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Sam Batschelet hexfusion

  • Red Hat
  • gRPC stream
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hexfusion /
Last active September 22, 2024 14:26
flightctl agent update flow
flowchart TD
    %% Define Vars
    NEW_SPEC[New RenderedDeviceSpec]
    WRITE_DESIRED[Write to desired.json]
    RECONCILE_LOOP[Reconcile Loop]
    UPDATE_CURRENT[Desired -> Current Spec]

    PRECHECK1[Ensure Dependencies Met]
    PRECHECK2[Before Update Hooks]
package console
import (
api ""
helm install fctl-ocp-ui oci:// --version=0.0.1-96-gab2e859
type PoolSynchronizerStatus struct {
// poolSynchronizerType describes the type of the pool synchronizer.
// +kubebuilder:validation:Required
PoolSynchronizerType PoolSynchronizerType `json:"poolSynchronizerType"`
// machineCount is the number of machines that are managed by the node synchronizer.
// +kubebuilder:validation:Required
// +kubebuilder:validation:Minimum=0
MachineCount int64 `json:"machineCount"`
// updatedMachineCount is the number of machines that have been updated by the node synchronizer.
// +kubebuilder:validation:Required
featureGateAccessor := featuregates.NewFeatureGateAccess(
desiredVersion, missingVersion,
configSharedInformer.Config().V1().ClusterVersions(), configSharedInformer.Config().V1().FeatureGates(),
go featureGateAccessor.Run(ctx)
// dep for feature gate
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#set -x
if [ "$IMAGE_NAME" == "" ]; then
echo "IMAGE_NAME is required. example cluster-etcd-operator"
set $mod Mod4
new_window pixel 1
new_float normal
workspace_layout default
hide_edge_borders none
bindsym $mod+u border none
extern crate serde;
extern crate serde_yaml;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
struct Config {
max_memory_pages: u32,
A WebSocket is a persistent connection between a client and server.
WebSockets provide a bidirectional, full-duplex communications channel
that operates over HTTP through a single TCP/IP socket connection.
Allows for bidirectional communication of a single tcp conn.
def binarySearch(arr, x):
l = 0
import exec from 'k6/execution';
export const options = {
scenarios: {
constant_request_rate: {
executor: 'constant-arrival-rate',
rate: 1000,
timeUnit: '1s', // 1000 iterations per second
duration: '120s',
preAllocatedVUs: 1500, // how large the initial pool of VUs would be