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Save henrik242/4e64e208a184f540a80a343187e075c1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Global macOS hotkeys for Google Meet, Spotify and others using AppleScript and Fastscripts
set mySearch to text returned of (display dialog "Search for Chrome tab" default answer "")
tell application "Google Chrome"
set tabIndex to 0
set theWindow to first window whose index is 1
repeat with theTab in tabs of theWindow
set tabIndex to tabIndex + 1
if title of theTab contains mySearch then
set active tab index of theWindow to tabIndex
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end tell
set mySearch to text returned of (display dialog "Search for Firefox tab" default answer "")
tell application "Firefox Developer Edition"
tell application "System Events" to keystroke "1" using command down
set firstTitle to name of front window
set myTitle to "__f_o_o_b_a_r__"
set counter to 0
repeat until (myTitle contains mySearch or counter > 100 or myTitle is equal to firstTitle)
tell application "System Events" to key code 121 using control down
delay 0.05
set myTitle to name of front window
set counter to counter + 1
end repeat
end tell
display notification with title "Toggling mute in Google Meet"
tell application "Google Chrome Beta"
set tabIndex to 0
set theWindow to first window whose index is 1
repeat with theTab in tabs of theWindow
set tabIndex to tabIndex + 1
if title of theTab starts with "Meet " then
set active tab index of theWindow to tabIndex
-- The shortcut needs to have been released before keystroke is sent
set keyDown to "42"
set counter to 0
repeat until (keyDown is "0" or counter > 10)
set keyDown to do shell script "/usr/bin/python -c 'import Cocoa; print(Cocoa.NSEvent.modifierFlags())'"
set counter to counter + 1
end repeat
tell application "System Events" to keystroke "d" using command down
end if
end repeat
end tell
if input volume of (get volume settings) = 0 then
set volume input volume 100
display notification "Volume set to 100" with title "✅ Microphone is on"
set volume input volume 0 without output muted
display notification "Volume set to 0" with title "❌ Microphone is muted"
end if
if output muted of (get volume settings) is true then
set volume without output muted
display notification with title "✅ Volume is on"
set volume with output muted
display notification with title "❌ Volume is off"
end if
display notification with title "Locking screen"
tell application "Spotify"
end tell
do shell script "/System/Library/CoreServices/"
tell application "Spotify"
next track
delay 0.5
set theTrack to name of current track
set theArtist to artist of current track
display notification theArtist & ": " & theTrack with title "⏭️"
end tell
tell application "Spotify"
set theTrack to name of current track
set theArtist to artist of current track
set current to player position
set mins to (round (current / 60) rounding down)
set secs to (round (current mod 60) rounding down)
if secs is less than 10 then
set secs to "0" & secs
end if
set elapsed to mins & ":" & secs
set totalSecs to ((duration of current track) / 1000)
set mins to (round (totalSecs / 60) rounding down)
set secs to (totalSecs mod 60 div 1)
if secs is less than 10 then
set secs to "0" & secs
end if
set total to mins & ":" & secs
display notification theArtist & ": " & theTrack with title "" & elapsed & " / " & total
end tell
tell application "Spotify"
set currentTrack to name of current track
previous track
set nextTrack to name of current track
if currentTrack is equal to nextTrack then
previous track
end if
delay 0.5
set theTrack to name of current track
set theArtist to artist of current track
display notification theArtist & ": " & theTrack with title ""
end tell
tell application "Spotify"
set shuffling to not shuffling
set theTrack to name of current track
set theArtist to artist of current track
if shuffling then
set isShuffling to "on"
set isShuffling to "off"
end if
display notification theArtist & ": " & theTrack with title "🔀 " & isShuffling
end tell
tell application "Spotify"
set sound volume to sound volume - 9
set theVolume to sound volume as string
set theTrack to name of current track
set theArtist to artist of current track
display notification theArtist & ": " & theTrack with title "🔉 " & theVolume & "%"
end tell
tell application "Spotify"
set sound volume to sound volume + 11
set theVolume to sound volume as string
set theTrack to name of current track
set theArtist to artist of current track
display notification theArtist & ": " & theTrack with title "🔊 " & theVolume & "%"
end tell
set vol to output volume of (get volume settings)
if vol is 0 then
display notification with title "volume is at min"
set volume output volume (vol - 10)
set vol to output volume of (get volume settings)
display notification with title "volume reduced to " & vol & "%"
end if
set vol to output volume of (get volume settings)
if vol is 100 then
display notification with title "volume is at max"
set volume output volume (vol + 10)
set vol to output volume of (get volume settings)
display notification with title "volume increased to " & vol & "%"
end if
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On the mute scripts, I needed to include without output muted to keep my speakers from also muting.


if input volume of (get volume settings) = 0 then
	set volume input volume 100
	display notification "✅ unmuted" with title "Microphone"
	set volume input volume 0 without output muted
	display notification "❌ muted" with title "Microphone"
end if

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On the mute scripts, I needed to include without output muted to keep my speakers from also muting.

Thanks! I've updated the gist :)

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can we have script for activating the DND mode when MS team video/audio or gMeet call started

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