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Last active March 7, 2018 21:01
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Simple text-based limit order vizualizer
import math
def vizOr():
The buy orders are shown as a plus (+) sign,
the sell orders are shown as a minus (-) sign.
Obviously, you would want to provide a live
market price and list of your orders to the
markP = 100 # Set the market price
consoleWidth = 80 # Width of your console
pList = [97.5, 91, 101.5, 90, 130.25] # A list of prices of all your limit orders; both buys and sells.
strBuy =''; strSell = ''
maxChar = consoleWidth - 2*len(pList) - 3*len(str(markP)) - 6 # Adjusts maxChar to ensure the text stays on 1 line
if len(pList) > 0:
minP = min(pList); maxP = max(pList); pRange = maxP - minP
for i in range(0, len(pList) - 1):
if pList[i] < markP:
strBuy = strBuy + '+' + ' ' * round(maxChar*(pList[i + 1] - pList[i])/pRange)
elif pList[i] == markP:
strSell = strSell + str(markP) + ' ' * round(maxChar*(pList[i + 1] - pList[i])/pRange)
elif pList[i] > markP:
strSell = strSell + '-' + ' ' * round(maxChar*(pList[i + 1] - pList[i])/pRange)
if minP < markP: strBuy = ' ' + str(math.floor(minP)) + ' ' + strBuy
if maxP > markP: strSell = strSell + '-' + ' ' + str(math.ceil(maxP))
print('\n'*2 + strBuy + strSell + '\n'*2)
else: print('No open orders....')
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This is what the output from above will look like...

vizor good

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