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Last active November 3, 2020 23:57
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"meta": { "theme": "short" },
"basics": {
"name": "Kengo Hamasaki",
"label": "Software Developer",
"picture": "",
"email": "",
"website": "",
"summary": "Kengo is an end to end web engineer from Japan. He started his carrier from DevOps but shifted his primary focus toward Frontend until today through Middleware and Backend. Dove into product management, design, and customer support as a first employee of a fast-growing startup. Current favorite areas are \"payment processing\" and \"static site generation\". Loving OSS development.",
"location": {
"address": "Dolores",
"postalCode": "CA 94103",
"city": "San Francisco",
"countryCode": "US",
"region": "California"
"profiles": [
"network": "GitHub",
"username": "@hmsk",
"url": ""
"network": "Twitter",
"username": "@hmsk (Japanese)",
"url": ""
"work": [
"company": "Indiegogo, Inc.",
"summary": "Indiegogo is the place for entrepreneurial projects to move quickly from concept to market, amplified by a community of backers who believe the world benefits when every idea gets an equal shot at success.",
"position": "Senior Software Engineer II",
"website": "",
"startDate": "2016-08-22",
"highlights": [
"Worked for Indiegogo as \"Software Engineer\" until 2017/03, as \"Senior Software Engineer I\" until 2020/03.",
"Main technical area was in \"Ruby on Rails backend\" and \"AngularJS/Vue.js frontend\". Worked for a ton of feature development of",
"As an individual contributor, keeping productivity high in building products and supporting other developers; Made the most number of commits to our main repository in 2018, the second-most in 2019. Also, reviewed the most number of Pull Requests in 2018, 2019.",
"Led some projects that were depending on Stripe API: Planned and ran migrations for 100k+ Stripe Connect accounts to follow new API requirements, built a new payment process with SCA aka 3D Secure, renewed a customer verification process to support new eKYC requirements, built a comprehensive UI+API to accept bank information of multiple countries/currencies.",
"Led replacement of frontend stack long time; Kept up-to-date of depending libraries continuously. Created Indiegogo's design system from scratch with involving designers. Initiated a whole new frontend technology stack to replace AngularJS with Vue.js.",
"Dove into some experimental projects to evaluate half-backed technologies. Built an original SSR system for non-SSR-ready AngularJS 1.x with Node.js express server and ESI (Edge Side Inclusion) with Varnish(Fastly). Ran evaluation for modern frontend frameworks (Elm, Angular, React, and Vue) and technologies (Build systems, template engines, ...etc).",
"Published some OSS through indiegogo org on GitHub: vuex-module-validatable-state, vue-sfc-analyzer-webpack-plugin."
"company": "WebPay, Inc.",
"position": "Software Engineer / VP of Product Development",
"website": "",
"startDate": "2012-11-01",
"endDate": "2016-08-12",
"summary": "WebPay is a startup that offers credit-card payment gateway with developer friendly API and SDKs. The company is acquired by LINE in 2015.",
"highlights": [
"Built RESTful API service which is compatible with Stripe API from scratch with Ruby on Rails, Delayed Job, MySQL, HAML, Sass, and Bootstrap",
"Built Ruby, Android, and JavaScript SDKs for external developers who use WebPay",
"Built secure credit card payment form with JavaScript and design its UI/UX like Stripe.js as of today",
"Automated many manual operations with regard to credit-card payments: account activation, billing, and fraud resolution, disputes, and chargeback",
"Managed product development of whole services",
"Supported many customers/developers who build their web application using WebPay",
"Kept highly security level of as credit card payment service (PCI DSS Level 1)"
"company": "Cookpad, Inc.",
"position": "Software Engineer / Infrastructure Engineer",
"website": "",
"startDate": "2010-04-01",
"endDate": "2012-10-31",
"summary": "Cookpad runs the biggest cooking recipe sharing service.",
"highlights": [
"Operated highly available and heavy traffic web infrastructure",
"Replaced the content delivery system with Varnish caching, by which improving availablity and response time remarkably",
"Built features for users who publish cooking recipes on",
"Built simple framework which provides a JavaScript API for native Android interfaces",
"Built and released two Android applications, one of which has over 5 million downloads on Google Play in 2012"
"company": "Hatena Co., Ltd.",
"position": "Infrastructure Engineer",
"website": "",
"startDate": "2008-04-01",
"endDate": "2010-03-31",
"summary": "",
"highlights": [
"Operated 500+ physical linux servers in data center and 1000+ virtual linux servers with Xen",
"Built RPM packager with resolving CPAN dependencies",
"Designed original chassis for server, based on Hydrodynamics"
"volunteer": [
"organization": "RubyKaigi",
"position": "Organizer (2014, 2018, 2019), Staff (2015, 2016, 2017), Helper (2010, 2011, 2013)",
"website": "",
"startDate": "2010-08-27",
"summary": "RubyKaigi is an annual conference for Ruby programmers in Japan.",
"highlights": [
"Setup and helped run the conference",
"File and apply for speakers and attendees visiting the conference",
"Built and operated the digital signage system with Node.js, Heroku, and Android (2014), EmberJS and Firebase (2016), Nuxt.js and Firebase (2018)",
"Manage inquiries from overseas attendees and sponsors",
"Work on making documents to apply the visa for attendees who visits Japan from overseas"
"education": [
"institution": "Graduate School of Electro-Communications",
"area": "Engineering",
"studyType": "Master (Not obtained nor graduated)",
"startDate": "2009-04-01",
"endDate": "2011-03-31",
"courses": [
"institution": "University of Electro-Communications",
"area": "Engineering",
"studyType": "Bachelor",
"startDate": "2007-04-01",
"endDate": "2009-03-31",
"courses": [
"institution": "Kitakyushu National College of Technology",
"area": "Engineering",
"studyType": "Associate Bachelor",
"startDate": "2002-04-01",
"endDate": "2007-03-31",
"courses": [
"awards": [
"title": "Meguro-kai Prize",
"date": "2009-03-31",
"awarder": "President of University of Electro-Communications",
"summary": "Excellent achiever among the graduates."
"publications": [
"name": "見落とされているApple Payの本当の価値 - What ApplePay really means",
"publisher": "Techcrunch Japan",
"releaseDate": "2015-03-20",
"website": "",
"summary": "Guest post on Apple Pay's business structure with regard to credit-card system for Japanese."
"name": "Web決済入門 - Web payments first guide for Web developers",
"publisher": "Gijutsu-Hyohron Co., Ltd.",
"releaseDate": "2013-08-28",
"website": "",
"summary": "Featured article about Web payments. Gihyo is a magazine for Web developers in Japan. Detailed explanation of payment methods and credit-card payment systems and tutorials on how to integrate WebPay, PayPal, Apple In-App Purchase, and Google Play In-App Billing."
"name": "ウェブオペレーション - Web Operations",
"publisher": "O'Reilly Japan, Inc.",
"releaseDate": "2011-05-10",
"website": "",
"summary": "Guest post on backend infrastructure of to the Japanese translation of Web Operations from O'Reilly Media."
"skills": [
"name": "Software Development",
"keywords": [
"Ruby", "Ruby on Rails",
"TypeScript", "JavaScript",
"RSpec", "Jest",
"Vue.js", "Vuex", "Nuxt.js", "React", "Redux", "Next.js",
"Webpack", "Rollup",
"ESLint", "Storybook", "PostCSS",
"HTML5 / CSS3",
"MySQL", "Redis"
"name": "Styles / Tools",
"keywords": [
"Test Driven Development",
"Continuous Integration",
"Continuous Deployment",
"DevOps", "ChatOps",
"GitHub Flow",
"Heroku Flow",
"CircleCI", "GitHub Actions",
"Heroku", "Netlify", "Vercel",
"Stripe (Payment)",
"Varnish, Fastly",
"Google Cloud Platform",
"Amazon Web Service"
"languages": [
"language": "Japanese",
"fluency": "Native"
"language": "English",
"fluency": "Working proficiency"
"references": [
"name": "Siena Aguayo (Co-worker at Indiegogo, Inc.)",
"reference": "Kengo is an extremely thoughtful, hard-working engineer with in-depth experience in full-stack web development and build systems. At Indiegogo, Kengo took a leadership role in maintaining and modernizing our JavaScript stack, eventually leading the charge for our transition from AngularJS to Vue.js. Kengo wrote most of the foundational code for the Vue infrastructure and build system and pioneered a component library and design system that brought designers and developers even closer together. Kengo has a very close pulse on the latest developments in the JavaScript community and is constantly trying out new things in his spare time. He is also very involved in the Ruby community and has a strong grip on architectural best practices and object-oriented design patterns. He provides very deep feedback during code reviews and writes the best pull request descriptions I've ever seen. I would love to work with Kengo again, and any team would be lucky to have such a talented, passionate individual."
"name": "Mike McGowan (Co-worker at Indiegogo, Inc.)",
"reference": "I had the absolute pleasure of working with Kengo for almost three years. Over the course of those years, I saw the true breadth of his performance as an employee and the staggering depths of his knowledge as a software engineer.\nKengo led several key initiatives that would seem daunting to even the savviest of engineers; however, his experience as a seasoned technician and his admirable commitment to collaboration carried him through these initiatives seamlessly. Everything that I know about effectively developing and maintaining front end architecture, I learned from him, and I consider myself incredibly lucky for that fact.\nKengo would be a huge value add to any team fortunate enough to welcome him; I earnestly give him my highest recommendation."
"name": "Zachary Scott @_zzak (Ex-Roomate, Co-Staff of RubyKaigi)",
"reference": "I've known Hamasaki-san for about 2 years now, his hard work on RubyKaigi and job are repeatedly visible. I always see him carrying a laptop, and when he stayed with me last year, for 2 weeks all he did was work.. and eat ramen. I'm confident that if I recommend hmsk for any job he would work his hardest no matter what it is."
"name": "Yohei Okada (Co-worker at WebPay, Inc.)",
"reference": "I worked closely with hmsk at WebPay and highly recommend him. I saw him lead product development, support customers, and handle account activation. He was the most critical member at our team, and without him, our company and product wouldn't have accomplished the same growth. He designs using css, writes clean code in ruby and javascript, and looks over the servers."
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