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Last active March 28, 2024 08:12
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Function Composition in XQuery 3.1

Function Composition in XQuery 3.1


This module provides a compose function.


The module and default function namespaces are

Function: compose


This function applies each function in the $functions sequence to the $items sequence. If $functions is empty, it returns $items. Otherwise, it recursively applies the first function in $functions to each item in $items, and then calls itself with the result and the remaining functions.


  • $items: The items to be processed. It is of type item()*.
  • $functions: The functions to be applied to the items. It is of type function(item()*)*.


The result of applying each function to the items. The return type is item()*.


declare function compose(
    $items as item()*,
    $functions as function(item()*) as item()**
) as item()* {
    if (fn:empty($functions)) then $items
    else compose(fn:for-each($items, fn:head($functions)), fn:tail($functions))



: @version 1.0
: @see
: @module.description This module provides a compose function.
xquery version "3.1";
module namespace compose = "";
declare default function namespace "";
: @function.description This function applies each function in the $functions
: sequence to the $items sequence. If $functions is empty, it returns $items.
: Otherwise, it recursively applies the first function in $functions to each
: item in $items, and then calls itself with the result and the remaining
: functions.
: @param $items The items to be processed.
: @param $functions The functions to be applied to the items.
: @return The result of applying each function to the items.
declare function compose(
$items as item()*,
$functions as function(item()*) as item()**
) as item()* {
if (fn:empty($functions)) then $items
else compose(fn:for-each($items, fn:head($functions)), fn:tail($functions))
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