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Last active August 23, 2024 12:13
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CopyQ - Snippets Command (with custom dialog position)
var x = 1850
var y = 1000
var snippetsTabName = 'Snippets'
// List snippets instead of search combo box?
var listSnippets = false
function newVarRe(content) {
return new RegExp('\\\\${' + content + '}', 'g')
function getText(item, format) {
return str(item[format] || '')
function assignPlaceholder(snippet, placeholder, value) {
return snippet.replace(newVarRe(placeholder + ':?.*?'), value)
function fuzzyIndexOf(snippetNames, snippetName) {
var re = new RegExp(snippetName, 'i')
for (var i in snippetNames) {
if (snippetNames[i].match(re))
return i;
return -1
function loadSnippets(snippetNames, snippets)
var tabs = tab()
for (var i in tabs) {
var tabName = tabs[i];
if (tabName != snippetsTabName && tabName.indexOf(snippetsTabName + '/') != 0)
var prefix = tabName.substring(snippetsTabName.length + 1)
if (prefix)
prefix += ': '
for (var j = 0; j < size(); ++j) {
var snippet = getitem(j)
var snippetName = getText(snippet, mimeItemNotes)
|| getText(snippet, mimeText)
|| getText(snippet, mimeHtml)
snippetNames.push(prefix + snippetName)
function askForSnippet(snippetNames, snippets) {
var list = listSnippets ? '.list:' : ''
var snippet = dialog(
'.title', 'Select Snippet',
'.x', x,
'.y', y,
list + 'Snippet', snippetNames
) || abort()
if (listSnippets)
return snippets[snippet]
var i = snippetNames.indexOf(snippet)
if (i != -1)
return snippets[i]
i = fuzzyIndexOf(snippetNames, snippet)
if (i != -1)
return snippets[i]
'Snippet Not Found',
'No matching snippet found for \"' + snippetName + '\"!'
function getPlaceholders(snippet) {
var placeholders = {}
var m
var reVar = newVarRe('([^:}]*):?(.*?)')
while ((m = reVar.exec(snippet)) !== null) {
if (!(m[1] in placeholders))
placeholders[m[1]] = m[2].replace('\\\\n', '\\n')
return placeholders
function assignPlaceholders(text, values) {
if (!(values instanceof Object)) {
text = assignPlaceholder(text, '.*?', values)
} else {
for (var name in values)
text = assignPlaceholder(text, name, values[name])
return text
function askToAssignPlaceholders(snippet, format, values) {
var text = getText(snippet, format)
var placeholders = getPlaceholders(text)
if (Object.keys(placeholders).length < 1)
if (values) {
snippet[format] = assignPlaceholders(text, values)
return values
var label = escapeHtml(text)
.replace(newVarRe('([^:}]*).*?'), '<b>$1</b>')
var dialogVars = [
'.title', 'Set Snippet Values',
'.x', x,
'.y', y,
'.label', label
for (var name in placeholders) {
var values = placeholders[name].split(',')
dialogVars.push((values.length == 1) ? values[0] : values)
var values = dialog.apply(this, dialogVars) || abort()
snippet[format] = assignPlaceholders(text, values)
return values
function pasteSnippet(mime, content) {
copy(mime, content)
copySelection(mime, content)
var snippetNames = []
var snippets = []
loadSnippets(snippetNames, snippets)
var snippet = askForSnippet(snippetNames, snippets)
values = askToAssignPlaceholders(snippet, mimeText)
askToAssignPlaceholders(snippet, mimeHtml, values)
pasteSnippet(mimeItems, pack(snippet))"
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