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Last active September 11, 2024 19:04
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Maya get closest vertex
import maya.api.OpenMaya as om
import maya.cmds as cmds
#returns the closest vertex given a mesh and a position [x,y,z] in world space.
#Uses om.MfnMesh.getClosestPoint() returned face ID and iterates through face's vertices.
def getClosestVertex(mayaMesh,pos=[0,0,0]):
mVector = om.MVector(pos)#using MVector type to represent position
selectionList = om.MSelectionList()
dPath= selectionList.getDagPath(0)
ID = mMesh.getClosestPoint(om.MPoint(mVector),space=om.MSpace.kWorld)[1] #getting closest face ID cmds.polyListComponentConversion (mayaMesh+'.f['+str(ID)+']',ff=True,tv=True),flatten=True)#face's vertices list
#setting vertex [0] as the closest one
smallestDist2=d.x*d.x+d.y*d.y+d.z*d.z #using distance squared to compare distance
#iterating from vertex [1]
for i in range(1,len(list)) :
if d2<smallestDist2:
return closest
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Lirinis commented Oct 27, 2018

What if several closest faces are at the same distance? What if several vertices of the face are at the same distance?
It seems to implicitly choose the one with the lowest id in both cases while I would expect to get a list.

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hdlx commented Nov 14, 2018

You're right. According to the documentation, it seems that MFnMesh.getClosestPoint() can't return a list of point plus face ID tuple. This is one limitation using this technique.

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BigRoy commented Feb 5, 2021

Thanks - saved me some time to quickly test a thing.

Here's a quick cleanup/rewrite as thanks!

from maya import cmds
import maya.api.OpenMaya as om
import operator

def getClosestVertex(mesh, pos=(0,0,0)):
    """Return closest vertex and distance from mesh to world-space position [x, y, z].
    Uses om.MfnMesh.getClosestPoint() returned face ID and iterates through face's vertices.
        >>> getClosestVertex("pCube1", pos=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
        # (3, 0.0)
        >>> getClosestVertex("pCube1", pos=[0.5, 0.9, 0.5])
        # (3, 0.4)

        mesh (str): Mesh node name.
        pos (list): Position vector XYZ
        tuple: (vertex index, distance)
    pos = om.MPoint(pos)
    sel = om.MSelectionList()
    fn_mesh = om.MFnMesh(sel.getDagPath(0))
    index = fn_mesh.getClosestPoint(pos, space=om.MSpace.kWorld)[1]  # closest polygon index    
    face_vertices = fn_mesh.getPolygonVertices(index)  # get polygon vertices
    vertex_distances = ((vertex, fn_mesh.getPoint(vertex, om.MSpace.kWorld).distanceTo(pos)) 
                         for vertex in face_vertices)
    return min(vertex_distances, key=operator.itemgetter(1))

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