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Forked from i-am-tom/Json.purs
Created February 15, 2020 17:13
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Parsing, Generating, and Diffing JSON in PureScript
module Main where
-- | JSON is an incredibly simple format. Even its lists are untyped.
-- | As with all languages, functional programming encourages us to
-- | make a domain-specific language (or DSL) to capture the "ideas"
-- | of the language, which we can then use to talk about its content.
-- | In this little snippet, we'll build a JSON DSL, transform it into
-- | a recursive structure, and then use that result to generate some
-- | JSON output, parse some JSON input, and even diff two trees!
import Prelude
import Control.Alt ((<|>))
import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff)
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console (CONSOLE, log)
import Control.Monad.Eff.Exception (EXCEPTION)
import Control.Monad.Eff.Random (RANDOM)
import Data.Array (fromFoldable, head, nub)
import Data.Either (Either, either)
import Data.Eq (class Eq1)
import Data.Foldable (class Foldable, any, find, foldMap, foldlDefault, foldrDefault)
import Data.Functor.Compose (Compose(..))
import Data.Functor.Mu (Mu(..), unroll)
import Data.Lazy (Lazy, defer, force)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe, fromJust)
import Data.Monoid (mempty)
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype, unwrap)
import Data.NonEmpty ((:|))
import Data.StrMap as SM
import Data.String (joinWith)
import Data.Traversable (class Traversable, sequence, sequenceDefault, traverse)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Partial.Unsafe (unsafePartial)
import Test.QuickCheck (quickCheck, withHelp, (===))
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary (class Arbitrary, arbitrary)
import Test.QuickCheck.Gen (Gen, elements)
import Text.Parsing.Simple (Parser, parse, sepBy)
import Text.Parsing.Simple as S
-- | Here, if I'm correct, is the entire JSON language spec. Forget
-- | the syntax for a minute: this data type captures every idea we
-- | could express with JSON. Notice our `f` parameter here just sits
-- | where we would expect the recursion to happen.
data JsonF f
= JNull
| JBool Boolean
| JInt Int
| JNum Number
| JStr String
| JList (Array f)
| JObject (SM.StrMap f)
derive instance eqJsonF :: Eq f => Eq (JsonF f)
instance showJsonF :: Show f => Show (JsonF f) where
show JNull = "null"
show (JBool b) = show b
show (JInt i) = show i
show (JNum n) = show n
show (JStr s) = show s
show (JList l) = show l
show (JObject o) = show o
-- | In fact, because of that `f`, we can get a `Functor` instance for
-- | no extra cost, which is neat. If this functor seems useless (and,
-- | on its own, it really is), don't worry: all will become clear.
derive instance functorJsonF :: Functor JsonF
-- | We're not going to spend too much time on this typeclass. Just so
-- | we can move on: `Eq1` lets us check that two `Json` objects are
-- | equal.
instance eq1JsonF :: Eq1 JsonF where
eq1 = eq
-- | There isn't really any information worth collecting in our JsonF
-- | type in practice, but having a `Foldable` instance lets us build
-- | a `Traversable` instance.
instance foldableJsonF :: Foldable JsonF where
foldMap f (JList xs) = foldMap f xs
foldMap f (JObject xs) = foldMap f xs
foldMap f _ = mempty
foldr f = foldrDefault f
foldl f = foldlDefault f
-- | Not that it's required for parsing/generating, but our JsonF is
-- | a pretty straightforward `Traversable` type. This will be useful
-- | when we get to the diffing stuff later on.
instance traversableJsonF :: Traversable JsonF where
sequence xs = sequenceDefault xs
traverse :: forall f a b.
Applicative f
=> (a -> f b)
-> JsonF a
-> f (JsonF b)
traverse f (JList xs) = JList <$> traverse f xs
traverse f (JObject xs) = JObject <$> traverse f xs
traverse _ JNull = pure JNull
traverse _ (JBool b) = pure (JBool b)
traverse _ (JInt i) = pure (JInt i)
traverse _ (JNum n) = pure (JNum n)
traverse _ (JStr s) = pure (JStr s)
-- | `Mu` gives us the "fixed point" of `JsonF`. WHat this means in
-- | English is that it takes `JsonF f` and sets `f` to `JsonF f`. At
-- | first glance, that gives us `JsonF (JsonF (JsonF ...` forever,
-- | but `Mu` takes care of the type and stops this nonsense.
type Json = Mu JsonF
-- | With our `Mu` representation, we have to "lift" our `JsonF`
-- | constructors for our `Json` type:
fromBool :: Boolean -> Json
fromBool = In <<< JBool
fromInt :: Int -> Json
fromInt = In <<< JInt
fromNull :: Json
fromNull = In JNull
fromNum :: Number -> Json
fromNum = In <<< JNum
fromStr :: String -> Json
fromStr = In <<< JStr
fromList :: Array Json -> Json
fromList = In <<< JList
fromObj :: SM.StrMap Json -> Json
fromObj = In <<< JObject
-- | As an example, here's some JSON that we have constructed with our
-- | neat new `Fix` type!
exampleJSON :: Json
= fromObj $ SM.fromFoldable
[ Tuple "id" (fromInt 1)
, Tuple "name" (fromStr "Katya")
, Tuple "friends"
( fromList $ fromFoldable
[ fromStr "Trixie"
, fromStr "Alaska"
, fromStr "Ginger"
, Tuple "height" (fromNum 177.8)
-- | Conversion to JSON is remarkably straightforward; we know how to
-- | convert each individual piece, so we just recurse on the `f`, as
-- | we know it'll be `JsonF JSON`, which makes this definition pretty
-- | neat, in my opinion.
toJson :: Json -> String
= go <<< unroll
go :: JsonF Json -> String
go = case _ of
JBool b -> if b then "true" else "false"
JInt i -> show i
JNull -> "null"
JNum n -> show n
JStr s -> show s
JList xs -> "[" <> joinWith "," (toJson <$> xs) <> "]"
JObject os -> "{" <> joinWith "," (prepare <$> SM.toUnfoldable os) <> "}"
prepare :: Tuple String Json -> String
prepare (Tuple k v)
= show k <> ":" <> toJson v
-- | Parsing JSON is also pretty straightforward, as we can just go
-- | down through the `Mu` levels. There is a little hiccough here: as
-- | PureScript is eagerly evaluated, we can't have co-dependence in
-- | our `where` functions. So, we'll cover it in `Lazy` and hope for
-- | the best, right? Bear in mind that this parser is REALLY naïve:
-- | really, we should accountfor whitespace, at the very least.
json :: String -> Either String Json
json string
= parse (force parseJson) string
parseStr :: Parser String String
= (\_ x _ -> x)
<$> S.char '"'
<*> S.tail
<*> S.char '"'
parseList :: Lazy (Parser String (Array Json))
= defer \_ ->
fromFoldable <$>
S.brackets (force parseJson `sepBy` S.char ',')
parseObj :: Lazy (Parser String (SM.StrMap Json))
= defer \_ ->
S.braces $ map SM.fromFoldable
(force pair `sepBy` S.char ',')
pair :: Lazy (Parser String (Tuple String Json))
= defer \_ ->
Tuple <$> parseStr
<*> (S.char ':' *> force parseJson)
parseJson :: Lazy (Parser String Json)
= defer \_ -> map In $
(JBool true <$ S.string "true" )
<|> (JBool false <$ S.string "false")
<|> (JNull <$ S.string "null" )
<|> (JNum <$> S.number )
<|> (JInt <$> )
<|> (JStr <$> parseStr )
<|> (JList <$> force parseList )
<|> (JObject <$> force parseObj )
-- | Now we have a notion of parsing and generating JSON based on our
-- | little `Mu`, let's see what other interesting fixed points we can
-- | compute. When we "diff" two JSON structures, what we'll do is, at
-- | each "functor level", store an `Array` of all the unique values
-- | that have been there. Basically, this will build up a "diff tree"
-- | as we diff several `JsonDiff` values together.
type JsonDiff = (Mu (Compose Array JsonF))
-- | A `Json` type is a `JsonDiff` where only one thing ever happened.
-- | It's a tenuous explanation, and I'm sorry, but it's good enough!
toDiff :: Json -> JsonDiff
toDiff (In xs) = (In (Compose [toDiff <$> xs]))
-- | Here, we'll just pull out the first thing we ever diffed. If you
-- | want to make sure this works, you can hide the constructor, and
-- | then safely use `unsafePartial`.
fromDiff :: JsonDiff -> Maybe Json
fromDiff (In (Compose xs)) = do
first <- head xs
fixed <- sequence (map fromDiff first)
pure $ In fixed
-- | JList is an interesting case for diffing, so we'll need to be
-- | able to spot one.
isJList :: forall f. JsonF f -> Boolean
isJList (JList _) = true
isJList _ = false
-- | Similarly for JObject, too - we'll use some special logic.
isJObject :: forall f. JsonF f -> Boolean
isJObject (JObject _) = true
isJObject _ = false
-- | Diff two `JsonDiff` values to produce a `JsonDiff`. If we had
-- | bothered to wrap up `JsonDiff` in a `newtype`, this would be a
-- | perfectly sensible implementation for `Semimgroup`. Incidentally,
-- | The `Monoid` identity would be `In (Compose [])`!
diff :: JsonDiff -> JsonDiff -> JsonDiff
diff (In (Compose xs)) (In (Compose ys))
= go xs ys
go :: Array (JsonF JsonDiff) -> Array (JsonF JsonDiff)
-> JsonDiff
go xs' ys'
-- If exactly equal, we don't care at all!
| xs' == ys'
= In (Compose xs')
-- If we spot two lists, we'll recursively diff them.
| any isJList xs' && any isJList ys'
= unsafePartial (fromJust mergeJLists)
-- Same goes for objects, of course!
| any isJObject xs' && any isJObject ys'
= unsafePartial (fromJust mergeJObjects)
-- If they're _not_ equal, concat the lists and de-dupe. It's
-- not the most efficient approach, but it's good enough for the
-- example.
| otherwise = In (Compose (nub $ xs' <> ys'))
-- How do we merge `JList`s?!
mergeJLists :: Maybe JsonDiff
mergeJLists = do
x <- find isJList xs
y <- find isJList ys
if x /= y
then pure (In (Compose [x, y]))
else pure (In (Compose [x]))
-- Ok, but what about `JObject`s?!
mergeJObjects :: Maybe JsonDiff
mergeJObjects = do
x <- find isJList xs
y <- find isJList ys
if x /= y
then pure (In (Compose [x, y]))
else pure (In (Compose [x]))
-- | Before we go, let's print out our `exampleJSON` to prove that I
-- | didn't make it all up.
main :: forall eff.
( console :: CONSOLE
, exception :: EXCEPTION
, random :: RANDOM
| eff
) Unit
= do
log $ toJson exampleJSON
-- While we're here, let's test what we have. The below code generates
-- some random test data that we can convert to and from JSON. If the
-- before equals the after in all cases, we can pretty safely assume
-- that we've won, right?
quickCheck \(ArbJson test) ->
either (withHelp false) (test === _)
$ json $ toJson test
newtype ArbJson = ArbJson Json
derive instance newtypeArbJson :: Newtype ArbJson _
instance arbitraryJson :: Arbitrary ArbJson where
arbitrary = ArbJson <$> do
bool <- JBool <$> arbitrary
int <- JInt <$> arbitrary
num <- JNum <$> arbitrary
str <- JStr <$> arbitrary
list <- JList <$> (map unwrap <$> (arbitrary :: Gen (Array ArbJson)))
object <- JObject <$> SM.fromFoldable
<$> (map (map unwrap) <$>
(arbitrary :: Gen (Array (Tuple String ArbJson))))
In <$> (elements (JNull :| [bool, int, num, str, list, object]))
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