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Forked from thunderpoot/ghostbuster
Created February 14, 2024 22:08
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Mosh: You have N detached Mosh sessions on this server
# You know that really annoying message that pops up...
# Mosh: You have 3 detached Mosh sessions on this server, with PIDs:
# - mosh [2294539]
# - mosh [1874313]
# - mosh [2294805]
# I often find myself copying this list of PIDs in order to kill them manually
# ... so this script was born. Maybe others will find it useful.
declare -A colours
local colour=${colours[$1]} message=$2
printf "${colour}${message}${colours[reset]}"
printf "Please paste the list of detached Mosh sessions (^D ends input)\n"
printf "===============================================================\n"
# Read multi-line input from user
# Extract PIDs from the pasted list
pids=$(echo "$input_list" | grep -oP '\[\K[0-9]+')
# Check if any PIDs were found
if [ -z "$pids" ]; then
printc blue "No PIDs found in the input.\n"
# Confirm with the user before killing the sessions
printc blue "The following PIDs will be terminated:\n"
echo "$pids" | awk '{print " - "$1}'
printc blue "Do you want to proceed? [y/N] "
read confirmation
if [[ "$confirmation" =~ ^[yY](es)?|YES$ ]]; then
# Kill each PID
for pid in $pids; do
printc blue "Killing Mosh session with PID $pid\n"
kill $pid
printc green "Done.\n"
printc red "Operation cancelled.\n"
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