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Dawid Karabin hinok

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ebidel / download_chrome41.js
Last active February 14, 2024 01:56
For when you need to test your site in Google Search (Chrome 41).
* Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
bvaughn /
Last active September 10, 2024 09:47
How to use profiling in production mode for react-dom

React recently introduced an experimental profiler API. This page gives instructions on how to use this API in a production release of your app.

Table of Contents

Profiling in production

React DOM automatically supports profiling in development mode for v16.5+, but since profiling adds some small additional overhead it is opt-in for production mode. This gist explains how to opt-in.

dvdbng /
Last active June 18, 2024 19:22
Run vim in heroku updated 2017
mkdir ~/vim
cd ~/vim
# Staically linked vim version compiled from
# Compiled on Jul 20 2017
curl '' | tar -xz
export VIMRUNTIME="$HOME/vim/runtime"
export PATH="$HOME/vim:$PATH"
cd -
import express from 'express';
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOMServer from 'react-dom/server';
import App from './components/App';
import {flushServerSideRequires} from 'react-loadable';
let app = express();
let webpackStats = require('./output-webpack-stats.json');
tkh44 / Animation.jsx
Last active September 13, 2022 01:31
react-router v4 animated with data-driven-motion
import React from 'react'
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Link, Redirect, matchPath } from 'react-router-dom'
import { Motion } from 'data-driven-motion' //
const WOBBLY_SPRING = { stiffness: 200, damping: 15, precision: 0.1 }
const AnimationExample = () => (
ralfr /
Created January 15, 2017 19:22 — forked from pdanford/
Applescript to launch iTerm2 Version 3+ from OS X Finder via keyboard shortcut or Toolbar


Based on info from but with modified behavior and fixed to work with iTerm2 version 3 or later. It will not work with older versions of iTerm. The modified behavior is to open a new terminal window for each invocation instead of reusing an already open window. Update - The original author released a build script for the newer iTerm2 versions at that keeps the original behavior of reusing an open iTerm2 window.

To open iTerm2 at selected folder with keyboard shortcut

  1. Run Automator, select a new Service
  2. Select Utilities -> Run AppleScript
  3. Service receives selected 'folders' in ''
  4. Paste script:
0xjac /
Last active September 20, 2024 04:14
Create a private fork of a public repository

The repository for the assignment is public and Github does not allow the creation of private forks for public repositories.

The correct way of creating a private frok by duplicating the repo is documented here.

For this assignment the commands are:

  1. Create a bare clone of the repository. (This is temporary and will be removed so just do it wherever.)

git clone --bare

thevangelist / my-component.spec.js
Created August 4, 2016 13:06
The only React.js component test you'll ever need (Enzyme + Chai)
import React from 'react';
import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
import MyComponent from '../src/my-component';
const wrapper = shallow(<MyComponent/>);
describe('(Component) MyComponent', () => {
it('renders without exploding', () => {
markerikson / appEntryPoint.js
Last active August 1, 2022 07:41
Webpack React/Redux Hot Module Reloading (HMR) example
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import configureStore from "./store/configureStore";
const store = configureStore();
const rootEl = document.getElementById("root");
zachleat / rwdurl
Last active February 5, 2019 02:20
A command line utility to open a url with a bunch of different screen widths (and organize the windows).
# My Chrome developer profile is in the `Profile 1` directory, make sure to update with yours.
# Best on an ultra wide monitor.
function rwdurl() {
open -n -g -a "Google Chrome" --args --new-window --profile-directory=Profile\ 1 --app="data:text/html,<html><body><script>window.moveTo(0,0);window.resizeTo(320,1395);window.location='$1';</script></body></html>"
open -n -g -a "Google Chrome" --args --new-window --profile-directory=Profile\ 1 --app="data:text/html,<html><body><script>window.moveTo(330,0);window.resizeTo(480,1395);window.location='$1';</script></body></html>"
open -n -g -a "Google Chrome" --args --new-window --profile-directory=Profile\ 1 --app="data:text/html,<html><body><script>window.moveTo(815,0);window.resizeTo(640,1395);window.location='$1';</script></body></html>"
open -n -g -a "Google Chrome" --args --new-window --profile-directory=Profile\ 1 --app="data:text/html,<html><body><script>window.moveTo(1460,0);window.resizeTo(800,1395);window.location='$1';</script></body></html>"
open -n