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Last active September 27, 2016 20:50
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Git Helpers
# Original by Gary Bernhardt:
# Log output:
# 51c333e 2012-07-12 Gary Bernhardt add vim-eunuch
# The log format uses } characters between each field, and `column` is later
# used to split on them. A } in the commit subject or any other field will
# break this.
AUTHOR="%C(bold blue)%an%Creset"
show_git_head() {
echo "$(pretty_git_log -1)
$(git show --color -p --pretty="tformat:")" |
less -FXRS
pretty_git_log() {
git log --pretty="tformat:${FORMAT}" --date=short $* |
# Line columns up based on } delimiter
column -s '}' -t |
# Page only if we need to
less -FXRS
fixup() {
fixup_or_squash fixup
squash() {
fixup_or_squash squash
fixup_or_squash() {
git commit -am "$1! $(git log -1 --format='%s' $@)"
prune_merged() {
# TODO: Test for origin/master vs. master instead.
test -n "$1" && prune_merged_remotes $@ || prune_merged_local
prune_merged_local() {
git branch --list --merged |
grep --invert-match --extended-regexp '\*|master' |
xargs -n 1 git branch --delete
prune_merged_remotes() {
git fetch origin
git remote prune origin
git branch --list --remote --merged $1 |
grep --invert-match --extended-regexp "HEAD|master|$1" |
sed 's/ *origin\///' |
xargs -p -I branch git push origin :branch
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