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Created October 23, 2013 09:27
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Calculate Bowling Score
package Bowling::Score;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my @args = @_;
my $args_ref = ref $args[0] eq 'HASH' ? $args[0] : {@args};
my $self = bless{}, ref $class || $class;
sub get_score {
my $self = shift;
my $str = shift;
my $frames = $self->split_frames($str);
my $calc = $self->calc_score( $frames );
return $calc->[9]->{score}; # ;-P
sub calc_score {
my $self = shift;
my $frames = shift;
for my $i ( 0 .. $#$frames ) {
my $frame = $frames->[$i];
$frame->{score} = $i > 0 ? $frames->[$i -1]->{score} : 0;
for my $j ( 0 .. $#{$frame->{throws}} ) {
my $score = $frame->{throws}->[$j];
if ( $score =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
$frame->{score} += $score;
elsif ( $score eq 'X' ) {
$frame->{score} += 10;
if ( $i < 9 ) {
if ( $frames->[$i + 1]->{throws}->[0] eq 'X' ) {
$frame->{score} += 10;
elsif ( $frames->[$i + 1]->{throws}->[0] eq '-' ) {
$frame->{score} += 0;
else {
$frame->{score} += $frames->[$i + 1]->{throws}->[0];
if ( $#{$frames->[$i + 1]->{throws}} > 0 ) {
if ( $frames->[$i + 1]->{throws}->[1] eq 'X' ) {
$frame->{score} += 10;
elsif ( $frames->[$i + 1]->{throws}->[1] eq '/' ) {
$frame->{score} += 10 - $frames->[$i + 1]->{throws}->[0];
elsif ( $frames->[$i + 1]->{throws}->[1] eq '-' ) {
$frame->{score} += 0;
else {
$frame->{score} += $frames->[$i + 1]->{throws}->[1];
else {
if ( $i < 8 and $frames->[$i + 2]->{throws}->[0] eq 'X' ) {
$frame->{score} += 10;
elsif ( $i < 8 and $frames->[$i + 2]->{throws}->[0] eq '-' ) {
$frame->{score} += 0;
else {
$frame->{score} += $frames->[$i + 2]->{throws}->[0];
elsif ( $score eq '-' ) {
$frame->{score} += 0;
elsif ( $score eq '/' ) {
if ( $frames->[$i]->{throws}->[0] eq '-' ) {
$frame->{score} += 10;
else {
$frame->{score} += 10 - $frames->[$i]->{throws}->[0];
if ( $i < 9 ) {
if ( $frames->[$i + 1]->{throws}->[0] eq 'X' ) {
$frame->{score} += 10;
elsif ( $frames->[$i + 1]->{throws}->[0] eq '-' ) {
$frame->{score} += 0;
else {
$frame->{score} += $frames->[$i + 1]->{throws}->[0];
return $frames;
sub split_frames {
my $self = shift;
my $str = shift;
my @throws = split '', $str;
my @frames;
my @tmps;
for my $throw ( @throws ) {
push @tmps, $throw;
if ( ( $#tmps == 1 or $throw eq 'X' ) and $#frames < 8 ) {
push @frames, { throws => [@tmps] };
@tmps = ();
if ( $#tmps ) {
push @frames, { throws => [@tmps] };
wantarray ? @frames : [@frames];
=head1 NAME
use Bowling::Score;
print Bowling::Score->new()->get_score( shift );
=head1 TEST
use Test::More;
use Bowling::Score;
my @qs = qw(
my @as = qw(90 28 20 56 30 60 300 0 15 19 150);
plan tests => $#qs + 1;
my $o = Bowling::Score->new();
for my $i ( 0 .. $#qs ) {
my $c = $o->get_score( $qs[$i] );
is $c,$as[$i],$qs[$i];
=head1 OTHES
Time Atack ! (TechMeeting at Fenrir Inc.)
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