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Created December 29, 2021 14:36
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Stripe Connectむけの住所フォーマットに成形するサンプル
import { normalizeForStripeConnect } from './format-address.ts'
['大阪府堺市北区新金岡町4丁1−8', {
state: "大阪府",
city: "堺市北区",
town: "新金岡町四丁",
line1: "1-8"
["神奈川県横浜市中区本町6丁目50−10", {
"city": "横浜市中区",
"line1": "50-10",
"state": "神奈川県",
"town": "本町六丁目",
['岩手県九戸郡洋野町種市第35地割102−2', {
"city": "九戸郡洋野町",
"line1": "102-2",
"state": "岩手県",
"town": "種市第35地割",
['京都府 京都市 中京区 御幸町通三条上る 丸屋町326', {
"city": "京都市中京区",
"line1": "326",
"state": "京都府",
"town": "丸屋町",
['宮城県仙台市太白区鈎取一本杉64−1', {
"city": "仙台市太白区",
"line1": "一本杉64-1",
"state": "宮城県",
"town": "鈎取",
['北海道札幌市豊平区平岸5条6丁目1−24', {
"city": "札幌市豊平区",
"line1": "六丁目1-24",
"state": "北海道",
"town": "平岸五条",
['愛知県名古屋市熱田区二番2丁目20−2', {
"city": "名古屋市熱田区",
"line1": "20-2",
"state": "愛知県",
"town": "二番二丁目",
])("%p", async (address, expectedResult) => {
const res = await normalizeForStripeConnect(address)
import { normalize, NormalizeResult } from '@geolonia/normalize-japanese-addresses';
interface StripeConnectAddress {
state: string;
city: string;
town: string;
line1: string;
line2?: string;
const convertToStripeConnect = (address: NormalizeResult): StripeConnectAddress => {
return {
state: address.pref,
line1: address.addr
export const normalizeForStripeConnect = async (address: string): Promise<StripeConnectAddress> => {
* 京都市の通り名は、city の最後につける -> 一律でDropする
* 町域よりも小さな区画がある場合、line1 の先頭につける
const res = await normalize(address)
const { addr, town, pref } = res
// 岩手県の「第◯地割」は、town の最後につける
if (pref === '岩手県') {
if (/地割/.test(addr)) {
const chiwari = (() => {
const reg1 = addr.match(/第.\d地割/)
if (reg1) return reg1[0]
const reg2 = addr.match(/.\d地割/)
if (reg2) return reg2[0]
return ''
res.addr = addr.replace(/第.\d地割/, '').replace(/.\d地割/, '') = `${town}${chiwari}`
// 札幌市の「◯条」は、town の最後につける
if (pref === '北海道') {
if (//.test(town)) {
res.addr = `${town.substring(town.indexOf('条') + 1)}${addr}` = town.substring(0, town.indexOf('条') + 1)
return convertToStripeConnect(res)
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