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Created May 30, 2014 15:26
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Save hellogerard/bbd21255c8cd2f22310d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Importing static data on Meteor startup.
# Using 'node-csv-npm' meteorite package
fs = Npm.require 'fs'
Meteor.startup ->
dataDir = "#{fs.realpathSync process.cwd()}/assets/app/data"
opts = columns: true, trim: true
itemHandler = Meteor.bindEnvironment (row, num) ->
Item.create row
if not Item.count()
CSV().from("#{dataDir}/food_items.csv", opts).on 'record', itemHandler
categoryHandler = Meteor.bindEnvironment (arr, count) ->
categories = _.uniq _.pluck(arr, 'category')
_.each categories, (category) ->
Category.create name: category
if not Category.count()
CSV().from("#{dataDir}/food_items.csv", opts).to.array categoryHandler
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