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IsaacXen /
Last active September 25, 2024 07:30
(Almost) Every WWDC videos download links for aria2c.
FWEugene /
Created January 10, 2019 17:37
All about concurrency


Foundation offers a Thread class, internally based on pthread, that can be used to create new threads and execute closures.

// Detaches a new thread and uses the specified selector as the thread entry point.
Thread.detachNewThreadSelector(selector: Selector>, toTarget: Any, with: Any)

// Subclass
class MyThread: Thread {
elaughli /
Created December 12, 2018 22:33
function to convert a saved obj file to USDZ in objective-c
// path to documents directory to save our usdc file
NSString* usdcPath = [documentsDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"usdcExample.usdc"];
NSURL *usdcUrl = [NSURL fileURLWithPath: usdcPath];
// path to documents directory to save our final usdz file
NSString* usdzPath = [documentsDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"usdzExample.usdz"];
NSURL *usdzUrl = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:usdzPath];
// load the .obj file at filePath as an MDLAsset
NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:filePath];
pierrejoubert73 /
Last active September 25, 2024 14:07
How to add a collapsible section in markdown.

How to add a collapsible section in markdown

1. Example

Click me


  1. Foo
  2. Bar
    • Baz
  • Qux
cromandini /
Last active August 29, 2024 12:18 — forked from cconway25/gist:7ff167c6f98da33c5352
This run script will build the iphoneos and iphonesimulator schemes and then combine them into a single framework using the lipo tool (including all the Swift module architectures).
# make sure the output directory exists
# Step 1. Build Device and Simulator versions
xcodebuild -target "${PROJECT_NAME}" ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO -configuration ${CONFIGURATION} -sdk iphoneos BUILD_DIR="${BUILD_DIR}" BUILD_ROOT="${BUILD_ROOT}" clean build
xcodebuild -target "${PROJECT_NAME}" -configuration ${CONFIGURATION} -sdk iphonesimulator ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO BUILD_DIR="${BUILD_DIR}" BUILD_ROOT="${BUILD_ROOT}" clean build
staltz /
Last active September 25, 2024 09:04
The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing
tsiege / The Technical Interview Cheat
Last active September 25, 2024 14:38
This is my technical interview cheat sheet. Feel free to fork it or do whatever you want with it. PLEASE let me know if there are any errors or if anything crucial is missing. I will add more links soon.


I have moved this over to the Tech Interview Cheat Sheet Repo and has been expanded and even has code challenges you can run and practice against!


brentsimmons / headerview.m
Created April 26, 2014 22:09
UITableView header issues
#pragma mark - Class Methods
+ (BOOL)requiresConstraintBasedLayout {
return YES;
#pragma mark - Init
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame {
d-ronnqvist / Thoughts on removedOnCompletion in
Last active May 16, 2020 02:51
What I think is wrong with the Spark Recording Circle code and why

There was [a tweet][tweetSoto] a couple of days ago that resulted in a discussion/question about what it wrong with the usage of removedOnCompletion = NO in the [SparkRecordingCircle code][code] for that [Subjective-C post][post].

We all kept saying that the explanation doesn't fit in a tweet, so here is my rough explanation about the issues.

But, let me first say that I think that the Subjective-C articles are reallt cool and useful to learn from. This is trying to reason about the general usage of removedOnCompletion = NO, using that code as an example, since that was what was discussed on twitter.

The root problem, as [Nacho Soto pointed out][rootProblem], is that removedOnCompletion = NO in combination with fillMode = kCAFillModeForwards is almost always used when you are not updating the model layer. This means that after the animation has finished, what you see on screen is not reflected in the property of the layer. The biggest issue that this can cause is that all the

advantis / ADVFileSharer.h
Created June 10, 2013 07:52
Reusable wrapper for UIDocumentInteractionController's "Open In" menu
// Copyright © 2013 Yuri Kotov
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface ADVFileSharer : NSObject
- (instancetype) initWithFileURL:(NSURL *)url;
- (BOOL) presentShareMenuFromBarButtonItem:(UIBarButtonItem *)item completion:(void(^)())completion;