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Last active December 15, 2023 05:58
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Update Golang to latest version
source <(go env)
INFO=$(curl -sf '')
[[ "$?" -ne "0" ]] && echo "Error getting latest info" && exit 1
FILEHASH=$(jq -r ".[0].files[] | select(.arch==\"$GOARCH\" and .os==\"$GOOS\") | \"\(.sha256) \(.filename)\"" <<< "$INFO")
echo "Downloading $FILENAME"
curl --progress-bar -C - -fsLO "$FILENAME"
[[ "$RESULT" -eq "0" ]] || [[ "$RESULT" -eq "22" ]] && \
sha256sum --check --quiet <<< "$FILEHASH" && \
sudo rm -rf "$GOROOT" && \
sudo tar -C "$(dirname \"$GOROOT\")" -xzf "$FILENAME" && \
rm -f "$FILENAME" && \
echo OK
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