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Created September 6, 2015 07:55
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Material Design Chat
h1.title Material Design Chat
a.main-nav-item-link(href="#") Blake
class Messenger {
constructor() {
this.messageList = [];
this.deletedList = []; = 1; // completely arbitrary id
this.them = 5; // and another one
this.onRecieve = (message) => console.log('Recieved: ' + message.text);
this.onSend = (message) => console.log('Sent: ' + message.text);
this.onDelete = (message) => console.log('Deleted: ' + message.text);
send(text = '') {
text = this.filter(text);
if (this.validate(text)) {
let message = {
text: text,
time: new Date().getTime()
recieve(text = '') {
text = this.filter(text);
if (this.validate(text)) {
let message = {
user: this.them,
text: text,
time: new Date().getTime()
delete(index) {
index = index || (this.messageLength - 1);
let deleted = this.messageLength.pop();
filter(input) {
let output = input.replace('bad input', 'good output'); // such amazing filter there right?
return output;
validate(input) {
return !!input.length; // an amazing example of validation I swear.
class BuildHTML {
constructor() {
this.messageWrapper = 'message-wrapper';
this.circleWrapper = 'circle-wrapper';
this.textWrapper = 'text-wrapper';
this.meClass = 'me';
this.themClass = 'them';
_build(text, who) {
return `<div class="${this.messageWrapper} ${this[who + 'Class']}">
<div class="${this.circleWrapper} animated bounceIn"></div>
<div class="${this.textWrapper}">...</div>
me(text) {
return this._build(text, 'me');
them(text) {
return this._build(text, 'them');
$(document).ready(function() {
let messenger = new Messenger();
let buildHTML = new BuildHTML();
let $input = $('#input');
let $send = $('#send');
let $content = $('#content');
let $inner = $('#inner');
function safeText(text) {
function animateText() {
setTimeout(() => {
$content.find('.message-wrapper').last().find('.text-wrapper').addClass('animated fadeIn');
}, 350)
function scrollBottom() {
scrollTop: $($content).offset().top + $($content).outerHeight(true)
}, {
queue: false,
duration: 'ease'
function buildSent(message) {
console.log('sending: ', message.text);
function buildRecieved(message) {
console.log('recieving: ', message.text);
function sendMessage() {
let text = $input.val();
messenger.onSend = buildSent;
messenger.onRecieve = buildRecieved;
setTimeout(() => {
messenger.recieve('Hello there!');
}, 1500);
setTimeout(() => {
messenger.recieve('Do you like this? If so check out more on my page...');
}, 5000);
setTimeout(() => {
messenger.recieve('Or maybe just give it a like!');
}, 7500);
$send.on('click', function(e) {
$input.on('keydown', function(e) {
let key = e.which || e.keyCode;
if (key === 13) { // enter key
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