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Last active September 5, 2023 09:45
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Amazon URL Shortener
* @fileoverview
* This script copies the short URL of the Amazon product page to the clipboard.
* A short URL is a URL that contains only the product ID.
* Copyright (c) 2023 hidao80
* Released under the MIT license
(async v => {
// When copying to the clipboard, the document must have focus.;
const inputUrl = location.href;
const fields = inputUrl.split("/");
let shortUrl = "";
if (inputUrl.includes('r.html?')) {
// for gift voucher url
shortUrl = decodeURIComponent(inputUrl).split('&').filter(field => field.match(/U=/) !== null)[0]
.slice('U='.length, shortUrl.indexOf('?'));
} else {
const productId = fields.slice(-1).pop();
const withoutPrams = productId.replace(/\?.+$/, '');
if(withoutPrams != productId) {
// If there is a query parameter, it is not a product ID.
shortUrl = fields.filter(field => field.match(/([%=-]|^$)/) === null).join('/')
// Delete query parameters
.replace(/(\/[\d-]+|(hz|ls)\/|www\.|\.co)/g, "")
.replace(/(\/gp\/product\/|\/dp\/)/, "/d/")
// Add the beginning of the url
.replace(/:\//, '://');
// Copy to clipboard
await navigator.clipboard.writeText(shortUrl);
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