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Created February 24, 2024 03:10
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Script to check whether a given attestation keybox is revoked on Google's CRL
import requests
import sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from cryptography import x509
Usage: keybox.xml
Checks the EC and RSA certificates against the official CRL
Example output:
EC Cert SN: 43cf4aa6e5d9744dd436d9d5ef1391cd
RSA Cert SN: ad3b740cccc9369f89240dbc5284cb10
Keybox is revoked!
crl = requests.get('', headers={'Cache-Control':'max-age=0'}).json()
certs = [elem.text for elem in ET.parse(sys.argv[1]).getroot().iter() if elem.tag == 'Certificate']
def parse_cert(cert):
cert = "\n".join(line.strip() for line in cert.strip().split("\n"))
parsed = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(cert.encode())
return f'{parsed.serial_number:x}'
ec_cert_sn, rsa_cert_sn = parse_cert(certs[0]), parse_cert(certs[3])
print(f'\nEC Cert SN: {ec_cert_sn}\nRSA Cert SN: {rsa_cert_sn}')
if any(sn in crl["entries"].keys() for sn in (ec_cert_sn, rsa_cert_sn)):
print('\nKeybox is revoked!')
print('\nKeybox is still valid!')
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