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Last active March 3, 2018 04:25
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GPG, lein and clojars


$ GPG_TTY=$(tty) lein deploy clojars

This will pop up an ascii window asking for the password to the key. It then continues with the deploy to clojars.

Errors during signing

Deploying to Clojars fails because gpg is not able to sign the jar.

$ lein deploy clojars              
Created /Users/hitesh/dev/research/open-source-contribs/jasani-serverless-lumo-t
Wrote /Users/hitesh/dev/research/open-source-contribs/jasani-serverless-lumo-tem
Need to sign 2 files with GPG                                                   
[1/2] Signing /Users/hitesh/dev/research/open-source-contribs/jasani-serverless-
lumo-template/target/lein-template-0.1.0.jar with GPG                           
gpg: using "E60C08D577C9E0A5ACB636894A22344842572551" as default secret key for 
gpg: signing failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device                             
gpg: signing failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device                             
Could not sign /Users/hitesh/dev/research/open-source-contribs/jasani-serverless
gpg: using "E60C08D577C9E0A5ACB636894A22344842572551" as default secret key for 
gpg: signing failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device                             
gpg: signing failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device                             

See `lein help gpg` for how to set up gpg.                                      
If you don't expect people to need to verify the authorship of your jar, you    
can add `:sign-releases false` to the relevant `:deploy-repositories` entry.


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