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Created November 26, 2017 21:04
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public class Creature {
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Level { get; set; }
public GearItem[] Gear { get; set; }
public CreatureType Type { get; set; }
public string GUID { get; set; }
public Color color { get; set; }
// Stats
public Stat STR;
public Stat INT;
public Stat DEF;
public Stat VIT;
public Stat SPD;
public Stat MGDEF;
// Bonuses from equipped gear that increase your stats
public Dictionary<BonusType, float> Bonuses;
public int MaxHealth = CreatureConfig.HEALTH_INCREASE;
public int Health = CreatureConfig.HEALTH_INCREASE;
public Creature() {
GUID = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
STR = new Stat(this);
INT = new Stat(this);
DEF = new Stat(this);
VIT = new Stat(this);
SPD = new Stat(this);
MGDEF = new Stat(this);
// Initialize the dict of bonuses from the enum with a value of 0
void InitBonuses() {
Bonuses = new Dictionary<BonusType, float>();
System.Array bonuses = System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(BonusType));
foreach (BonusType type in bonuses) {
Bonuses[type] = 0;
// Iterate over equipped gear and set the bonus values in the dictionary
public void CalculateBonuses() {
foreach (var gear in Gear) {
if (gear.Type == GearType.STR) {
Bonuses[BonusType.WEAPON_STR] += gear.Power;
} else if (gear.Type == GearType.INT) {
Bonuses[BonusType.WEAPON_INT] += gear.Power;
} else if (gear.Type == GearType.DEF) {
Bonuses[BonusType.WEAPON_DEF] += gear.Power;
} else if (gear.Type == GearType.VIT) {
Bonuses[BonusType.WEAPON_VIT] += gear.Power;
foreach(var bonus in gear.Bonus) {
Bonuses[bonus.Key] = Bonuses[bonus.Key] + bonus.Value;
// Getter by enum
public float Bonus(BonusType type) {
return Bonuses[type];
// Reset maxhealth + heatlh
void UpdateHealth() {
MaxHealth = VIT * CreatureConfig.HEALTH_INCREASE;
Health = MaxHealth;
public GearItem GetGear(GearSlot slot) {
return Gear[(int)slot];
// Find the difference of stats if equipped a different set of gear
public StatDiff GetGearStatDiff(GearItem[] gear) {
Creature c = Copy();
c.Gear = gear;
StatDiff diff = new StatDiff();
diff.STR = c.GetAdjustedSTR() - GetAdjustedSTR();
diff.DEF = c.GetAdjustedDEF() - GetAdjustedDEF();
diff.INT = c.GetAdjustedINT() - GetAdjustedINT();
diff.VIT = c.GetAdjustedVIT() - GetAdjustedVIT();
diff.MGDEF = c.GetAdjustedMGDEF() - GetAdjustedMGDEF();
diff.SPD = c.GetAdjustedSPD() - GetAdjustedSPD();
return diff;
public Creature Copy() {
return new Creature {
Level = Level,
Gear = (GearItem[])Gear.Clone()
public Creature EquipGear(GearSlot slot, GearItem gear) {
GearItem current = Gear[(int)slot];
if (current.GUID != null) {
Gear[(int)slot] = gear;
return this;
public int CalcAdjustedStat(float baseVal, BonusType bonus, BonusType bonusAmt) {
baseVal += Bonuses[bonusAmt];
baseVal += baseVal * Bonuses[bonus];
return (int)Mathf.Floor(baseVal);
public int CalcAdjustedStat(float baseVal, BonusType bonus) {
baseVal += baseVal * Bonuses[bonus];
return (int)Mathf.Floor(baseVal);
public int GetAdjustedSTR() {
return CalcAdjustedStat(STR, BonusType.STR_BONUS, BonusType.WEAPON_STR);
public int GetAdjustedDEF() {
return CalcAdjustedStat(DEF, BonusType.DEF_BONUS, BonusType.WEAPON_DEF);
public int GetAdjustedVIT() {
return CalcAdjustedStat(VIT, BonusType.VIT_BONUS, BonusType.WEAPON_VIT);
public int GetAdjustedINT() {
return CalcAdjustedStat(INT, BonusType.INT_BONUS, BonusType.WEAPON_INT);
public int GetAdjustedSPD() {
return CalcAdjustedStat(SPD, BonusType.SPD_BONUS);
public int GetAdjustedMGDEF() {
return CalcAdjustedStat(MGDEF, BonusType.MGDEF_BONUS);
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