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Last active February 9, 2023 02:05
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iOS, Swift, Objective-C resources

iOS, Swift, Objective-C resources

#ios #swift #objective-c #objc #obj-c #articles #tutorials #resources #tools #blogs #apps #services #books #courses

For a beginner that’s starting from scratch, I currently recommend HackingWithSwift since it’s free and it has a structured learning path. I’ve seen some juniors start successfuly with SwiftUI first which is easier for them and then go deep with UIKit.

Second would be the Stanford free courses, previous editions were done with UIKit but newest, 2021 and 2020, were taught with SwiftUI.

Old but goody, whenever you see this on the cheap on udemy:

Apple gives some books and resources, the only official certications are for K-12 programs (teaching kinds age 9 to 12)

For learning the internals of swift and objective-c, nothing beats the official documentation of each language:



iOS, SDKs and technologies

raywenderlich has learning paths for beginners up until some hard topics. Plus there are also materials for Kotlin, Android, Dart, Flutter, Git and Unity3D.

For iOS knowledge and learning it’s SDKs, learning some good practices (and also some not-so-good-practices, read the comments of each article)

For the hot stuff (tm) Combine, SwiftUI and concurrency:

For creating custom components with SwiftUI, Canvas and the new TimelineView

For SwiftUI animations and transitions

Community pages with lots of weekly articless

For learning deep topics, system design and system architecture:

For practicing for coding challenge interviews:

For kids to learn Swift

To review quickly the Swift or Objc syntax

IDE or editors:

Online compilers or REPL:

To publish for beta testers:

To modify the project from the terminal and gather build settings config or compare them:

For making binary frameworks in swift:

For search for dependencies:

To manage dependencies:

Contract-driven testing:


Testing tools

For local storage, DB:

To test push notifications:

To review concurrency issues:

Tools for UI debugging:

For codegen:

For Static Code Analysis (security warnings)

For network debugging:

For API documentation or testing:

For generating app store assets:

For diagramming and drawing on iPad

To stream multiple devices via airplay to your mac (natively supported in macOS Monterrey but reflector is still better)

For small MDM tasks

Open Source MDM server

For backups, for fetching IPA’s, for checking for rootkits:

Prototyping and handoff

Simulator tools


Core Animator (ded -_-;;;;)

For analysing module/object depenencies and metrics

Swift on the server:

Swift for scripting:

SDK’s to kickstart fast development:

Swift’s Papa:

My Favorite blogs, videos and resources:

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I'll edit the gist with it, or move this later to a repo

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