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Created June 15, 2020 17:35
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Dynamic Translation
* Renders a translation that cannot be extracted statically.
* Avoid using this component as much as possible!
export class TransMsgDynamic extends React.Component<{
keyAndDefaultTranslation: string;
* A static id that represents the pool of all possible keys.
* If this id is not used in the code base anymore,
* all keys associated with this id can be removed.
keyPoolId: string;
data?: I18nData;
}> {
render() {
const { keyAndDefaultTranslation, data } = this.props;
const doc = parseGemlMarkupString(keyAndDefaultTranslation);
return <>{evaluateGemlMarkupStringToReact(doc, data || {})}</>;
* Translates text that cannot be extracted statically.
* Avoid using this component as much as possible!
export function transStrDynamic(
keyAndDefaultTranslation: string,
options: {
* A static id that represents the pool of all possible keys.
* If this id is not used in the code base anymore,
* all keys associated with this id can be removed.
keyPoolId: string;
data?: I18nData;
): string {
const doc = parseGemlMarkupString(keyAndDefaultTranslation);
return evaluateGemlMarkupStringToString(doc, || {});
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