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Capybara-Webkit focus on an element test that fails
Feature: Capybara Webkit focus test
In order to show that Capybara Webkit does not allow an element to maintain focus
I created this feature
Which anyone can try
Scenario: Run demo page
When I am on the capybara demo page
Then I should see a successful result
Then /I should see a successful result/ do
# pause to be extra sure we're not failing for stupid reasons
sleep 1
page.evaluate_script("$('#log').text();").should match(/success/)
# standard code before
when /the capybara demo page/
# standard code after
Feature: Capybara Webkit focus test
In order to show that Capybara Webkit does not allow an element to maintain focus
I created this feature
Which anyone can try
Scenario: Run demo page with Selenium
When I am on the capybara demo page
And I fill in "inpt" with "Test snapshot"
Then I should see a successful result
And the input field should have focus
Scenario: Run demo page with Capybara Webkit
When I am on the capybara demo page
And I fill in "inpt" with "Test snapshot"
Then I should see a successful result
And the input field should have focus
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Capybara Webkit Focus Test</title>
<!-- Jquery.focus.test-fix.js must be loaded before JQuery -->
<script src="/javascripts/jquery.focus.test-fix.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<input type="text" id="inpt"/>
<p id="log" style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 13px;">Log:</p>
$(function() {
console.log("This message was fired using console.log");
$('#log').append($('#inpt').is(':focus') ? 'focus success' : 'focus failure');
Then /I should see a successful result/ do
# pause to be extra sure we're not failing for stupid reasons
sleep 1
page.evaluate_script("$('#log').text();").should match(/success/)
Then /the input field should have focus/ do
page.evaluate_script("$('#inpt').is(':focus')").should be_true
page.evaluate_script("$(':focus')[0] === $('#inpt')[0]").should be_true
* JQuery tries to use native CSS selectors instead of the Sizzle selector
* engine for performance reasons.
* This causes problems when trying to test intefaces using the
* :focus pseudo selector as unless the web page and browser window
* has the focus, all elements are considered to be without focus.
* Checking for :focus in Selenium or Capybara tests therefore fail if
* using JQuery or Sizzle.
* Sizzle will however return true for a :focus element even if the
* window itself has lost focus if we force it not use the native selector functions
* This script forces Sizzle to use its own engine over native selectors.
* This file MUST be included before JQuery or Sizzle is loaded
* Refer to for more info
/* Prevent use of native find selector */
document.querySelectorAll = false;
/* Prevent use of native matches selector */
document.documentElement.matchesSelector = false;
document.documentElement.mozMatchesSelector = false;
document.documentElement.webkitMatchesSelector = false;
document.documentElement.msMatchesSelector = false;
# standard code before
when /the capybara demo page/
# standard code after
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script class="jsbin" src=""></script>
<title>Capybara Webkit Focus Test</title>
<input type="text" id="inpt"/>
<p id="log" style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 13px;">Log:</p>
$(function() {
$('#log').append($('#inpt').is(':focus') ? 'focus success' : 'focus failure');
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