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Forked from kamiyam/Gruntfile.js
Last active December 16, 2015 15:29
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Grunt with livereload

mkdir grunt-say

cd grunt-say

create file package.json, Gruntfile.js, index.html

npm install


browse http://localhost:9001

index.html file change and save

say live reload ! wow!!

'use strict';
var path = require('path');
var lrSnippet = require('grunt-contrib-livereload/lib/utils').livereloadSnippet;
var folderMount = function folderMount(connect, point) {
return connect.static(path.resolve(point));
module.exports = function (grunt) {
// Project configuration.
connect: {
livereload: {
options: {
port: 9001,
middleware: function(connect, options) {
return [lrSnippet, folderMount(connect, '.')]
// Configuration to be run (and then tested)
regarde: {
fred: {
files: '*.html',
tasks: ['livereload']
grunt.registerTask('server', ['livereload-start', 'connect', 'regarde']);
<html lang="ja_JP">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
Live reload now!!
"name": "grunt-say-hello",
"version": "0.1.0",
"Dependencies": {},
"devDependencies": {
"grunt": "~0.4.0",
"grunt-contrib-connect": "~0.1.2",
"grunt-contrib-livereload": "~0.1.1",
"grunt-regarde": "~0.1.1",
"grunt-exec": "~0.4.0"
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