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Playwright for .NET Documentation

Playwright for .NET 🎭

Playwright for .NET is the official language port of Playwright.

✅ Chromium ✅ Firefox ✅ WebKit


Playwright is a framework for Web Testing and Automation. It allows testing Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API. Playwright is built to enable cross-browser web automation that is ever-green, capable, reliable and fast.


e.g. Page.Locator


e.g. Page.EvaluateAsync<T>, Page.EvalOnSelectorAsync<T>

Playwright Contributions

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Playwright;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace PlaywrightVanilla.Sample.NUnit
public class Examples
async Task<IBrowser> Browser()
var playwright = await Playwright.CreateAsync();
var browser = await playwright.Chromium.LaunchAsync(new BrowserTypeLaunchOptions
Headless = true,
// IBrowserType
_ = new[] { playwright.Chromium, playwright.Firefox, playwright.Webkit };
// OSPlatform
_ = new[] { OSPlatform.FreeBSD, OSPlatform.Linux, OSPlatform.OSX, OSPlatform.Windows };
// Architecture
_ = new[] { Architecture.X86, Architecture.X64, Architecture.Arm, Architecture.Arm64, Architecture.Wasm, Architecture.S390x };
return browser;
public async Task close_Browser()
var browser = await Browser();
await browser.CloseAsync();
public async Task using_Browser()
using var playwright = await Playwright.CreateAsync();
await using var browser = await playwright.Chromium.LaunchAsync();
// ...
async Task<IPage> Page()
var browser = await Browser();
var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();
return page;
public async Task close_Page()
var page = await Page();
await page.CloseAsync();
public async Task navigation()
var page = await Page();
await page.GotoAsync("");
await page.GoBackAsync();
await page.GoForwardAsync();
await page.ReloadAsync();
public async Task timeout()
var page = await Page();
var timeout = (int)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30).TotalMilliseconds; // default value
await page.GotoAsync("", new() { Timeout = timeout });
public async Task wait()
var page = await Page();
var timeout = (int)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3).TotalMilliseconds;
var tasks = new Task[]
page.WaitForConsoleMessageAsync(new() { Timeout = timeout }),
page.WaitForDownloadAsync(new() { Timeout = timeout }),
page.WaitForFileChooserAsync(new() { Timeout = timeout }),
page.WaitForFunctionAsync("() => window.location.href === ''", null, new() { Timeout = timeout }),
page.WaitForLoadStateAsync(LoadState.Load, new() { Timeout = timeout }),
//page.WaitForNavigationAsync(), // Obsolete
page.WaitForPopupAsync(new() { Timeout = timeout }),
page.WaitForRequestAsync("", new() { Timeout = timeout }),
page.WaitForRequestFinishedAsync(new() { Timeout = timeout }),
page.WaitForResponseAsync("", new() { Timeout = timeout }),
//page.WaitForSelectorAsync(), // Using ILocator objects and web-first assertions makes the code wait-for-selector-free.
page.WaitForURLAsync("", new() { Timeout = timeout }),
page.WaitForWebSocketAsync(new() { Timeout = timeout }),
page.WaitForWorkerAsync(new() { Timeout = timeout }),
await page.GotoAsync("");
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
tasks = new Task[]
page.RunAndWaitForConsoleMessageAsync(async () => await Task.Delay(1), new() { Timeout = timeout }),
page.RunAndWaitForDownloadAsync(async() => await Task.Delay(1), new() { Timeout = timeout }),
page.RunAndWaitForFileChooserAsync(async() => await Task.Delay(1), new() { Timeout = timeout }),
//page.RunAndWaitForNavigationAsync(), // Obsolete
page.RunAndWaitForPopupAsync(async() => await Task.Delay(1), new() { Timeout = timeout }),
page.RunAndWaitForRequestAsync(async() => await Task.Delay(1), "", new() { Timeout = timeout }),
page.RunAndWaitForRequestFinishedAsync(async() => await Task.Delay(1), new() { Timeout = timeout }),
page.RunAndWaitForResponseAsync(async() => await Task.Delay(1), "", new() { Timeout = timeout }),
page.RunAndWaitForWebSocketAsync(async() => await Task.Delay(1), new() { Timeout = timeout }),
page.RunAndWaitForWorkerAsync(async() => await Task.Delay(1), new() { Timeout = timeout }),
await page.GotoAsync("");
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
await page.Locator("h1 >> text=Playwright for .NET").WaitForAsync(new() { Timeout = timeout });
// LoadState
_ = new[] { LoadState.Load, LoadState.DOMContentLoaded, LoadState.NetworkIdle };
// WaitUntilState
_ = new[] { WaitUntilState.Load, WaitUntilState.DOMContentLoaded, WaitUntilState.NetworkIdle, WaitUntilState.Commit };
// WaitForSelectorState
_ = new[] { WaitForSelectorState.Attached, WaitForSelectorState.Detached, WaitForSelectorState.Visible, WaitForSelectorState.Hidden };
public async Task values_from_Page()
var page = await Page();
await page.GotoAsync("");
_ = page.Url;
await page.ContentAsync();
await page.GetAttributeAsync("a >> text=playwright-dotnet", "href");
await page.InnerHTMLAsync("h1 >> text=Playwright for .NET");
await page.InnerTextAsync("h1 >> text=Playwright for .NET");
await page.InputValueAsync("#query-builder-test");
await page.TextContentAsync("h1 >> text=Playwright for .NET");
await page.TitleAsync();
await page.PdfAsync();
await page.ScreenshotAsync();
public async Task values_from_Locator()
var page = await Page();
await page.GotoAsync("");
var locator = page.Locator("h1 >> text=Playwright for .NET");
await locator.AllInnerTextsAsync();
await locator.AllTextContentsAsync();
await locator.CountAsync();
await locator.GetAttributeAsync("href");
await locator.InnerHTMLAsync();
await locator.InnerTextAsync();
await locator.InputValueAsync();
await locator.TextContentAsync();
public async Task form()
var page = await Page();
await page.GotoAsync("");
// accept cookies
await page.ClickAsync("button >> text=Continue with Recommended Cookies");
// input / text
await page.FillAsync("input[name='firstname']", "Playwright");
// input / radio
await page.ClickAsync("#exp-6");
// input / checkbox
await page.CheckAsync("#profession-1");
// select / option
await page.SelectOptionAsync("#continents", "Europe"); // Use ILocator.SelectOptionAsync instead.
// input / file
await page.SetInputFilesAsync("#photo", @"..\..\..\..\..\icon.png");
// button
await page.ClickAsync("#submit");
// other
await page.DblClickAsync("#main");
await page.DragAndDropAsync("", "");
await page.FocusAsync("#submit");
await page.HoverAsync("#main");
await page.PressAsync("#main", "Control+C");
await page.SetCheckedAsync("#profession-1", true);
await page.TapAsync("#main");
//await page.TypeAsync(); // Obsolete
await page.UncheckAsync("#profession-1");
// Locator
var locator = page.Locator("main");
await locator.CheckAsync();
await locator.ClearAsync();
await locator.ClickAsync();
await locator.DblClickAsync();
await locator.DragToAsync();
await locator.FillAsync("");
await locator.FocusAsync();
await locator.HoverAsync();
await locator.PressAsync("Control");
await locator.PressSequentiallyAsync("Control+C");
await locator.SelectOptionAsync("");
await locator.SetCheckedAsync(true);
await locator.SetInputFilesAsync("");
await locator.TapAsync();
//await locator.TypeAsync(); // Obsolete
await locator.UncheckAsync();
public async Task evaluate()
var page = await Page();
await page.GotoAsync("");
var outerHtml = await page.EvalOnSelectorAsync<string>("a >> text=playwright-dotnet", "e => e.outerHTML");
var hasContent = await page.EvalOnSelectorAsync<bool>("a >> text=playwright-dotnet", "(e, value) => e.textContent.includes(value)", "playwright-dotnet");
Assert.AreEqual("<a data-pjax=\"#repo-content-pjax-container\" data-turbo-frame=\"repo-content-turbo-frame\" href=\"/microsoft/playwright-dotnet\">playwright-dotnet</a>", outerHtml);
// other
await page.EvalOnSelectorAllAsync("a >> text=playwright-dotnet", "e => e.outerHTML");
await page.EvaluateAsync("document.body");
await page.EvaluateHandleAsync("document.body");
var locator = page.Locator("a >> text=playwright-dotnet");
outerHtml = await locator.EvaluateAsync<string>("e => e.outerHTML");
hasContent = await locator.EvaluateAsync<bool>("(e, value) => e.textContent.includes(value)", "playwright-dotnet");
Assert.AreEqual("<a data-pjax=\"#repo-content-pjax-container\" data-turbo-frame=\"repo-content-turbo-frame\" href=\"/microsoft/playwright-dotnet\">playwright-dotnet</a>", outerHtml);
// other
await locator.EvaluateAllAsync<string>("e => e.outerHTML");
await locator.EvaluateHandleAsync("e => e.outerHTML");
public async Task is_()
var page = await Page();
await page.GotoAsync("");
Assert.False(await page.IsCheckedAsync("#include_email"));
Assert.False(await page.IsDisabledAsync("#query-builder-test"));
Assert.True(await page.IsEditableAsync("#query-builder-test"));
Assert.True(await page.IsEnabledAsync("#query-builder-test"));
Assert.True(await page.IsHiddenAsync("#query-builder-test"));
Assert.False(await page.IsVisibleAsync("#query-builder-test"));
var locator = page.Locator("#include_email");
Assert.False(await locator.IsCheckedAsync());
locator = page.Locator("#query-builder-test");
Assert.False(await locator.IsDisabledAsync());
Assert.True(await locator.IsEditableAsync());
Assert.True(await locator.IsEnabledAsync());
Assert.True(await locator.IsHiddenAsync());
Assert.False(await locator.IsVisibleAsync());
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ghost commented Feb 17, 2021

How do we use XPATH ?
can we use for a CLICKASYNC::
await page.ClickAsync("xpath=./div[class="cookieinfo-close"]")

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@lcpautotester, I would write:

await page.ClickAsync("//div[@class='cookieinfo-close']");

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ghost commented Feb 18, 2021

@lcpautotester, I would write:

await page.ClickAsync("//div[@class='cookieinfo-close']");

Thank you :)

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