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Last active June 28, 2019 13:29
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Root object of the API. All other objects inherit from it, either explicitely or implicitely.



Generalization object for all effects.

Standard behavior without specializations:

  • Effects are only applied if the resistor has a matching Resistance object. Matching can be further defined depending on the concrete effect.
  • Applying them costs nothing.
  • Will be applied to targets with any diplomatic stance.
  • Only affect the target chosen with the ApplyContinuousEffect/ApplyDiscretEffect ability.


  • AreaEffect: Effects are applied to other game entities in a circular area around the target.
  • CostEffect: Makes effects cost attribute points or resources.
  • DiplomaticEffect: Effects only apply to specified diplomatic stances.



Generalization object for effects that are applied at a per-second rate.


    type              : AttributeChangeType
    min_change_rate   : optional(AttributeRate)
    max_change_rate   : optional(AttributeRate)
    change_rate       : AttributeRate
    ignore_protection : set(ProtectingAttribute)

Generalization object for effects that change the resistor's current attribute values at a flat per-second rate. The change value can optionally be limited to an interval with min_change_rate as the lower bound and max_change_rate as the upper bound.

Note that you cannot use this effect object directly and have to choose one of the specializations FlatAttributeChangeDecrease or FlatAttributeChangeIncrease.

type The effect will be matched with a Resistance.ContinuousResistance.FlatAttributeChange object that stores the same AttributeChangeType object in its type member. Otherwise, the effect will not be applied.

min_change_rate (optional) The applied change rate can never go lower than the specified rate. Does not have to be set.

max_change_rate (optional) The applied change rate can never go higher than the specified rate. Does not have to be set.

change_rate The gross per-second rate at which the attribute points of the resistor change. The net change rate (applied rate) is calculated by subtracting the effector's change_rate from the resistor's block_rate.

$$applied\_rate = change\_rate - block\_rate$$

The applied rate is further bound by the interval defined by min_change_rate and max_change_rate, if these members are set.

ignore_protection Ignores the ProtectingAttributes in the set when changing the attributes of the target.



Specialization of the continuous FlatAttributeChange effect that decreases the resistor's current attribute value at a per-second rate.



Specialization of the continuous FlatAttributeChange effect that increases the resistor's current attribute value at a per-second rate.


    type                        : LureType
    destination                 : set(GameEntity)
    min_distance_to_destination : float

Makes the target move to another game entity.

type The effect will be matched with a Resistance.ContinuousResistance.Lure object that stores the same LureType object in its type member. Otherwise, the effect will not be applied.

destination The possible destinations the target can move to. Whichever game entity is closest will be chosen.

min_range_to_destination The minimum distance to the destination the target has to have before it will stop.


    type              : AttributeChangeType
    total_change_time : float
    ignore_protection : set(ProtectingAttribute)

Generalization object for effects that change the resistor's current attribute values at a per-second rate relative to the max_value of their attribute settings. The change rate is scaled such that it would increase the attribute points of the resistor from 0 to max_value (or decrease them from max_value to 0, respectively) in a fixed amount of time. The current attribute points are not considered. Calculating the change rate can be done by using this formula:

applied_rate = resistor_max_value / total_change_time

Example: Consider a resistor with 50 maximum HP and an effector with a TimeRelativeAttributeDecrease time of 5 seconds. The per-second change rate is calculated by dividing the maximum HP value by the time requirement of the effect. Hence, the change rate is 10HP/s. This rate is fix as long as the maximum HP value does not change. If the resistor currently has 30 HP, it would arrive at 0 HP in 3 seconds.

type The effect will be matched with a Resistance.ContinuousResistance.TimeRelativeAttributeChange object that stores the same AttributeChangeType object in its type member. Otherwise, the effect will not be applied.

total_change_time The total time needed to change the resistors attribute points from max_value to 0 (for TimeRelativeAttributeDecrease) or from 0 to max_value (for TimeRelativeAttributeIncrease).

ignore_protection Ignores the ProtectingAttributes in the set when changing the attributes of the target.



Specialization of the continuous TimeRelativeAttributeChange effect that decreases the resistor's current attribute value in a fixed amount of time relative to their attribute's max_value.



Specialization of the continuous TimeRelativeAttributeChange effect that increases the resistor's current attribute value in a fixed amount of time relative to their attribute's max_value.


    type              : ProgressType
    total_change_time : float

Generalization object for effects that changes a resistor's current progress amount at a per-second rate relative to 100%. The change rate is scaled such that it would increase the specified progress amount of the resistor from 0% to 100% (or decrease it from 100% to 0%, respectively) in a fixed amount of time. The current progress amount is not considered. Calculating the change rate can be done by using this formula:

applied_rate = 100 / total_change_time

Example: Consider a constructable resistor and an effector with a TimeRelativeProgressIncrease time of 10 seconds. The per-second change rate is calculated by dividing 100% by the time requirement of the effect. Hence, the change rate is 10%/s. This rate is fix. If the resistor currently has 30% construction progress, it would be constructed in 7 seconds.

type The effect will be matched with a Resistance.ContinuousResistance.TimeRelativeProgress object that stores the same ProgressType object in its type member. Otherwise, the effect will not be applied.

total_change_time The total time needed to change the resistors attribute points from 100% to 0 (for TimeRelativeProgressDecrease) or from 0 to 100% (for TimeRelativeProgressIncrease).



Specialization of the continuous TimeRelativeProgress effect that decreases the resistor's progress amount in a fixed amount of time relative to 100%.



Specialization of the continuous TimeRelativeProgress effect that increases the resistor's progress amount in a fixed amount of time relative to 100%. ´



Generalization object for effects that are applied immediately.


    type               : ConvertType
    min_chance_success : optional(float)
    max_chance_success : optional(float)
    chance_success     : float
    cost_fail          : optional(Cost)

Change the owner of the target unit to the player who owns the effector game entity.

type The effect will be matched with a Resistance.DiscreteResistance.Convert object that stores the same ConvertType object in its type member. Otherwise, the effect will not be applied.

min_chance_success (optional) The applied chance can never go lower than the specified percentage. Does not have to be set.

max_chance_success (optional) The applied chance can never go higher than the specified percentage. Does not have to be set.

chance_success Gross chance for the conversion to succeed as a percentage chance. The percentage should be stored as a float value between 0.0 and 1.0. The net chance (applied chance) of success is calculated by subtracting the effector's chance_success from the resistor's chance_resist.

$$applied\_chance = chance\_success - chance\_resist$$

Any value below 0.0 is an automatic fail, while any value above 1.0 is an automatic success. The applied chance is further bound by the interval defined by min_chance_success and max_chance_success, if these members are set.

cost_fail The amount of attribute points or resources removed from the effector if the conversion fails. Does not have to be set.


    skip_guaranteed_rounds : int
    skip_protected_rounds  : int

Specialized conversion effect that is implemented in AoE2. The convert chance at the start is guaranteed to be 0.0 for X rounds and guaranteed to be 1.0 after Y rounds (both defined by the Restistance.DiscreteResistance.Convert.AoE2Convert object).

When the effector stops applying the effect, the resistor's protected rounds are increased until they reach their maximum value again. Running out of the range of the effector does not count as stopping the effect application.

skip_guaranteed_rounds Lowers the number of rounds that the resistor is guaranteed to resist every time.

skip_protected_rounds Lowers the number of rounds that are needed for the success chance to always be 1.0.


    type              : AttributeChangeType
    min_change_rate   : optional(AttributeAmount)
    max_change_rate   : optional(AttributeAmount)
    change_rate       : AttributeAmount
    ignore_protection : set(ProtectingAttribute)

Generalization object for effects that change the resistor's current attribute values by a flat amount. The change value can optionally be limited to an interval with min_change_value as the lower bound and max_change_value as the upper bound.

Note that you cannot use this effect object directly and have to choose one of the specializations FlatAttributeChangeDecrease or FlatAttributeChangeIncrease.

type The effect will be matched with a Resistance.DiscreteResistance.FlatAttributeChange object that stores the same AttributeChangeType object in its type member. Otherwise, the effect will not be applied.

min_change_value (optional) The applied change value can never go lower than the specified amount. Does not have to be set.

max_change_value (optional) The applied change value can never go higher than the specified amount. Does not have to be set.

change_value The gross amount by that the attribute points of the resistor change. The net change value (applied value) is calculated by subtracting the effector's change_value from the resistor's block_value.

$$applied\_value = change\_value - block\_value$$

The applied rate is further bound by the interval defined by min_change_value and max_change_value, if these members are set.

ignore_protection Ignores the ProtectingAttributes in the set when changing the attributes of the target.



Specialization of the discrete FlatAttributeChange effect that decreases the resistor's current attribute value by a flat amount.



Specialization of the discrete FlatAttributeChange effect that increases the resistor's current attribute value by a flat amount.


    resource_spot : ResourceSpot

Makes a resource spot harvestable, if it is not already harbestable by default.

resource_spot Resource spot that should be made harvestable. The effect will be matched with a Resistance.DiscreteResistance.MakeHarvestable object that stores the same ResourceSpot object in its resource_spot member. Additionally, the target needs to have a Harvestable ability that contains the resource spot.


    type     : SendToStorageType
    storages : set(Container)

Makes the target move to and enter the nearest game entity where it can be stored. The resistor needs an EnterContainer ability for at least one of the containers for this to work.

type The effect will be matched with a Resistance.DiscreteResistance.SendToStorage object that stores the same SendToStorageType object in its type member. Otherwise, the effect will not be applied.

storages Set of containers the target should enter. The target will choose the nearest one for which it has an EnterContainer ability.


    range   : float
    dropoff : DropoffType

Can be inherited to apply the effect to game entities in a circular area around the target.

range The radius of the area in which game entities are affected.

dropoff Changes the effectiveness of the effect based on the distance to the center of the circle (see DropoffType).


    cost : Cost

Can be inherited to make the effect cost attribute points or resources.

cost The costs for the effect as a Cost object.


    stances : set(DiplomaticStance)

Can be inherited to make the effect only applicable to game entities of a player with a specified diplomatic stance.

stances If the target is owned by a player has any of the specified diplomatic stances, the effect is applied.



Generalization object for all abilities. Abilities define what game entities can do and what they are, respectively. They can be considered passive and active traits.

Standard behavior without specializations:

  • Abilities in the abilities set of GameEntity are considered enabled as soon as the game entity is created, unless a StateChager object disables them.
  • No ability explicitely requires sounds or to be animated. For this purpose, ability specializations are used.
  • A game entity's abilities are available to all players, not just the owner. This can be limited to players with specific diplomatic stances towards the owner by inheriting DiplomaticAbility.


  • AnimatedAbility: Assigns an animation that is played while the ability is active.
  • AnimationOverrideAbility: Overrides the animations of specified animated abilities temporarily.
  • CommandSoundAbility: Assigns a sound that is played once when the player orders the game entity to use the ability.
  • DiplomaticAbility: Makes the ability only accessible for players when the owner of the game entity has the specified diplomatic stances towards them.
  • ExecutionSoundAbility: Assigns a sound that is played while the ability is active.


    animations : set(Animation)

Abilities of this type will play an animation while they are active. Whether the animation loops is defined in the .sprite file linked in the Animation object.

animations The animation(s) played while the ability is active. If more than one animation is defined, the engine picks one of them at random.


    overrides : set(AnimationOverride)

Specifies a set of animation overrides that are applied when the ability is used.

Usage example: Consider a unit with two attacks. One of them is animated by having the unit wield a sword, while the other one is an animation in which the unit uses a bow. What we want is that the animation of the Move and Idle abilities correspond to the attack that was used last, e.g. after a sword attack, the movement animation show the unit moving around with a sword in its hand, and after a bow attack, the movement animation show the unit moving around with a bow. To accomplish this, we would let both attack abilities inherit from AnimationOverrideAbility and specify AnimationOverride objects for them that target Move and Idle.

overrides Stores the animations and abilities that will be overriden temporarily as AnimationOverride objects.


    sounds : set(Sound)

Abilities of this type will play a sound once when the player orders the game entity to use them.

sounds The sound(s) played when the order to use the ability is given. If more than one sound is defined, the engine picks one of them at random.


    stances : set(DiplomaticStance)

Restricts the players who can access the ability. Access is given to a player when the owner of the game entity has one of the specified stances towards this player. Note that when inheriting from this specilization, the access must also be explicitely allowed for the owner of the game entity by adding the Self stance to the set.

Usage example: Consider a trade post like the marketplace from AoE games. Players can send trade carts between trade posts to generate resources. Trade post behavior is activated by assigning the TradePost ability to a game entity. Without inheriting from DiplomaticAbility, all player can trade with this trade post, including its owner. However, if we want to limit the trade post to only be accessible for allies, we can let the ability inherit from DiplomaticAbility and add the Allied stance to the stances set.

stances The stances the owner needs to have towards another player to make the ability accessible for the latter.


    sounds : set(Sound)

Abilities of this type will play a sound while they are active.

sounds The sound(s) played while the ability is active. If more than one sound is defined, the engine picks one of them at random.


    effects                   : set(ContinuousEffect)
    application_delay         : float
    allowed_types             : set(GameEntityType)
    blacklisted_game_entities : set(GameEntity)

Applies a batch of continuous effects on another game entity.

effects The applied continuous effect definitions.

application_delay Time between the initiation of the ability and the application of the effects.

allowed_types Whitelist of game entity types that can be targeted with the ability.

blacklisted_game_entities Blacklist for specific game entities that would be covered by allowed_types, but should be excplicitely excluded.


    effects                   : set(ContinuousEffect)
    reload_time               : float
    application_delay         : float
    allowed_types             : set(GameEntityType)
    blacklisted_game_entities : set(GameEntity)

Applies a batch of discrete effects on another game entity.

effects The applied discrete effect definitions.

reload_time Minimum time between two applications of the batch of effects.

application_delay Time between the initiation of the ability and first application of the effects.

allowed_types Whitelist of game entity types that can be targeted with the ability.

blacklisted_game_entities Blacklist for specific game entities that would be covered by allowed_types, but should be excplicitely excluded.


    interrupted_by     : set(Ability)
    interrupt_cooldown : float

Makes the unit invisible to game entity's of other players.

interrupted_by Abilities of the game entity that interrupt the cloak when used.

interrupt_cooldown Time needed to reactivate the cloak after an ability from interrupted_by has been used.


    container        : Container
    storage_elements : set(GameEntity)

Allows a game entity to insert specified game entities into one of its containers.

container The container the target game entity will be inserted into. A Storage ability with this container must be enabled.

storage_elements The set of game entities that can be inserted into the container. The container must define a corresponding StorageElement for the GameEntity objects.


    starting_progress     : int
    construction_progress : set(ConstructionProgress)

Makes the game entity constructable via Effect types.

starting_progress The construction progress when the game entity is created.

construction_progress A set of ConstructionProgress objects that can activate state changes and animation overrides when the construction progresses.


    creatables : set(CreatableGameEntity)

Allows a game entity to spawn new instances of game entities.

creatables Stores the reference to the creatable game entities as well as the preconditions that have to be fulfilled in order to spawn a new instance.


    attribute       : Attribute
    damage_progress : set(DamageProgress)

Allows the alteration of the base state of the game entity when its attribute values increase or decrease.

attribute The attribute which is monitored.

damage_progress A set of DamageProgress objects that can activate state changes and animation overrides when the current attribute increases or decreases.



Makes the game entity deletable via manual command. This will trigger the currently active Die ability without the need to fulfill the conditions for death. If the game entity does not have an active Die ability, the engine will try to trigger Despawn instead. If this ability is also not present, the game entity is instantly removed from the game.


    search_range              : float
    allowed_types             : set(GameEntityType)
    blacklisted_game_entities : set(GameEntity)

Allows a game entity to dropoff resources at other game entities that have the DropSite ability. Game entities with the Gather ability will automatically use this ability when their gathering capacity is reached.

search_range The range in which the unit will search for a resource drop site when the ability is not used manually.

allowed_types Whitelist of game entity types that can be used as drop sites. They must have a DropSite ability accepting the corresponding resource.

blacklisted_game_entities Blacklist for specific game entities that would be covered by allowed_types, but should be excplicitely excluded.


    despawn_condition : set(DespawnCondition)
    despawn_time      : float
    state_change      : StateChanger

Second stage of a "clean exit" that removes the game entity from the current game. The ability is can be used when a Die ability was executed by the same game entity or if the game entity has no Die ability. Despawn is triggered if at least one of the conditions in despawn_conditions is fulfilled. There can only be one Despawn ability active at the same time. If more than one Despawn abilities are enabled, the least recently enabled one of them is used.

despawn_conditions Conditions that trigger the ability. Only one of them needs to be fulfilled. If the set contains no conditions, the game entity is despawned immediately.

despawn_time Time until the game entity is removed from the game. The removal is permanent.

state_change Alters the base abilities and modifiers of a game entity after the ability is executed. The state change stays active until the game entity is removed from the game.


    death_conditions : set(DeathCondition)
    death_time       : float
    state_change     : StateChanger

First stage of a "clean exit" that removes the game entity from the current game. The ability is triggered if at least one of the conditions in death_conditions is fulfilled. All current tasks of the game entity will be disabled. There can only be one Die ability active at the same time. If more than one Die abilities are enabled, the least recently enabled one of them is used.

After Die has finished, the Despawn ability is activated. Despawn must be triggered by another condition. Until then, the game entity will be assigned the 'dead' status by the engine. If no Despawn is present for the game entity, it will immediately be removed from the game.

Die can be combined with ApplyDiscreteEffect for an ability by inheriting from both API objects. The resulting ability can be used in either ways. If the player uses this ability as an ApplyDiscreteEffect ability, the game entity will die on use. Similarly, if one of the death conditions is triggered, effects will be applied. This can be used to model self destruct behavior.

death_conditions Conditions that trigger the ability. Only one of them needs to be fulfilled. If the set contains no conditions, the game entity dies immediately.

death_time Time until Despawn can be used.

state_change Alters the base abilities and modifiers of a game entity after the ability is executed. The state change stays active until the game entity is removed from the game.


    accepts : set(Resource)

Allows a game entity to act as a resource dropoff site for game entities with the DepositResources ability.

accepts Resources that can be dropped off at the game entity.


    allowed_containers        : set(Container)
    allowed_types             : set(GameEntityType)
    blacklisted_game_entities : set(GameEntity)

Allows a game entity to enter specified containers of another game entity's Storage ability.

allowed_containers The containers that can be entered.

allowed_types Whitelist of game entity types that can be targeted with the ability.

blacklisted_game_entities Blacklist for specific game entities that would be covered by allowed_types, but should be excplicitely excluded.


    source_resources : set(ResourceAmount)
    target_resources : set(ResourceAmount)
    source_fee       : float
    target_fee       : float
    exchange_mode    : ExchangeMode

Exhanges a fixed amount of resources for another fixed amount of resources. Players can exchange resources with themselves or other players.

source_resources Resource amount sent by the player initiating the ability to the targeted player (this is omitted if the player trades with themselves). This removes an amount of

remove_amount = source_resources * source_fee

from the player's resource pool. The resource amount must be available at the time of initiation.

target_resources Resource amount removed from the targeted player's resource pool (this is omitted if the player trades with themselves). The resource amount must be available at the time of initiation. The initiating player receives an amount of

receive_amount = target_resources * target_fee

that is added to their resource pool.

source_fee A multiplier for the amount of resources the initiating player has to spent.

target_resources A multiplier for the amount of resources the initiating player receives.

exchange_mode Configures advanced exchange behavior as an ExchangeMode object.


    allowed_containers : set(Container)

Allows a game entity to exit specified containers of another game entity's Storage ability when they are in the container.

allowed_containers The containers that can be exited.


    height : float

Allows a game entity fly at a fixed height.

height The height at which the game entity flies. This value is always relative to the ground below.


    formations : set(GameEntityFormation)

Allows a game entity to be part of certain formations.

formations Formation types that the game entity can be part of as well as the corresponding subformation that is used.


    foundation_terrain : Terrain
    flatten_ground     : bool

Changes the terrain under a game entity when it is created. Only works if a TileRequirement ability is enabled.

foundation_terrain Replacement terrain that is placed on the tiles the game entity occupies.

flatten_ground Determines whether the ground under the game entity is flattened when it is placed on it. The height level at the center of the game entity is used as orientation.


    stances: set(GameEntityStance)

Defines activity stances for a game entity. These stances define which abilities will be used without player interaction when the game entity is idle.

stances Stance definitions for the game entity as aux.game_entity_stance.GameEntityStance objects.


    range                     : float
    allowed_types             : set(GameEntityType)
    blacklisted_game_entities : set(GameEntity)

Deactivates the hitbox of the game entity for movement of other game entities (like Passable) when specified game entities are in range. The hitbox is still relevant for the game entity's own movement.

range Minimum distance to one of the specified game entities at which the game entity becomes passable.

allowed_types Whitelist of game entity types that makes this game entity passable when they are in range.

blacklisted_game_entities Blacklist for specific game entities that would be covered by allowed_types, but should be excplicitely excluded.


    auto_resume         : bool
    resume_search_range : float
    targets             : set(ResourceSpot)
    carry_capacity      : int
    gather_rate         : ResourceRate
    carry_progress      : set(CarryProgress)

Allows a game entity to gather from resource spots defined the Harvestable abilities of other game entities.

auto_resume Determines whether the game entity will automatically resume gathering after the resource spot is depleted. When enabled, the game entity will check if it can refill the depleted resource spot with one of its Restock abilities. Otherwise, the game entity will search for a new resource spot it can access with this ability.

resume_search_range The range in which the game entity searches for a new resource spot if auto_resume is enabled.

targets Resource spots that can be accessed with this ability.

carry_capacity Maximum carry capacity for resources gathered with this ability. If the stored amount of resources reaches this value or the resource spot is depleted, the game entity will use the DropResources ability.

gather_rate The rate at which the game entity collects resources from the resource spot,

carry_progress A set of CarryProgress objects that can activate state changes and animation overrides when the carried amount of resources increases.


    resources : ResourceSpot

Assigns a game entity a resource spot that can be harvested by other game entities with the Gather ability.

resource_spot The resource spot as a ResourceSpot object. It defines the contained resource and capacity.


    range                     : float
    allowed_types             : set(GameEntityType)
    blacklisted_game_entities : set(GameEntity)

Allows a game entity to change the ownership of other game entities with the Herdable ability.

range Minimum distance to a herdable game entity to make it change ownership.

allowed_types Whitelist of game entity types that can be herded.

blacklisted_game_entities Blacklist for specific game entities that would be covered by allowed_types, but should be excplicitely excluded.


    adjacent_discover_range : float

Makes the game entity switch ownership when it is in range of another game entity with a Herd ability. The new owner is the player who owns the game entity with the Herd ability. If the herdable game entity is in range of two or more herding game entities, the ownership changes to the owner of the game entity which is closest.

adjacent_discover_range When the game entity is herded, other herdables in this range are also herded. The rules in Herd of the herding game entity apply.


    radius_x : float
    radius_y : float
    radius_z : float

Defines the hitbox of a game entity that is used for collision with other game entities.

radius_x The size of the hitbox in the x axis direction.

radius_y The size of the hitbox in the y axis direction.

radius_z The size of the hitbox in the z axis direction.



Used for assigning animations and sounds to game entities in an idle state. In contrast to the other abilities, game entities always have an implicit idle state, even if they have no Idle ability defined.


    range : float

Reveals an area around the game entity.

range Determines the radius of the circular area around the game entity that is revealed.


    attributes : set(AttributeSetting)

Assigns attributes to a game entity. The properties of the attributes are defined in AttributeSetting objects.

attributes Configures the attribute values of the game entity via AttributeSetting objects.


    speed : float
    modes : set(MoveMode)

Allows a game entity to move around the map.

speed Speed of movement.

modes Movement modes that can be used by the game entity.


    name             : TranslatedString
    description      : TranslatedMarkupFile
    long_description : TranslatedMarkupFile

Assigns a game entity name and descriptions.

name The name of the game entity as a translatable string.

description A description of the game entity as a translatable markup file.

long_description A longer description of the game entity as a translatable markup file.



Deactivates the hitbox of the game entity for movement of other game entities. However, the hitbox is still relevant for the game entity's own movement.


    arc               : int
    accuracy          : set(Accuracy)
    target_mode       : TargetMode
    ignored_types     : set(GameEntityType)
    unignore_entities : set(GameEntity)

Gives a game entity projectile behavior. A projectile is always spawned with another GameEntity object as a target. The engine calculates a parabolic path to the target, using the arc, accuracy and target_mode members. While moving along this path, the game entity can use other abilities.

arc The starting arc of the projectile as value between 0 and 360.

accuracy The accuracy of the projectile as an Accuracy object.

target_mode Determines the end point of the projectile path with a TargetMode object. The end point can be at the expected position of the target, when the projectile hits, or at the position of the target, when the projectile spawns.

ignore_types The projectile will not use abilities on game entities with these types and ignore their hitbox, while moving along the path. However, the projectile will always use abilities on its target, even if it has one of they types in this set.

unignore_entities Whitelist of game entities who have a type that is listed in ignore_types, but should not ne ignored.


    amount : set(ResourceAmount)

Provides a temporary resource amount to a ResourceContingent. The amount is provided until the ability is disabled.

amount Temporary resource amount that is provided by the game entity.


    indicator : Ambient

Allows a game entity to set a rally point on the map. Game entities spawned by the Create ability or ejected from a container will move to the rally point location. The rally point can be placed on another game entity. In that case, the game entities moving there will try to use an appropriate ability on it.

indicator Indicator showing the location of the rally point on the map as an Ambient game entity object. It's Visibility ability is only active if the game entity using the rally point is selected.


    min_range : int
    max_range : int

Applies a batch of discrete effects on another game entity. This specialization of ApplyContinuousEffect allows ranged application.

min_range Minumum distance to target.

max_range Maximum distance to the target.


    min_range : int
    max_range : int

Applies a batch of discrete effects on another game entity. This specialization of ApplyDiscreteEffect allows ranged application.

min_range Minumum distance to target.

max_range Maximum distance to the target.


    rate : AttributeRate

Regenerate attribute points at a defined rate. The game entity must have the attribute in its Live ability.

rate Regeration rate as an AttributeRate object.


    rate : ResourceRate
    resource_spot : ResourceSpot

Regenerate the available resources of a game entity's resource spot at a defined rate.

rate Regeration rate as an ResourceRate object.

resource_spot Resource spot that is refilled. The game entity must have a Harvestable ability that contains this resource spot.


    container        : Container
    storage_elements : set(GameEntity)

Allows a game entity to remove specified game entities from one of its containers.

container The container the target game entity will be removed from. A Storage ability with this container must be enabled.

storage_elements The set of game entities that can be removed from the container. The container must define a corresponding StorageElement for the GameEntity objects.


    researchables : set(ResearchableTech)

Allows a game entity to research a Tech object. Initiating a research will lock the technology for other game entities that can research it. The lock is lifted when the research process of the Tech is cancelled.

researchables Stores the reference to the researchable techs as well as the preconditions that have to be fulfilled in order to research them.


    resistances : set(Resistance)

Assigns a game entity resistances to effects applied by other game entities.

resistances A set of resistances as Resistance objects.


    auto_restock : bool
    target       : RestockableResourceSpot
    restock_time : float
    manual_cost  : Cost
    auto_cost    : Cost
    amount       : int

Refills a resource spot with a defined amount of resources.

auto_restock Determines whether the game entity will automatically restock a resource spot that it helped deplete.

target The resource spot that can be restocked with this ability.

restock_time Time until the restocking finishes.

manual_cost Cost of restocking when the ability is used manually by a player.

auto_cost Cost of restocking when the ability is automatically used by the game entity.

amount The amount of resources that is refilled.



Makes the game entity selectable by players.


    allowed_types : set(GameEntityType)
    blacklisted_game_entities : set(GameEntity)

Empties the containers of the Storage abilities of a game entity and lets the ejected game entities resume their previous tasks.

allowed_types Whitelist of game entity types that can will be affected.

blacklisted_game_entities Blacklist for specific game entities that would be covered by allowed_types, but should be excplicitely excluded.


    projectiles               : orderedset(Projectile)
    min_projectiles           : int
    max_projectiles           : int
    min_range                 : int
    max_range                 : int
    reload_time               : float
    spawn_delay               : float
    projectile_delay          : float
    require_turning           : bool
    manual_aiming_allowed     : bool
    spawning_area_offset_x    : float
    spawning_area_offset_y    : float
    spawning_area_offset_z    : float
    spawning_area_width       : float
    spawning_area_height      : float
    spawning_area_randomness  : float
    allowed_types             : set(GameEntityType)
    blacklisted_game_entities : set(GameEntity)

Spawns projectiles that have a GameEntity object as a target. Projectiles are essentially fire-and-forget objects and only loosely depend on the game entity they originate from. The game entity using ShootProjectile will forward its max_range value and the target's ID to the spawned projectile object, so that it can calculate the projectile path.

projectiles Projectile game entities that can be spawned by the ability. The projectiles are fired in the order they have in the set. The amount of spawned projectiles is min_projectiles by default and can be increased by Modifier objects up to an upper limit of max_projectiles. The last Projectile is reused when the number of projectiles supposed to be fired is greater than the size of the set.

min_projectiles Minimum amount of projectiles spawned.

max_projectiles Maximum amount of projectiles spawned.

min_range Minimum distance the game entity has to have to the target.

max_range Maximum distance at which the game entity can initiate the ability. Projectiles will be fired at targets further than this distance if the target was in range of the shooting game entity when the ability was initiated.

reload_time Time until the ability can be used again. The timer starts after the last projectile has been fired.

spawn_delay Time between the initiation of the ability and first projectile being fired.

projectile_delay Time until the next projectile is spawned when multiple projectiles are fired.

require_turning Determines whether the game entity must turn towards the target.

manual_aiming_allowed Determines whether the ability can be aimed at a coordinate instead of a GameEntity object.

spawning_area_offset_x Part of the spawn location coordinates. The spawn location is an offset from the anchor point of the game entity.

spawning_area_offset_y Part of the spawn location coordinates. The spawn location is an offset from the anchor point of the game entity.

spawning_area_offset_z Part of the spawn location coordinates. The spawn location is an offset from the anchor point of the game entity.

spawning_area_width Determines the spawn area in which the projectile can be spawned randomly.

spawning_area_height Determines the spawn area in which the projectile can be spawned randomly.

spawning_area_randomness Value between 0 and 1 that determines far the spawn location can be from the spawn area center. The engine chooses random (x,y) coordinates in the spawn area and multiplies them by this value in order to determine the spawn location.

allowed_types Whitelist of game entity types that can be targeted with the ability.

blacklisted_game_entities Blacklist for specific game entities that would be covered by allowed_types, but should be excplicitely excluded.



Stops all current tasks and returns the game entity to an idle state.


    container       : Container
    empty_threshold : AttributeAmount

Enables a game entity to store other game entities. The stored game entities can influence the state of the storing game entity.

container Defines which and how many game entities can be stored.

empty_threshold Empties the storage if the current value of the referenced attribute falls below the defined value.


    tiles_x : int
    tiles_y : int

Makes a game entity require a rectangular set of tiles on the terrain grid.

tiles_x Number of tile required on the x axis of the grid.

tiles_y Number of tile required on the y axis of the grid.


    terrain_requirement : set(Terrain)

Makes a game entity require a specific terrain to move and be placed on.

terrain_requirement Set of terrains the game entity requires.


    trade_routes : set(TradeRoute)

Allows a game entity to trade with other game entities that have the TradePost ability.

trade_routes Trade routes that can be established with trade posts. The TradeRoute object defines rules and traded resources for the trade.


    trade_routes : set(TradeRoute)

Makes a game entity a trade post that other game entities can trade with using their Trade ability.

trade_routes Trade routes that can be established with this trade post. The TradeRoute object defines rules and traded resources for the trade.


    storage_element  : GameEntity
    source_container : Container
    target_container : Container

Transfers one game entity from a container to another.

storage_element Game entity that is transfered.

source_container Container the game entity is stored in when the ability is used.

target_container Container that the game entity is inserted into. The target container can belong to the same game entity.


    states        : set(StateChanger)
    initial_state : StateChanger

Defines a set of predefined state changes that a game entity can activate by using the TransformTo ability. Only one StateChanger object per Transform ability can be active at the same time.

states State changes that can be activated. TransformTo can switch to more states than those which are defined in this set. However, it is recommend to list all state changes reachable by transformation in here to allow easy access to them in scripts.

initial_state Activates automatically when the ability is enabled.


    target_state       : StateChanger
    transform_time     : float
    transform_progress : set(TransformProgress)

Activates a state change for a game entity. A Transform ability must be assigned to the game entity. The previous state change will be deactivated when the transformation has finished.

target_state Target state change that activates when the time defined in transform_time has passed.

transform_time The time for the transformation to complete.

transform_progress A set of TransformProgress objects that can activate state changes and animation overrides while the transformation progresses.


    turn_speed : float

Allows a game entity to turn on the spot.

turn_speed Speed at which the game entity turns.


    amount : set(ResourceAmount)

Reserves a temporary resource amount of a ResourceContingent. Game entities produced via the Create ability only spawn the the contingent has enough space to support them. The amount is reserved until the ability is disabled.

amount Temporary resource amount that is reserved by the game entity.


    visible_in_fog : bool

Configures a game entity's visiblity in the fog of war.

visible_in_fog Determines whether the game entity is visible in the fog of war.



Generalization object for all modifiers. Modifiers change the behavior of abilities at for general and edge cases. They can influence more than one ability at a time.

Standard behavior without specializations:

  • Modifiers in the modifiers set of GameEntity are considered enabled as soon as the game entity is created, unless a StateChager object disables them.
  • If the modifier is assigned to a GameEntity object, the modifications only apply to this game entity.
  • If the modifier is assigned to a Civilization object, the modifications apply to all game entities of this civilization.
  • Modifiers stack by default.


  • ScopeModifier: Instead of using standard behavior, the modifier is applied to a defined set of game entities.


    diplomatic_stances : set(DiplomaticStance)
    scope              : ModifierScope

Overrides the standard behavior of modifiers and applies the modifier to a defined set of game entities. The modifiers affect the game entities as long as it stays enabled for the game entity that it has been assigned to.

diplomatic_stances Applies the modifiers to players that the owner of the game entity has these diplomatic stances with.

scope Defines the game entities affected by this modifier.


    multiplier : float

A subclass of modifiers that act as multipliers for specific values of abilities.

multiplier Multiplier for a value. Which value is multiplied depends on the specific type of MultiplierModifier.



A subclass of MultiplierModifier that handles multipliers for Effect objects.



A subclass of EffectMultiplierModifier that handles multipliers for FlatAtttributeChange effects.


    elevation_difference : float

Applies a multiplier on the cumulated change value of FlatAtttributeChange effects when the effector containing this modifier is located higher than the targeted resistor.

elevation_difference The minimum elevation difference between effector and resistor.


    flyover_types             : set(GameEntityType)
    blacklisted_game_entities : set(GameEntity)

Applies a multiplier on the cumulated applied change value of FlatAtttributeChange effects of a projectile's attack if the projectile path went over specified game entity types.

flyover_types Whitelist of game entity types that must be under the patch of the projectile. The game entities must have the Hitbox ability.

blacklisted_game_entities Blacklist for specific game entities that would be covered by flyover_types, but should be excplicitely excluded.


    terrain : Terrain

Applies a multiplier on the cumulated applied change value of FlatAtttributeChange effects when the target game entity is on a specified terrain.

terrain The terrain the targeted game entity must stand on.



Applies a multiplier on the cumulated applied change value of FlatAtttributeChange effects without any conditions.



Applies a multiplier on the total_change_time member of TimeRelativeAttributeChange effects.



Applies a multiplier on the total_change_time member of TimeRelativeProgress effects.



A subclass of MultiplierModifier that handles multipliers for Resistance resistances.



A subclass of ResistanceMultiplierModifier that handles multipliers for FlatAtttributeChange resistances.


    elevation_difference : float

Applies a multiplier on the cumulated change value of FlatAtttributeChange resistances when the resistor containing this modifier is located lower than the effector.

elevation_difference The minimum elevation difference between effector and resistor.



Applies a multiplier on the cumulated applied change value of FlatAtttributeChange resistances for a projectile when the resistor was not the intended target.


    terrain : Terrain

Applies a multiplier on the cumulated applied change value of FlatAtttributeChange resistances when the resisting game entity is on a specified terrain.

terrain The terrain the game entity must stand on.



Applies a multiplier on the cumulated applied change value of FlatAtttributeChange resistances without any conditions.


    attribute : Attribute

Applies a multiplier on the starting_value and max_value members of an AttributeSettings object in the Live ability.

attribute AttributeSettings objects with this attribute are considered.


    container : Container

Applies a multiplier to the size member of a Container object in a Storage ability. Resulting values are floored.

container The container which is considered.


    attributes : set(Attribute)
    creatables : set(CreatableGameEntity)

Applies a multiplier on the attribute amount of AttributeCost objects in CreatableGameEntity objects.

attributes Limits the modifier to AttributeAmount objects referencing attributes from this set.

creatables These CreatableGameEntity objects are considered.


    resources  : set(Resource)
    creatables : set(CreatableGameEntity)

Applies a multiplier on the resource amount of ResourceCost objects in CreatableGameEntity objects.

resources Limits the modifier to ResourceAmount objects referencing resources from this set.

creatables These CreatableGameEntity objects are considered.


    creatables : set(CreatableGameEntity)

Applies a multiplier on the creation_time member of a CreatableGameEntity object in the Create ability.

creatables These CreatableGameEntity objects are considered.


    resource_spot : ResourceSpot

Applies a multiplier to the amount of resources that are removed from a specific resource spot's resource amount while gathering.

Example: Consider a gold resource spot containing 100 gold and a game entity with a GatheringEfficiency modifier for this resource spot with multiplier 0.8. For an amount of 10 gold that the game entity gathers, the resource spot will remove only 0.8 times this amount, i.e. the resource spot only loses 8 gold. This effectively increases the yield of the resource spot to 125 gold for the game entity.

resource_spot The resource spot for which the effiency multiplier is applied.


    resource_spot : ResourceSpot

Applies a multiplier to the amount of resources that are gathered from a specific resource spot.

resource_spot The resource spot for which the rate multiplier is applied.



Applies a multiplier on the move_speed member of the Move ability.



Applies a multiplier on the reload_time member of ApplyDiscreteEffect and ShootProjectile abilities.


    attributes    : set(Attribute)
    researchables : set(CreatableGameEntity)

Applies a multiplier on the attribute amount of AttributeCost objects in ResearchableTech objects.

attributes Limits the modifier to AttributeAmount objects referencing attributes from this set.

researchables These ResearchableTech objects are considered.


    resources     : set(Resource)
    researchables : set(ResearchableTech)

Applies a multiplier on the resource amount of ResourceCost objects in ResearchableTech objects.

resources Limits the modifier to ResourceAmount objects referencing resources from this set.

researchables These ResearchableTech objects are considered.


    researchables : set(ResearchableTech)

Applies a multiplier on the research_time member of a ResearchableTech object in the Research ability.

researchables These ResearchableTech objects are considered.


    storage_element : StorageElement

Applies a multiplier to the elements_per_slot member of a StorageElement object in a container. Resulting values are floored.

storage_element The storage element which is considered.


    provider_abilities : set(ApplyDiscreteEffect)
    receiver_abilities : set(ApplyDiscreteEffect)
    change_types       : set(AttributeChangeType)

Compares the raw change value of two sets of ApplyDiscreteEffect abilities. The final amount is calculated by using this formula:

amount = (change_value_provider / reload_time_provider) / change_value_receiver

provider_abilities The abilities of the provider, i.e. the game entity that provides the projectile amount to a receiving game entity. These abilities do not have to be assigned to a game entity.

receiver_abilities The abilities of the receiver, i.e. the game entity that has its projectile amount changed. These abilities do not have to be assigned to a game entity.

change_types The change types of the abilities that are considered as AttributeChangeType objects.



Generalization object for modifiers that change the projectile amount by comparing two sets of values.


    amount : float

Increases the projectile amount of ShootProjectile abilities by a fixed value. The total amount is limited by the max_projectiles member in ShootProjectile.

amount The amount of projectiles added.



The game entity will always herd a herdable game entity in in range, even if other game entities with Herd abilities are closer. If two game entities with this modifier are in range, the closest one of them will herd the herdable.


    rates : set(ResourceRate)

Provides a continuous trickle of resources while the modifier is enabled.

rates The resource rates as ResourceRate objects.


    progress_status      : ProgressStatus
    resources            : set(Resource)
    affected_types       : set(GameEntityType)
    blacklisted_entities : set(GameEntity)

Deposits resources of a game entity into the players resource pool if the game entity was involved in advancing the progress via TimeRelativeProgress effects.

progress_status Progress status at which the resources are deposited. The TimeRelativeProgress effect must be applied at the exact same time as the progress is reached.

resources Resources that are dropped off.

affected_types Whitelist of game entity types that can trigger the deposit action when the progress status is reached. The game entities do not need a DropSite ability.

blacklisted_game_entities Blacklist for specific game entities that would be covered by affected_types, but should be excplicitely excluded.


    diplomatic_stance : DiplomaticStance

Activates line of sight for game entities of players that the owner of the game entity has a specified diplomatic stance towards.

diplomatic_stance Stance towards other players which should be visible.


    containers : set(Container)
    ability    : ApplyContinuousEffect

Makes a game entity apply continuous effects on itself while stored in specified containers.

containers The containers where the continuous effects are applied.

ability Ability that is used to apply the effects. It does not have to be an ability of the game entity. Other modifiers of the game entity apply while using the ability.


    containers : set(Container)
    ability    : ApplyDiscreteEffect

Makes a game entity apply discrete effects on itself while stored in specified containers.

containers The containers where the discrete effects are applied.

ability Ability that is used to apply the effects. It does not have to be an ability of the game entity. Other modifiers of the game entity apply while using the ability.


    tech         : Tech
    requirements : set(AvailabilityRequirement)

Instantly researches a Tech and applies its patches for a player when the listed requirements are fulfilled.

tech The technology that is researched.

requirements Requirements that need to be fulfilled to trigger the research.


    refund_amount : set(ResourceAmount)

Returns a fixed amount of resources back to the player after the game entity has despawned with a Despawn ability.

refund_amount Amount of resources that are added to the player's resource pool.


    line_of_sight        : float
    affected_types       : set(GameEntityType)
    blacklisted_entities : set(GameEntity)

Reveals an area around specified game entities.

line_of_sight The radius of the visible area around the game entity.

affected_types Whitelist of game entity types that the modifier should apply to.

blacklisted_game_entities Blacklist for specific game entities that would be covered by affected_types, but should be excplicitely excluded.



Generalization object for all resistances.

Standard behavior without specializations:

  • Effects are only applied if the resistor has a matching Resistance object. Matching can be further defined depending on the concrete effect.
  • Resisting costs no attribute points.



Generalization object for resistances to continuous effects.


    type       : AttributeChangeType
    block_rate : set(AttributeRate)

Generalization object for resistances to continuous FlatAttributeChange effects.

Note that you cannot use this resistance object directly and have to choose one of the specializations FlatAttributeChangeDecrease or FlatAttributeChangeIncrease.

type Effects of type Effect.ContinuousEffect.FlatAttributeChange are matched to this resistance if they store the same AttributeChangeType object in their type member. Otherwise, the effect will not be applied.

block_rate The per-second attribute rate that is blocked by the resistor. The net change rate (applied rate) is calculated by subtracting the effector's change_rate from the resistor's block_rate.

$$applied\_rate = change\_rate - block\_rate$$

The applied rate is further bound by the interval defined by min_change_rate and max_change_rate in the effect, if these members are set.



Specialization of the continuous FlatAttributeChange resistance that blocks the effector's attribute decrease rate.



Specialization of the continuous FlatAttributeChange resistance that blocks the effector's attribute increase rate.


    type : LureType

Resistance to the Lure effect.

type Effects of type Effect.ContinuousEffect.Lure are matched to this resistance if they store the same LureType object in their type member. Otherwise, the effect will not be applied.


    type : AttributeChangeType

Generalization object for resistances to continuous TimeRelativeAttributeChange effects.

Note that you cannot use this resistance object directly and have to choose one of the specializations TimeRelativeAttributeDecrease or TimeRelativeAttributeIncrease.

type Effects of type Effect.ContinuousEffect.TimeRelativeAttributeChange are matched to this resistance if they store the same AttributeChangeType object in their type member. Otherwise, the effect will not be applied.



Specialization of the continuous TimeRelativeAttributeChange resistance that decreases the resistor's current attribute value in a fixed amount of time relative to their attribute's max_value.



Specialization of the continuous TimeRelativeAttributeChange resistance that increases the resistor's current attribute value in a fixed amount of time relative to their attribute's max_value.


    type : ProgressType

Generalization object for resistances to continuous TimeRelativeProgress effects.

Note that you cannot use this resistance object directly and have to choose one of the specializations TimeRelativeProgressDecrease or TimeRelativeProgressIncrease.

type Effects of type Effect.ContinuousEffect.TimeRelativeProgress are matched to this resistance if they store the same ProgressType object in their type member. Otherwise, the effect will not be applied.



Specialization of the continuous TimeRelativeProgress resistance that decreases the resistor's progress amount in a fixed amount of time relative to 100%.



Specialization of the continuous TimeRelativeProgress resistance that increases the resistor's progress amount in a fixed amount of time relative to 100%.



Generalization object for resistances to discrete effects.


    type          : ConvertType
    chance_resist : float

Resistance to the Convert effect.

type Effects of type Effect.ContinuousEffect.Convert are matched to this resistance if they store the same ConvertType object in their type member. Otherwise, the effect will not be applied.

chance_resist Percentage amount subtracted from the effector's success chance. The percentage should be stored as a float value between 0.0 and 1.0. The net chance (applied chance) of success is calculated by subtracting the effector's chance_success from the resistor's chance_resist.

$$applied\_chance = chance\_success - chance\_resist$$

Any value below 0.0 is an automatic fail, while any value above 1.0 is an automatic success. The applied chance is further bound by the interval defined by min_chance_success and max_chance_success in the effect, if these members are set.


    guaranteed_resist_rounds       : int
    protected_rounds               : int
    protection_round_recharge_time : float

Resistance to the AoE2Convert effect.

guaranteed_resist_rounds Number of rounds at the start where the success chance is guaranteed to be 0.0.

protected_rounds Number of rounds that are needed for the success chance to always be 1.0.

protection_round_recharge_time Time it takes until one protected round is added back to the number of protected rounds.

When the effector stops applying the effect, the number of protected rounds is increased until they reach their maximum value again. Running out of the range of the effector does not count as stopping the effect application.


    type        : AttributeChangeType
    block_value : set(AttributeAmount)

Generalization object for resistances to discrete FlatAttributeChange effects.

Note that you cannot use this resistance object directly and have to choose one of the specializations FlatAttributeChangeDecrease or FlatAttributeChangeIncrease.

type Effects of type Effect.DiscreteEffect.FlatAttributeChange are matched to this resistance if they store the same AttributeChangeType object in their type member. Otherwise, the effect will not be applied.

change_value The flat attribute amount that is blocked by the resistor. The net change value (applied value) is calculated by subtracting the effector's change_value from the resistor's block_value.

$$applied\_value = change\_value - block\_value$$

The applied value is further bound by the interval defined by min_change_value and max_change_value in the effect, if these members are set.



Specialization of the discrete FlatAttributeChange resistance that blocks the effector's attribute decrease value.



Specialization of the discrete FlatAttributeChange resistance that blocks the effector's attribute increase value.


    resource_spot      : ResourceSpot
    harvest_conditions : set(HarvestableRequirement)

Resistance to the MakeHarvestable effect.

resource_spot Resource spot that should be made harvestable. Effects of type Effect.DiscreteEffect.MakeHarvestable are matched to this resistance if they store the same ResourceSpot object in their resource_spot member. Additionally, the target needs to have a Harvestable ability that contains the resource spot.

harvest_conditions The requirements under which the resource spots will be made harvestable.


    type              : SendToContainerType
    search_range      : float
    ignore_containers : set(Container)

Resistance to the SendToContainer effect.

type Effects of type Effect.DiscreteEffect.SendToContainer are matched to this resistance if they store the same SendToContainerType object in their type member. Otherwise, the effect will not be applied.

search_range The range in which the resistor will search for a container.

ignore_containers Excludes the containers from the set when searching for a target container.


    cost : Cost

Can be inherited to make the resistance cost attribute points or resources.

cost The amount of attribute points or resources removed from the resistor.


    accuracy : float
    accuracy_dispersion : float
    dispersion_dropoff : DropOffType
    target_types : set(GameEntityType)
    blacklisted_entities : set(GameEntity)

Stores information for the accuracy calculation of a game entity with Projectile ability.

accuracy The chance for the projectile to land at the "perfect" position to hit its target as a value between 0 and 1.

accuracy_dispersion The maximum accuracy dispersion when the projectile fails the accuracy check.

dispersion_dropoff Multiplies the maximum dispersion with a dropoff factor. The dropoff depends on the distance of the projectile spawning game entity in relation to the max_range of its ShootProjectile ability.

target_types Lists the game entities types for which the accuracy value can be used.

blacklisted_entities Used to blacklist game entities that have one of the types listed in target_types, but should not be covered by this Accuracy object.


    ability    : Ability
    animations : set(Animation)
    priority   : int

Internally overrides the animations used for an ability. The ability must be an AnimatedAbility when the override occurs. The override stops when

  • Another override of the same ability with a greater than or equal to (>=) is initiated
  • The overriden ability is deactivated
  • The override animation would be the same as the standard animation

ability The ability whos animations should be overriden. This member can reference a specific ability of the game entity or an API ability. If an API ability is referenced, all its instances in the ability set of the game entity will be overriden.

animations The replacement animations of the override.

priority Priority of the override. Overrides are only executed if their priority is greater than or equal to (>=) an already existing override. The default animation of an ability always has a priority of 0.


    name         : TranslatedString
    abbreviation : TranslatedString

Defines an attribute that can be assigned a value range by AttributeSetting. Attributes are used for interaction between game entities (e.g. health) and as payment for effects.

name The name of the attribute as a translated string.

abbreviation Short version of the names as a translated string.


    type   : Attribute
    amount : int

A fixed amount of a certain attribute.

type The attribute.

amount Amount of attribute points.


    type   : Attribute
    rate   : float

A per second rate of a certain attribute.

type The attribute.

rate Rate of attribute points.


    attribute      : Attribute
    min_value      : int
    max_value      : int
    starting_value : int

Assigns an interval for an attribute of a game entity. The game entity can have a current attribute value while it exists. Attribute values can be changed by abilities or effects.

attribute Attribute the interval is defined for.

min_value Minimum value the current attribute value can have. Can be negative.

max_value Maximum value the current attribute value can have.

starting_value The current attribute value when the game entity is created.


    protects : Attribute

Protects an attribute by preventing its value to be decreased by another game entity. Attribute increases by other game entities, costs and regeneration are not affected.

protects The attribute that is protected.



Used by FlatAttributeChange effects and resistances for matching.



A special type for FlatAttributeChange. Effects with this type are only evaluated if the accumalated applied value or applied rate of all other effects is outside of a specified interval. The interval is defined by the FlatAttributeChange object that has its type member set to Fallback. Upper and lower bounds are [min_change_rate,max_change_rate] (continuous effects) and [min_change_value,max_change_value] (discrete effects). The fallback effect is also evaluated if no other FlatAttributeChange effect is present or matched to any resistances. However, fallback effects still needs to be matched against a resistance object with type set to Fallback.

For example, effects that utilize fallback can be used to model minimum or maximum damage of a game entity.


    mode : bool

This object is part of a mechanic for unlocking game entities (see CreatableGameEntity) through specifying a set of requirements. (TODO: explain)

Generalization object for a condition that can be either true or false.

mode Determines whether the condition defined by the prerequisite should be negated.

  • mode = true: The prerequisite must be true
  • mode = false: The prerequisite must be false.


    tech : Tech

Is true when the technology has been researched by the player.

tech The technology that has to be researched.


    game_entity : GameEntity
    status   ´  : ProgressStatus

Is true when an instance of a game entity owned by the player has reached a certain progress.

game_entity The game entity that should have progressed this far.

status Current status of a game entity as a ProgressStatus object.


    requirements : set(AvailabilityPrerequisite)

This object is part of a mechanic for unlocking game entities (see CreatableGameEntity) through specifying a set of requirements. (TODO: explain)

To evaluate to true, all of the Prerequisites in the AvailabilityRequirement must be true as well.

requirements A number of prerequisites that can be true or false. If all of the prerequisites are true, the availability requirement is fulfilled.


    activation_message : text
    display_message    : text
    changes            : orderedset(Patch)

Cheats are a predefined gameplay change, often in favor and to the amusement of the player. They are deactivated by default in multiplayer. Advanced cheating behavior can be realized by attaching scripts to the Cheat object.

activation_message The activation message that has to be typed into the chat console.

display_message The displayed message after the cheat is activated as a TranslatedString.

changes Changes to API objects.


    name               : TranslatedString
    description        : TranslatedMarkupFile
    long_description   : TranslatedMarkupFile
    leader_names       : set(TranslatedString)
    modifiers          : set(Modifier)
    starting_resources : set(ResourceAmount)
    civ_setup          : orderedset(Patch)

Civilization customize the base state of the game for a player. This includes availabilitty of units, buildings and techs as well as changing their abilities and modifiers plus their individual members.

name The name of the civilization as a translatable string.

description A description of the civilization as a translatable markup file.

long_description A longer description of the civilization as a translatable markup file. Used for the tech tree help of the civilization.

leader_names Names for the leader of the civilizations that are displayed with the score.

modifiers Modifiers for game entities of the civilization. By default, these modifiers apply to all game entities belonging to the player. For example, an AttributeModifier with multiplier = 1.2 for the attribute Health will increase the maximum HP of every unit owned by the player by 20%. If you want the modifier to only affect specific game entities, you have to use ScopedModifier or assign Modifier objects to individual game entities using civ_setup.

starting_resources The resources of the civilization at the start of a game.

civ_setup Customizes the base state of the game through patches. Any members and objects can be patched. Normal Patch objects will only be applied to the player. To apply patches to other player with specific diplomatic stances, use DiplomaticPatch.



Used by SendToContainer effects and resistances for matching.



Used by Convert effects and resistances for matching.


    payment_mode : PaymentMode

Generalization object for resource and attribute costs.

payment_mode Determines when the costs have to be payed as PaymentMode objects.


    amount : set(AttributeAmount)

Defines the cost as an amount of attribute points that is removed from the game entity's current attribute value.

amount Amounts of attribute points as AttributeAmount objects.


    amount : set(ResourceAmount)

Defines the cost as an amount of resources that is removed from the player's resource pool.

amount Amounts of resources as ResourceAmount objects.


    game_entity    : GameEntity
    cost           : Cost
    creation_time  : float
    creation_sound : Sound
    requirements   : set(AvailabilityRequirement)
    placement_mode : PlacementMode

Defines preconditions, placement and spawn configurations for a new instance of a game entity created by a Create ability.

game_entity Reference to the GameEntity object that is spawned.

cost Resource amount spent to intiate creation. Cancelling the creation results in a refund of the spent resources.

creation_time Time until the game entity is spawned from the creating game entity.

creation_sound Sounds that are played on creating an instance of the game entity.

requirements A set of requirements that unlock the creatable game entity for the creating game entity. Only one requirement needs to be fulfilled to trigger the unlock. If the set is empty, the game entity is considered available from the start for the creating game entity.

placement_mode Decides where and how the game entity instance is spawned as a PlacementMode object.



Generalization object for all death conditions that are usable by the Die ability.


    attribute : Attribute
    min_value : optional(AttributeAmount)
    max_value : optional(AttributeAmount)

Triggers when the current attribute value of a game entity is outside of a defined interval. At least one of the members min_value and max_value has to be set.

attribute Attribute of the game entity.

min_value Lower bound of the interval. If the current attribute value is lower than or equal to (<=) this bound, the condition will trigger.

max_value Upper bound of the interval. If the current attribute value is greater than or equal to (>=) this bound, the condition will trigger.



Triggers when a game entity hitbox collides with that of another game entity.



Triggers when a game entity's hitbox collides with the terrain of the map.


    pass_through_range : int

Triggers when the distance to the spawn location of the game entity becomes greater than a defined value.

pass_through_range Distance to the spawn location. Only (x,y) coordinates are considered.



Generalization object for all despawn conditions that are usable by the Despawn ability.


    only_enabled : bool

Triggers when all resource spots in Harvestable abilities have been depleted.

only_enabled The condition only considers resource spots of enabled Harvestable abilities.


    time : float

Triggers after a specified amount of time has passed after the Despawn ability has been activated. If the Despawn ability is diabled before the timer has finished, it will be reset.

time Time that has to pass after the activation of the corresponding Despawn ability.



Generalization object for diplomaic stances that can be used for diplomacy ingame. Diplomatic stances also define which player can use the abilities, modifiers and effects of a game entity.



The diplomatic stance of a player towards themselves.



Used for calculating the effectiveness over distance of AreaEffects and Accuracy of projectiles. The dropoff modifier is always relational to the maximum range.



The effectiveness starts at 0% (for zero distance) and linearly increases to 100% (for maximum distance).



The effectiveness starts at 100% (for zero distance) and linearly decreases to 0% (for maximum distance).



The effectiveness is constant and independent from the range to the target.



Generalization object for exchange modes of the ExchangeResource ability.



Applies no additional rules to the ability.


    source_min_amount : int
    source_max_amount : int
    target_min_amount : int
    target_max_amount : int
    scope             : optional(ExchangeScope)

Generalization object for volatile exchange modes. Adjusts the transfered resource amounts after every transaction.

source_min_amount Lower bound for the source resource amount.

source_max_amount Upper bound for the source resource amount.

target_max_amount Upper bound for the source resource amount.

target_max_amount Upper bound for the target resource amount.

scope An optional scope for which the adjustments are made. When a scope is defined, the transfered resource amounts are changed for all abilities that reference the same scope object in their exchange mode.


    change_source_amount : int
    change_target_amount : int

Changes the transfered resource amounts by a fixed amount after every transaction.

change_source_amount Changes the current source resource amount by this value.

change_target_amount Changes the current target resource amount by this value.



Generalization object for volatile exchange modes.


    subformations : set(Subformation)

Organizational structure for multiple game entities.

subformations Subdivisions of the formation. Game entities are sorted into one of the subformations.



Subdivision of a formation. It defines the structure and placement of game entities when the formation is formed.


    preceeds : Subformation

Links the individual subformations of a formation together. By using this object, the subformations form a linked list that represents their order in the parent formation.

preceeds Subformation that should be in front of this subformation.


    types     : set(GameEntityType)
    variants  : set(Variant)
    abilities : set(Ability)
    modifiers : set(Modifier)

For definition of all ingame objects, including units, buildings, items, projectiles and ambience. Their capabilities are handled through Ability and Modifier API objects stored in the members.

types Classification of the game entity via GameEntityType objects.

variants Variants can alter the game entity before they are created. The requirement and extent of the changes depends on the Variant object.

abilities Define what the game entity does and is through Ability objects.

modifiers Change the stats of abilities belonging to the game entity. Mostly used to give boni or mali in certain situations (see Modifier).



Specialization of GameEntity for objects in the scenery (cliffs, rocks, trees).



Specialization of GameEntity for buildable objects.


    offset_x : int
    offset_y : int

A subpart of a MultiPartBuilding. Works essentially like any other Building game entity.

offset_x Offset on the x-axis relative to the MultiPartBuilding container.

offset_y Offset on the y-axis relative to the MultiPartBuilding container.


    building_parts : set(BuildingPart)

A building that also is container for several other buildings with own abilities and modifiers.

building_parts The buildings managed by the container (see BuildingPart).



Specialization of GameEntity for items.



Specialization of GameEntity for military and civilian units.


    formation    : Formation
    subformation : Subformation

Defines a placement in a formation for the Formation ability.

formation The formation the game entity is placed in.

subformation Subformation inside the subformation that the game entity is inserted into.


    ability_preference : orderedset(Ability)
    type_preference    : orderedset(GameEntityType)

Generalization object for activity stances for the GameEntityStance ability.

ability_preference The abilities which the game entity will execute or search targets for. Their order in the set defines the priority of usage.

type_preference Determines which game entity types are prioritized as targets. Their order in the set defines the priority of usage. Game entities with types that are not in the set will be ignored.



The game entity will use ranged abilities or move to the nearest target in its line of sight to use other abilities. If the target gets out of the line of sight, the game entity searches for a new target. When no new target can be found, the game entity stops moving and returns to an idle state.



The game entity will use ranged abilities or move to the nearest target in its line of sight to use other abilities. If the target gets out of range or the line of sight, the game entity searches for a new target. When no new target can be found, the game entity returns to its original position and returns to an idle state.



The game entity will stay at its current position.



The game entity will stay at its current position and only reacts to manual commands given by players. Abilities in ability_preference will be ignored.

    sprite : file

Points to a openage sprite definition file in the .sprite format. The specified aniimation can be used by AnimatedAbility objects.

    sprite : file

Points to a openage terrain definition file in the .terrain format. This object is used by the terrain.Terrain object that defines properties of ingame terrain.


    ietf_string : text

A language definition. Languages are used for translated strings, markup files and sounds.

ietf_string The IETF identification tag of the language. See here for more information on how the tags are established.


    language    : Language
    markup_file : file

Defines the translation of a longer text from a markup file in a certain language.

language The language used in the markup file.

markup_file File descriptor of the markup file. Has to be relative to the .nyan file where the LanguageMarkupPair is defined.


    language : Language
    sound    : Sound

Defines the translation of a sound in a certain language.

language The language used for the sound.

sound References the Sound object for the translation.


    language : Language
    string   : text

Defines the translation of a string in a certain language.

language The language used for the string.

string The translated string.



Used by Lure effects and resistances for matching.


    patches : orderedset(Patch)

A set of patches that will be automatically applied when the modpack is loaded. It is recommended to only use one Mod object per modpack since the correct order of patches cannot be guaranteed otherwise.

patches Changes the game state through patches. Any members and objects can be patched. Every Patch will be applied to all players. DiplomaticPatch objects will also be applied to all players.



Generalization object for scopes of a ScopeModifier object.


    affected_types            : set(GameEntityType)
    blacklisted_game_entities : set(GameEntity)

Defines a scope of game entities the modifier should apply to.

affected_types Whitelist of game entity types that the modifier should apply to.

blacklisted_game_entities Blacklist for specific game entities that would be covered by affected_types, but should be excplicitely excluded.



Makes the modifier behave as if standard rules would apply, i.e. as if the modifier had no ScopeModifier specialization type.



Generalization object for move modes for the Move ability.



Move to a position on the map. Stances from GameEntityStance ability are considered during movement.


    range : float

Follow another game entity at a defined range. The movement speed is adjusted to the followed game entity, but cannot go higher than the speed value from Move. Stances from GameEntityStance ability are ignored during movement. Following is stopped when the followed game entity gets out of the line of sight of the following game entity.

range The range at which the other game entity is followed.



Move to a position on the map. Stances from GameEntityStance ability are ignored during movement.



Lets player set two or more waypoints that the game enity will follow. Stances from GameEntityStance ability are considered during movement.



Generalization object for all nyan patchesv. Let nyan patches inherit from this object to make them usable for the openage API.


    stances : set(DiplomaticStance)

A patch that is applied to all players that have the specified diplomatic stances from the viewpoint of the patch's initiator.

stances The diplomatic stances of the players the patch should apply to.



Generalization object for the payment options of a Cost object.



The cost is handled as running costs. Payment is progressive (relative to a value, e.g. time) while an action is executed. The action halts if the costs cannot be payed anymore.



The cost is handled as payment in advance. Actions require payment first before they can be executed.



The cost is handled as payment in arrear. Actions that require payment are executed first and payed afterwards.



Generalization object for all placement modes that are configurable for a CreatableGameEntity object.



The game entity is ejected from the creating game entity. Ejecting considers the game entity's Hitbox, TileRequirement and TerrainRequirement abilities for the ejection location.


    allow_rotation : bool

The game entity can be placed on the map after its creation. Placement considers the game entity's Hitbox, TileRequirement and TerrainRequirement abilities for the placement location.

allow_rotation The player can cycle through the PerspectiveVariant variants of the game entity before placement.


    progress : int

Generalization object for progression types. Certain properties of a game entity can progress from 0% to 100%. These are for example construction or harvesting progress. Progress objects can define what happens at after a property has reached a specific point of progress.

A Progress object is always tied to an ability.


  • AnimatedProgress: Overrides the animation of an ability.
  • TerrainProgress: Changes the underlying terrain of the game entity.
  • TerrainOverlayProgress: Changes terrain overlays of a game entity.
  • StateChangeProgress: Alters the base abilities and modifiers of the game entity through StateChanger objects.

progress An integer between 0 and 100 that represents the percentage of progress after which the progress object is used.


    progress_sprite : AnimationOverride

Overrides the animation of an ability when the specified progress has been reached.

progress_sprite The new animation as an AnimationOverride object.


    state_change : StateChanger

Alters the base abilities and modifiers of a game entity when the specified progress has been reached.

state_change The state modifications as a StateChanger object.


    terrain_overlay : Terrain

Changes overlayed terrain of a game entity when the specified progress has been reached. The game entity needs an enabled OverlayTerrain ability for this to work.

terrain Overrides the overlayed terrain of the currently enabled OverlayTerrain ability of the game entity. The override stops when another terrain overlay override is initiated, the overriden OverlayTerrain ability is deactivated or the override terrain is the same as the default overlayed terrain of the ability.


    terrain : Terrain

Changes the underlying terrain of a game entity when the specified progress has been reached.

terrain The new terrain that will be permanently placed under the game entity.



Monitors the occupied storage space of a Storage or Gather ability. An empty storage has a progress of 0% and a full storage a progress of 100%.



Monitors the construction progress of a game entity with Contructable ability. An unconstructed game entity has a progress of 0% and a fully constructed game entity a progress of 100%.



Compares the current attribute value in relation to the max_value of an attribute of a game entity. The Progress objects are stored in a Damageable ability which specifies the type of attribute that is monitored. When the attribute value is equal to max_value of the attribute defined by the game entity, the progress is 0%. Once the attribute value reaches the min_value, the progress is 100%.



Monitors the harvesting progress of a resource spot stored by a Harvestable ability. A resource spot with full capacity has a progress of 0% and a fully harvested resource spot a progress of 100%.



Monitors the restock progress of a restockable resource spot stored by a Harvestable ability. The restocking progress is intiated by the Restock ability of another game entity. At the start of the restocking process, the progress is 0%. After the restocking has finished, the progress is 100%.

Restocking progress is only tracked between the start and end of restock process. Therefore, state changes initiated by RestockProgress objects of type StateChangerProgress will be deactivated after the progress reaches 100%.



Monitors the progress of a trasformation initiated by a TransformTo ability. At the start of the transformation, the progress is 0%. After the transformation has finished, the progress is 100%.

Transformation progress is only tracked between the start and end of transformation. Therefore, state changes initiated by TransformProgress objects of type StateChangerProgress will be deactivated after the progress reaches 100%.


    progress_type : ProgressType
    progress      : float

Generalization object for progress status objects required by GameEntityProgress.

progress_type The type of progress.

progress Minimum amount of progress that has to be reached.



Used by Convert effects and resistances for matching.



A progress type that covers construction progress.


    tech           : Tech
    cost           : Cost
    research_time  : float
    research_sound : Sound
    requirements   : set(AvailabilityRequirement)

Defines preconditions for researching a technology with the Research ability.

tech Reference to the Tech object that is researched.

cost Resource amount spent to intiate the research. Cancelling the research results in a refund of the spent resources.

research_time Time until the Tech object's patches are applied.

research_sound Sounds that are played when the research finishes.

requirements A set of requirements that unlock the technology for the researching game entity. Only one requirement needs to be fulfilled to trigger the unlock. If the set is empty, the technology is considered available from the start for the researching game entity.


    name        : TranslatedString
    max_storage : int

Defines a resource that can be used in the game. Adding a resources will give an amount of 0 of that resource to all players. The current amount of resources can be influenced by the abilities and modifiers of game entities.

name The name of the resource as a translatable string.

max_storage Maximum amount of resources that can be stored at a time by the player.


    min_amount : int
    max_amount : int

A Resource that creates a contingent which is temporarily usable by game entities. The size of the contingent is determined by two values:

  • Static amounts can be aquired like normal resources
  • Temporary amounts that can be provided by game entities with ProvideContingent

By using the contingent (see UseContingent ability), the current amount of resources is not reduced. Instead, the game entity will reserve parts of the contingent until it loses the ability or dies. When the whole contingent is reserved, no more game entities using it can be created.

Contingents can be utilized to implement mechanics like Population Space (AoE2) or Supply (Starcraft).

Note that it is also allowed to spend the static amounts determining the contingent size like normal resources.

min_amount The minimum contingent size. Static and temporary amounts will be added to this value.

max_amount The maximum contingent size.


    type   : Resource
    amount : int

A fixed amount of a certain resource.

type The resource.

amount Amount of the resource.


    type : Resource
    rate : float

A per-second rate of a certain resource.

type The resource.

rate Rate of the resource.


    resource               : Resource
    capacity               : int
    starting_amount        : int
    decay_rate             : float
    harvest_progress       : set(HarvestProgress)
    gatherer_limit         : int
    harvestable_by_default : bool

Amount of resources that is gatherable through the Harvestable ability of a game entity.

resource Type of resource that can be harvested.

capacity Maximum resource capacity of the resource spot.

starting_amount Gatherable amount when the resource spot is created.

decay_rate Determines how much resources are lost each second after the resource spot is activated (see harvestable_by_default for details).

harvest_progress Can alter the game entity the resource spot belongs to after certain percentages of the resource amount are harvested.

gatherer_limit Limits the amount of gatherers that can access the resource spot simultaneously.

harvestable_by_default Determines whether the resource spot is harvestable when it is created. If true, the resource spot will be accessible without any conditions as long as the corresponding Harvestable ability of the game entity is enabled. When set to false, the resource spot must be activated with a MakeHarvestable effect. The conditions under which the activation succeeds are decided by the MakeHarvestable resistance of the game entity the resource spot belongs to.


    destruction_time_limit : float
    restock_progress       : set(RestockProgress)

Resource spot that can be restocked after the contained resource amount reaches 0.

destruction_time_limit Time until the resource spot is made permanently inaccessible. Afterwards, restocking is impossible.

restock_progress Can alter the game entity the resource spot belongs to after certain percentages of the resource amount are restocked.


    play_delay : float
    sounds     : orderedset(file)

A collection of sound files that can be played by abilities of a game entity.

play_delay Delay when the sound loops.

sounds A set of sound files that are played in the order they are stored in the set.


    enable_abilities  : set(Ability)
    disable_abilities : set(Ability)
    enable_modifiers  : set(Modifier)
    disable_modifiers : set(Modifier)
    priority          : int

State changes alter the base state of a game entity which is defined by the abilities and modifers stored in a GameEntity object. They are allowed to enable new and disable existing abilities as well as modifiers. Multiple state changes can be applied at once. Only abilities and modifiers with a priority lower than or equal to (<=) the one defined in the StateChanger object will be disabled.

enable_abilities A set of abilities that are enabled when the state change is active.

disable_abilities A set of abilities that are disabled when the state change is active and the abilities have a priority lower than or equal to (<=) the priority in the disabling StateChanger object.

enable_modifiers A set of modifiers that are enabled when the state change is active.

disable_modifiers A set of modifiers that are disabled when the state change is active and the modifiers have a priority lower than or equal to (<=) the priority in the disabling StateChanger object.

priority Priority of a state change. The value can be negative. Abilities and modifiers belonging to the base state have an implicit priority of 0.

    storage_elements : set(StorageElement)
    slots            : int
    carry_progress   : set(CarryProgress)

Used by the Storage ability to store definitions of how the stored game entities influence the storing game entity.

storage_elements Contains the definitions for handling stored game entities as StorageElement objects.

slots Defines how many slots for game entities the container has. Multiple game entities may be stacked in one slot depending on the elements_per_slot member in StorageElement.

carry_progress A set of CarryProgress objects that can activate state changes and animation overrides when the container is filled.

    storage_element   : GameEntity
    elements_per_slot : int
    conflicts         : set(StorageElement)
    state_change      : StateChanger

Defines how a stored game entity influences its storing game entity.

storage_element The stored game entity to which this definition applies.

elements_per_slot Defines how many game entities of the type referenced in storage_element can be stacked in one slot.

conflicts A set of storage elements which cannot be in the container at the same time as this storage element.

state_change Alters the base abilities and modifiers of the storing game entity when at least one game entity of the type referenced in storage_element is present in the container.



Generalization object for target modes used by projectiles.



Makes the projectile path end at the current postion of the target when the projectile spawned.



Makes the projectile path end at the postion where the target is expected to be when the projectile is supposed to hit it.


    activation_message : text
    display_message    : TranslatedString
    sound              : Sound

A predefined message players can send to each other.

activation_message The activation message that has to be typed into the chat console.

display_message The displayed message after the taunt is activated as a TranslatedString.

sound Sounds that are played after the taunt is activated.

    name             : TranslatedString
    description      : TranslatedMarkupFile
    long_description : TranslatedMarkupFile
    updates          : orderedset(Patch)

An object that can apply changes through patching. It follows the standard implementation from most other strategy games. The Tech object only stores the patches that change the game state, while cost, research time, and requirements are decided by the Research ability of a game entity. By default, technologies can only be applied once and researched by one game entity at a time. Afterwards, the engine sets a flag that the Tech was applied and automatically forbids researching it again.

name The name of the technology as a translatable string.

description A description of the technology as a translatable markup file.

long_description A longer description of the technology as a translatable markup file.

updates Changes the game state through patches. Any members and objects can be patched. Normal Patch objects will only be applied to the player. To apply patches to other player with specific diplomatic stances, use DiplomaticPatch.


    name                      : TranslatedString
    terrain_graphic           : Terrain
    sound                     : Sound
    allowed_types             : set(GameEntityType)
    blacklisted_game_entities : set(GameEntity)
    ambience                  : set(TerrainAmbient)

Terrains define the properties of the ground which the game entities are placed on.

name The name of the terrain as a translatable string.

terrain_graphic Texture of the terrain (see Terrain). openage uses 3D terrain on which the texture is painted on.

sound Ambient sound played when the camera of the player is looking onto the terrain.

allowed_types Game entities that have one of the specified types (see GameEntityType) are allowed to traverse or be placed on the terrain.

blacklisted_game_entities Used to blacklist game entities that have one of the types listed in allowed_types, but must not traverse or be placed on the terrain.

ambience Defines ambient objects placed on the terrain through a set of TerrainAmbient objects.


    object      : Ambient
    max_density : int

An ambient game entity that is placed randomly on a chunk of terrain (10x10 tiles).

object The game entity placed on the terrain.

max_density Defines how many ambient objects are allowed to be placed on a chunk at maximum.


    trade_resource    : Resource
    start_trade_post  : GameEntity
    end_trade_post    : GameEntity

Generalization object that defines a trade route between two game entities.

trade_resource Resource that is traded on this trade route. The traded amount depends on the trade route type.

start_trade_post The game entity where the traded resource is collected. The game entity must have a TradePost ability that contains this TradeRoute object.

end_trade_post The game entity the traded resource is delivered to. The game entity must have a TradePost ability that contains this TradeRoute object.


    exchange_resources : set(Resource)
    trade_amount       : int

Uses Age of Empires 1 rules for trading.

exchange_resources The trading game entity exchanges trade_amount of a selected resource in this set by trade_amount of the resource defined by trade_resource.

trade_amount Amount of resources traded each time.



Uses Age of Empires 2 rules for trading. The trading game entity chooses the nearest possible end_trade_post from the start_trade_post. Calculation of the traded resource amount is based on this formula:

trade_amount = 0.46 * tiles_distance * ((tiles_distance / map_size) + 0.3)



Generalization object for any objects that are or should be different depending on the language. Currently we support translations for strings, markup files and sounds.


    translations : set(LanguageMarkupPair)

The translated versions of a longer text stored in markup files.

translations All translations of the makrup files as language-file pairs (see LanguageMarkupPair).


    translations : set(LanguageSoundPair)

The translated versions of a sound.

translations All translations of the sound as language-sound pairs (see LanguageSoundPair).


    translations : set(LanguageTextPair)

The translated versions of a string.

translations All translations of the string as language-text pairs (see LanguageTextPair).


    changes  : orderedset(Patch)
    priority : int

Variants can change the game entity when it is created. When variants are chosen depends on their type.

changes The changes to the game entity as a set of patches. Only the created game entity is affected.

priority When many variants are chosen, this member influences the order in which the patches from their changes member are applied. Patches from variants with higher priority value are applied first.


    north      : optional(GameEntity)
    north_east : optional(GameEntity)
    east       : optional(GameEntity)
    south_east : optional(GameEntity)
    south      : optional(GameEntity)
    south_west : optional(GameEntity)
    west       : optional(GameEntity)
    north_west : optional(GameEntity)

A variant that is chosen based on adjacent game entities. Both the created game entity and the adjacent game entities must have the TileRequirement ability. From all AdjacentVariant variants the one with the most matches in all directions is chosen.

north The desired game entity north of the created game entity. Does not have to be set.

north_east The desired game entity north-east of the created game entity. Does not have to be set.

east The desired game entity east of the created game entity. Does not have to be set.

south_east The desired game entity south-east of the created game entity. Does not have to be set.

south The desired game entity south of the created game entity. Does not have to be set.

south_west The desired game entity south-west of the created game entity. Does not have to be set.

west The desired game entity west of the created game entity. Does not have to be set.

north_west The desired game entity north-west of the created game entity. Does not have to be set.


    chance_share : float

From all variants of this type in the variants member of the game entity, one will be picked at random.

chance_share The relative chance of the variant to be picked. Note that this is not a percentage chance. The value defines how likely it is for the variant to be chosen relative to the other RandomVariant objects.


  • Random variant 1 with chance_share = 1.0
  • Random variant 2 with chance_share = 4.0

The second variant is four times as likely to be picked. The absolute chances are:

  • Random variant 1: 20%
  • Random variant 2: 80%


    angle : int

Variant depending on the placement angle of the game entity. Cuurently only works with the PlacementMode of type Place with the allow_ratation member set to true.

angle Angle of the game entity. An angle of 0 points to the south-west direction.

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