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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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# encoding: utf8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import re
import unicodedata
def unicode_normalize(cls, s):
pt = re.compile('([{}]+)'.format(cls))
def norm(c):
return unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', c) if pt.match(c) else c
s = ''.join(norm(x) for x in re.split(pt, s))
return s
def remove_extra_spaces(s):
s = re.sub('[  ]+', ' ', s)
blocks = ''.join(('\u4E00-\u9FFF', # CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPHS
'\u3040-\u309F', # HIRAGANA
'\u30A0-\u30FF', # KATAKANA
basic_latin = '\u0000-\u007F'
def remove_space_between(cls1, cls2, s):
p = re.compile('([{}]) ([{}])'.format(cls1, cls2))
s = p.sub(r'\1\2', s)
return s
s = remove_space_between(blocks, blocks, s)
s = remove_space_between(blocks, basic_latin, s)
s = remove_space_between(basic_latin, blocks, s)
return s
def normalize_neologd(s):
s = s.strip()
s = unicode_normalize('0−9A-Za-z。-゚', s)
def maketrans(f, t):
return {ord(x): ord(y) for x, y in zip(f, t)}
s = s.translate(
s = re.sub('[˗֊‐‑‒–⁃⁻₋−]+', '-', s) # normalize hyphens
s = re.sub('[﹣-ー—―─━ー]+', 'ー', s) # normalize choonpus
s = re.sub('[~∼∾〜〰~]', '', s) # remove tildes
s = remove_extra_spaces(s)
s = unicode_normalize('!”#$%&’()*+,−./:;<>?@[¥]^_`{|}〜', s) # keep =,・,「,」
return s
if __name__ == "__main__":
assert "0" == normalize_neologd("0")
assert "ハンカク" == normalize_neologd("ハンカク")
assert "o-o" == normalize_neologd("o₋o")
assert "majikaー" == normalize_neologd("majika━")
assert "わい" == normalize_neologd("わ〰い")
assert "スーパー" == normalize_neologd("スーパーーーー")
assert "!#" == normalize_neologd("!#")
assert "ゼンカクスペース" == normalize_neologd("ゼンカク スペース")
assert "おお" == normalize_neologd("お お")
assert "おお" == normalize_neologd(" おお")
assert "おお" == normalize_neologd("おお ")
assert "検索エンジン自作入門を買いました!!!" == \
normalize_neologd("検索 エンジン 自作 入門 を 買い ました!!!")
assert "アルゴリズムC" == normalize_neologd("アルゴリズム C")
assert "PRML副読本" == normalize_neologd("   PRML  副 読 本   ")
assert "Coding the Matrix" == normalize_neologd("Coding the Matrix")
assert "南アルプスの天然水Sparking Lemonレモン一絞り" == \
normalize_neologd("南アルプスの 天然水 Sparking Lemon レモン一絞り")
assert "南アルプスの天然水- Sparking*Lemon+レモン一絞り" == \
normalize_neologd("南アルプスの 天然水- Sparking* Lemon+ レモン一絞り")
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