script
read new_partition new_drive mountpoint <<< `lsblk -e 179 -l -o NAME,PKNAME,FSTYPE,MOUNTPOINT |grep 'vfat\s*/media/odroid' | awk {'print $1" "$2" "$4'}`
Brainiarc7 / VAAPI-hwaccel-encode-Linux-Ffmpeg&
Last active September 7, 2024 10:23
This gist contains instructions on setting up FFmpeg and Libav to use VAAPI-based hardware accelerated encoding (on supported platforms) for H.264 (and H.265 on supported hardware) video formats.

Using VAAPI's hardware accelerated video encoding on Linux with Intel's hardware on FFmpeg and libav

Hello, brethren :-)

As it turns out, the current version of FFmpeg (version 3.1 released earlier today) and libav (master branch) supports full H.264 and HEVC encode in VAAPI on supported hardware that works reliably well to be termed "production-ready".

ArtemGr /
Last active December 22, 2023 07:08
Read lines from a pipe as soon as they come out (useful for filtering).
#![feature(mpsc_select, box_syntax)]
use std::io;
use std::process::Command;
use std::sync::mpsc::{channel, Receiver, Select};
use std::string::FromUtf8Error;
use std::thread::spawn;
enum PipeError {
devinrhode2 / clean-scrollbar.css
Created May 2, 2012 03:42
Like, basically PERFECT scrollbars
* Like, basically PERFECT scrollbars
It's pure CSS.
Since a quick google search will confirm people going crazy about Mac OS Lion scrollbars...
this has no fade-out effect.
In Mac OS Lion, the lowest common denominator is always showing scrollbars by a setting.
farhadi / rc4.js
Created March 24, 2012 17:09
RC4 encryption in javascript and php
* RC4 symmetric cipher encryption/decryption
* @license Public Domain
* @param string key - secret key for encryption/decryption
* @param string str - string to be encrypted/decrypted
* @return string
function rc4(key, str) {
var s = [], j = 0, x, res = '';
endolith / Has weird right-to-left characters.txt
Last active August 16, 2024 00:38
Unicode kaomoji smileys emoticons emoji