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Created February 12, 2021 12:11
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  • Save hermannolafs/a3314f7f950701471a7b30e4dd6da834 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Azure Pipelines Golang Test with test resulsts and code coverage artifacts
- job: jobRunTestsuites
container: golang:1.15-buster
displayName: "Run Testsuites"
- task: Bash@3
displayName: "Go | Test and handle test cov"
targetType: inline
workingDirectory: "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)"
script: |
go get
go get
go get
go get # This is a fork in an otherwise inactive repo
# Run tests with gotestsum to generate coverate & JUnit test report
gotestsum --junitfile tests.xml -- -coverprofile=coverage.txt ./...
# Generate Cobertura xml coverage file from Go coverage file
gocover-cobertura < coverage.txt > coverage.xml
# HTML for coverage report
mkdir report
gocov convert coverage.txt | gocov-html > report/index.html
- task: PublishTestResults@2
testResultsFormat: JUnit
testResultsFiles: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/tests.xml
failTaskOnFailedTests: true # This is required for the job/stage to fail with failing tests
- task: PublishCodeCoverageResults@1
codeCoverageTool: Cobertura
pathToSources: "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/coverage.xml"
summaryFileLocation: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/coverage.xml
reportDirectory: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/report
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If tests fail no results or coverage is posted. Someone wiser that me please tell me if that is expected behavior.

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