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Created November 24, 2016 13:55
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mixin img
attributes.src = attributes.src || ''
attributes.alt = attributes.alt || ""
if(!attributes.adaptive && !attributes.webp && !attributes.retina)
img(src = attributes.src, class = attributes.class, alt = attributes.alt)
var chunks = attributes.src.split('.')
var extensions = []
var path_name = chunks.join()
if(attributes.webp) extensions.unshift('webp')
var sizes = [
{prefix:'sm', bp: 320},
{prefix:'md', bp: 768}
each ext in extensions
each size in sizes
var srcset = path_name + '--' + size.prefix + '.' + ext
srcset += attributes.retina ? ', ' + path_name + '--' + size.prefix + '@2x.' + ext +' 2x' : ''
var type = ext=='webp'? "image/webp" : undefined
source(type= type, srcset= srcset, media="(max-width: #{size.bp}px)")
if (ext =='webp')
source(type= "image/webp", srcset="#{path_name}.#{ext}, #{path_name}@2x.#{ext} 2x")
- var srcset = attributes.retina ? path_name + '@2x.' + extensions[extensions.length-1] + ' 2x' : undefined
img(src = attributes.src, srcset= srcset, alt = attributes.alt, class= attributes.class)
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