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Created March 27, 2015 21:15
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.Rprofile w/ cat error message
# .Rprofile -- commands to execute at the beginning of each R session
# You can use this file to load packages, set options, etc.
# NOTE: changes in this file won't be reflected until after you quit
# and start a new session
options(show.signif.stars=FALSE, scipen=10, htmlhelp=TRUE)
options(width=115, repos="",
CRAN = "",
browserNLdisabled = TRUE,
deparse.max.lines = 2)
if (interactive()) {
options(error= function() cat(" \\\ \n \\\
) _`-.
. : `. .
: _ ' \
; *` _. `*-._
`-.-' `-.
; ` `.
:. . \\
.\\ . : .-' .
' `+.; ; ' :
: ' | ; ;-.
; ' : :`-: _.`* ;
.*' / .*' ; .*`- +' `*'
`*-* `*-* `*-*'\n\n"))
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