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XML London 2017 bibtex
@INPROCEEDINGS {XMLLondon17.Lockett01,
title = "Distributing XSLT Processing between Client and Server",
author = "O'Neil Delpratt and Debbie Lockett",
crossref = "ISBN:9780992647148",
pages = "8-18",
booktitle = "XML London 2017 Conference Proceedings",
year = "2017",
doi = "10.14337/XMLLondon17.Lockett01",
url = "",
keywords = "xml,xmllondon,xmllondon17,xmllondon2017,XSLT,Client,Server",
abstract = "In this paper we present work on improving an existing inhouse License Tool application. €e current tool is a serverside web application, using XForms in the front end. €etool generates licenses for the Saxon commercial products using server-side XSLT processing. Our main focus is to move parts of the tool's architecture client-side, by using {"}interactive{"} XSLT 3.0 with Saxon-JS. A beneficial outcome of this redesign is that we have produced a truly XML endto-end application."
@INPROCEEDINGS {XMLLondon17.Rennau01,
title = "Location trees enable XSD based tool development",
author = "Hans-Jürgen Rennau",
crossref = "ISBN:9780992647148",
pages = "20-37",
booktitle = "XML London 2017 Conference Proceedings",
year = "2017",
doi = "10.14337/XMLLondon17.Rennau01",
url = "",
keywords = "xml,xmllondon,xmllondon17,xmllondon2017,XML Schema,Schema,XML tool chain,tool chain,chain",
abstract = "Conventional use of XSD documents is mostly limited to validation, documentation and the generation of data bindings, possibility of additional uses is little considered. €is is probably due to the difficulty of processing XSD, caused by its arcane graph structure. An effective solution might be a generic transformation of XSD documents into a tree-structured representation, capturing the model contents in a transformation-friendly way. Such a tree-structured schema derivative is offered by location trees, a format defined in this paper and generated by an opensource tool. €e intended use of location trees is an intermediate to be transformed into interesting artifacts. Using a chemical image, location trees can play the role of a catalyst, dramatically lowering the activation energy required to transform XSD into valuable substances. Apart from this capability, location trees are composed of a novel kind of model components inviting the attachment of metadata. €e resulting metadata trees enable innovative tools, including source code generators. A few examples illustrate the new possibilities, tentatively summarized as XSD based tool development. "
@INPROCEEDINGS {XMLLondon17.Pemberton01,
title = "An Architecture for Unified Access to the Internet of Things",
author = "Jack Jansen and Steven Pemberton",
crossref = "ISBN:9780992647148",
pages = "38-42",
booktitle = "XML London 2017 Conference Proceedings",
year = "2017",
doi = "10.14337/XMLLondon17.Pemberton01",
url = "",
keywords = "xml,xmllondon,xmllondon17,xmllondon2017,Internet of things,Internet,things,iot,REST,Software Architecture,Software,Architecture",
abstract = "The Internet of things is driven by many tiny low-powered processors that produce data in a variety of different formats, and produce the data in different ways, sometimes on demand (such as thermostats), sometimes by pushing (such as presence detectors). Traditionally, applications have to be a mash up of accesses to devices and formats. To use the data in a cohesive application, the data has to be collected and integrated; this allows very low demands to be put on the devices themselves. The architecture described places a thin layer around a diverse collection of Internet of things devices, hiding the data-format and data-access differences, unifying the actual data in a single XML repository, and updating the devices automatically as needed; this then allows a REST-style declarative interface to access and control the devices without having to worry about the variety of device-interfaces and formats. "
title = "Migrating journals content using Ant: A case study",
author = "Mark Dunn and Shani Chachamu",
crossref = "ISBN:9780992647148",
pages = "43-55",
booktitle = "XML London 2017 Conference Proceedings",
year = "2017",
doi = "10.14337/XMLLondon17.Dunn01",
url = "",
keywords = "xml,xmllondon,xmllondon17,xmllondon2017,Ant,JATS,oXygen XML Editor,oXygen,Editor,XSLT",
abstract = "Th€is paper is a case study of a project to migrate several thousand problematic articles (out of a collection of over 2 million) published online in academic journals to a new platform. €e text of the articles is captured as JATS XML [1]. Articles are loaded to the new platform in zip packages representing journal issues. Each package consists of an XML file for each article in the issue, together with associated assets (images, PDF versions, etc.). Most of the 2 million articles in our collection were migrated without a problem. But several thousand articles were not loaded successfully on the first pass. We describe the creation of an Ant pipeline to automatically fix the problems we found, which are typical of large historic data sets and included missing DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) [3], invalid subject taxonomic codes, badly-formatted publication dates, corrupt PDFs, and missing images. "
@INPROCEEDINGS {XMLLondon17.Kosek01,
title = "Improving validation of structured text",
author = "Jirka Kosek",
crossref = "ISBN:9780992647148",
pages = "56-67",
booktitle = "XML London 2017 Conference Proceedings",
year = "2017",
doi = "10.14337/XMLLondon17.Kosek01",
url = "",
keywords = "xml,xmllondon,xmllondon17,xmllondon2017,text validation,text,validation,grammars,XML schema,schema,text",
abstract = "XML schema languages are mature and well understood tool for validation of XML content. However the main focus of schema languages is on validation of document structure and values adhering to few relative simple standard data types. Controlling order and cardinality of elements and attributes is very easy in all of DTD, W3C XML Schema and RELAX NG. Checking that element/attribute values is number, date or string of particular length is also very easy in both W3C XML Schema and RELAX NG with XSD datatypes. However there are situations when traditional schema languages can not offer much validation. Many vocabularies are using structured text inside elements and attributes because it is more practical or concise than to express the same structure using additional elements and attributes. In many cases structured text can be described by grammar. In this paper/presentation I will show how to mix classical validation against XML schema with invocation of grammar based validation for elements/attributes containing structured text from Schematron schema. Proposed solution uses XSLT parsing function generated by REx from grammars and shows how to invoke code generated by REx from Schematron rules. Other integration techniques will be explored as well."
@INPROCEEDINGS {XMLLondon17.Cirulli01,
title = "XSpec v0.5.0",
author = "Sandro Cirulli",
crossref = "ISBN:9780992647148",
pages = "68-73",
booktitle = "XML London 2017 Conference Proceedings",
year = "2017",
doi = "10.14337/XMLLondon17.Cirulli01",
url = "",
keywords = "xml,xmllondon,xmllondon17,xmllondon2017,XSpec,Unit Testing,Testing,Behaviour Driven Development,Continuous Integration",
abstract = "XSpec is an open source unit test and behaviour driven development framework for XSLT and XQuery. XSpec v0.5.0 was released in January 2017 and included new features such as XSLT 3.0 support and JUnit report for integration with continuous integration tools. Th€e new release also fixed long standing bugs, provided feature parity between the Windows and MacOS/Linux scripts, integrated an automated test suite, and updated the documentation. XSpec v0.5.0 is currently included in oXygen 19.0. Th€is paper highlights the importance of testing, provides a brief history of the XSpec project, describes the new features available in XSpec v0.5.0 and the work currently under development for future releases, and reports the effort of the XML community to revive this open source project. "
@INPROCEEDINGS {XMLLondon17.Willems01,
title = "Bridging the gap between knowledge modelling and technical documentation: Engage subject-matter experts to contribute to knowledge management and help them write accurate & correct documentation.",
author = "Bert Willems",
crossref = "ISBN:9780992647148",
pages = "74-80",
booktitle = "XML London 2017 Conference Proceedings",
year = "2017",
doi = "10.14337/XMLLondon17.Willems01",
url = "",
keywords = "xmllondon,xmllondon17,xmllondon2017",
abstract = "Th€is paper describes an architecture which allows subjectmatter experts and the systems to co-create both structured content and knowledge models. Th€e proposed architecture creates a knowledge model from structured content which, in turn, is queried to validate and improve the accuracy and correctness of structured content leveraging the expertise of the subject-matter expert. €e proposed architecture effectively describes a feedback loop. "
@INPROCEEDINGS {XMLLondon17.Ahmed01,
title = "DataDock: Using GitHub to Publish Linked Open Data",
author = "Khalil Ahmed",
crossref = "ISBN:9780992647148",
pages = "81-88",
booktitle = "XML London 2017 Conference Proceedings",
year = "2017",
doi = "10.14337/XMLLondon17.Ahmed01",
url = "",
keywords = "xml,xmllondon,xmllondon17,xmllondon2017,Git,RDF,LinkedData",
abstract = "DataDock ( is a new service that aims to make it easy for anyone to publish Linked Open Data. It consists of two main parts, a data conversion service that turns CSV into RDF and creates a GitHub pages site from the data; and a gateway that performs the necessary redirects to make the published data work as Linked Data. Although a number of other projects already use GitHub and GitHub Pages as a way to manage and publish (Linked) Open Data, DataDock has a unique way of managing the raw RDF data that makes it possible to use Git commands to determine the change history of a dataset. €is paper will describe the technical implementation of the DataDock service and our approach to storing RDF data in Git. It also proposes a method for making use of our storage approach to support distributed SPARQL querying of DataDock repositories. "
@INPROCEEDINGS {XMLLondon17.Gibson01,
title = "Urban Legend or Best Practice: Teaching XSLT in The Age of Stack Overflow",
author = "Nic Gibson",
crossref = "ISBN:9780992647148",
pages = "89-102",
booktitle = "XML London 2017 Conference Proceedings",
year = "2017",
doi = "10.14337/XMLLondon17.Gibson01",
url = "",
keywords = "xml,xmllondon,xmllondon17,xmllondon2017,XSLT,teaching,Stack Overflow,StackOverflow",
abstract = "Traditional approaches to teaching XSLT and other development technologies are undergoing rapid change. The rise of online training platforms and peer to peer environments such as have changed the way that developers learn technologies. In the XSLT world we are extremely lucky to have some amazing people answering questions on the Mulberry mailing list and Stack Overflow. However, when a developer asks a question on Stack Overflow or uses Google to find an existing answer, the why behind any particular answer is often lost. A recent exchange on Stack Overflow led me to wonder how much of our best practice might be urban legend and to consider how XSLT and other technologies could be taught well in this online environment. This paper will investigate one or two of these questions and answers and consider whether ten year old questions and answers are the wisdom of the ages or myths and legends. I will consider whether answering questions online should be part of teaching or training experience or whether it is simply outsourced problem solving. Which of these approaches leads to higher quality XSLT development (and developers)?"
@PROCEEDINGS {ISBN:9780992647148,
title = "XML London 2017",
editor = "Charles Foster",
year = 2017,
isbn = "978-0-9926471-4-8",
publisher = "XML London",
booktitle = "XML London 2017 Conference Proceedings",
url = "",
keywords = "xml,xmllondon,xmllondon17,xmllondon2017"
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