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Created January 12, 2018 23:53
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var Helpers = {
/* Schema keys are defined as either
key: Type
key: { type: Type }
This helper just converts the shorthand version to key: {type: Type}
and converts the Type to a string
schema_parse(obj) {
if (typeof obj == 'function') {
obj = {
type: typeof obj()
} else {
obj.type = typeof obj.type();
return obj;
function Schema(schema) {
// Definition of types, stored as key: typeof __
const _types = {};
// List
const _required = [];
// Parse the schema
for (let key in schema) {
let definition = Helpers.schema_parse(schema[key]);
_types[key] = definition.type;
if (definition.required) {
return function(json) {
function _ValidateTypes() {
let json_type,
result = true;
for (var key in json) {
if (_types[key]) {
json_type = typeof json[key];
target_type = _types[key];
if (json_type !== target_type) {
console.log(`'${key}' is not the right type; Got '${json_type}', was expecting '${target_type}'`);
result = false;
return result;
function _ValidateRequired() {
for (var i = 0; i < _required.length; i++) {
const required_key = _required[i];
if (!(required_key in json)) {
console.log(required_key + " is required");
return false;
return true;
return {
get valid() {
let isValid = _ValidateRequired() && _ValidateTypes();
if (!isValid) {
console.warn("Unable to validate JSON", json);
return isValid;
get json() {
return json;
Below are tests used just for quick development, ignore this.
Just leaving it in the gist to show what the point of the class eventually is
const SubscribtionModel = Schema({
name: String,
id: Number,
email: {
type: String,
required: true
// This should pass, valid JSON
const valid1 = {
name: "hello",
id: 1824,
email: ""
console.log("##Valid ", SubscribtionModel(valid1).valid);
// This should pass, name isn't required
const valid2 = {
id: 9892,
email: ""
console.log("##Valid 2", SubscribtionModel(valid2).valid);
// This should fail due to bad types
const typeBreak = {
name: 1234,
id: "hello",
email: ""
console.log("##Type Break 1", !SubscribtionModel(typeBreak).valid);
// This should fail due to bad type
const typeBreak2 = {
name: "hello",
email: 12923
console.log("##Type Break 2", !SubscribtionModel(typeBreak2).valid);
// This should fail due to required email field
const required = {
name: "hello"
console.log("##Required Break", !SubscribtionModel(required).valid);
export default Schema;
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