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Created July 10, 2024 09:39
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LASTFM Python Scrobble_WEB_AUTH
import requests
import hashlib
import time
import webbrowser
# Replace with your API credentials
# List of dummy songs to scrobble
songs = [
#{'artist': 'Dummy Artist 2', 'track': 'Dummy Track 2', 'album': 'Dummy Album 2'},
#{'artist': 'Dummy Artist 3', 'track': 'Dummy Track 3', 'album': 'Dummy Album 3'},
#{'artist': 'Dummy Artist 4', 'track': 'Dummy Track 4', 'album': 'Dummy Album 4'},
#{'artist': 'Dummy Artist 5', 'track': 'Dummy Track 5', 'album': 'Dummy Album 5'},
def generate_signature(params):
sorted_params = ''.join([f"{key}{params[key]}" for key in sorted(params)])
signature = hashlib.md5((sorted_params + API_SECRET).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
return signature
def get_request_token():
params = {
'method': 'auth.gettoken',
'api_key': API_KEY
params['api_sig'] = generate_signature(params)
params['format'] = 'json'
response = requests.get('', params=params)
return response.json()['token']
def get_session_key(token):
params = {
'method': 'auth.getsession',
'api_key': API_KEY,
'token': token
params['api_sig'] = generate_signature(params)
params['format'] = 'json'
response = requests.get('', params=params)
return response.json()['session']['key']
def get_latest_scrobble():
url = f'{USERNAME}&api_key={API_KEY}&format=json&limit=1'
response = requests.get(url)
data = response.json()
latest_scrobble = data['recenttracks']['track'][0]
latest_timestamp = int(latest_scrobble['date']['uts'])
return latest_timestamp
def scrobble_song(artist, track, album, timestamp, session_key):
params = {
'method': 'track.scrobble',
'artist': artist,
'track': track,
'album': album,
'timestamp': timestamp,
'api_key': API_KEY,
'sk': session_key
params['api_sig'] = generate_signature(params)
params['format'] = 'json'
response ='', data=params)
return response.json()
# Step 1: Get the request token
token = get_request_token()
# Step 2: Direct the user to authorize the token
auth_url = f"{API_KEY}&token={token}"
print(f"Please authorize this application by visiting this URL: {auth_url}")
# Wait for user to authorize the token
input("Press Enter after authorizing the application...")
# Step 3: Get the session key using the authorized token
session_key = get_session_key(token)
print(f"Session Key: {session_key}")
# Main script
latest_timestamp = get_latest_scrobble()
next_timestamp = latest_timestamp + 60 # Start 1 minute after the latest scrobble
for song in songs:
response = scrobble_song(song['artist'], song['track'], song['album'], next_timestamp, session_key)
print(f"Scrobbled {song['track']} by {song['artist']} at {next_timestamp}: {response}")
next_timestamp += 60 # Increment by 1 minute for each subsequent scrobble
time.sleep(1) # Short sleep to avoid rate limiting
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