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Created March 11, 2020 19:36
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An example script for census data in R
# My recommendation is to use the tidycensus library to make getting this data
# easier than reading in the data from the Census website.
# Before you can begin, you'll need to get an API key from the Census Bureau.
# You can acquire one here:
# Once you have the API key, run the following in RStudio:
# usethis::edit_r_environ()
# This will open your .Renviron file. Here, you'll add the following line, replacing
# YOUR_API_KEY with the key sent to you by the Census Bureau:
# Restart R for the changes to take effect.
# Finding Census Data -----------------------------------------------------
# First, we'll need to know the variable ID from the Census or ACS -- since there
# are thousands of these IDs accross different Census files, we'll use the
# load_variables function to find the information. It takes two arguments:
# 1. the year, and 2. the dataset.
variables <- load_variables(2018, "acs5")
# We'll now open up the data frame and look for the button in the upper left
# called 'Filter.' From here, start typing "attainment" to find the set of
# variables related to that data. Here we can see the list of IDs that are
# associated with that dataset.
variables %>% View()
# We'll use that list of IDs to build a data frame.
attainment <- get_acs(geography = "us",
variables = c("B15001_001",
year = 2018)
# Now we can do things like chart the data. For example:
ggplot(attainment, aes(variable, estimate)) +
# Using your export ------------------------------------------------------
# Just as a note: the data set you sent me would take quite a bit of work to get
# it into a tidy data format. As a starting point, you could do something like
# the code below (but I can't do the work for you):
# First, we read in our data. We use the skip argument to tell read_csv to
# ignore the first three rows of the spreadsheet.
data <- read_csv("export (3).csv", skip = 3)
# Then, we use the names() function to manually rename our columns.
names(data) <- c("age","type","demographic","completed","total_estimate","total_moe","percent_estimate","percent_moe","male_estimate","male_estimate_moe","male_percent","male_percent_moe","female_estimate","female_estimate_moe","female_percent","female_percent_moe")
# Finally, we use gather() to get our data into a tidy format. As an example:
data2 <- data %>%
select(age, demographic, total_estimate, male_estimate, female_estimate) %>%
gather(estimate_type, estimate_value, total_estimate, male_estimate, female_estimate)
# Now we could chart things, for example:
ggplot(data2, aes(demographic, estimate_value)) +
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