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Last active July 24, 2020 07:14
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Calculating interest w/ linear algebra
(ns poc
(:require [clojure.pprint]
[clojure.string :as str])
(:import (java.math RoundingMode MathContext)
(clojure.lang Ratio PersistentVector IPersistentCollection)))
(def ^:dynamic *precision* 10)
(def ^:dynamic *scale* 2)
(def ^:dynamic *rounding* RoundingMode/HALF_EVEN)
(def ^:dynamic *context* (MathContext. *precision* *rounding*))
;;=== scalar math
(defn exp [^BigDecimal b ^Long n]
(.pow b n *context*))
(defn div [^BigDecimal a ^BigDecimal b]
(.divide ^BigDecimal a ^BigDecimal b ^MathContext *context*))
(assert (= 3.141443493M (div 10M 3.18325M)))
(defn compounding-factor
[rate periods]
{:pre [(not (neg? periods))]}
(cond (decimal? periods)
(compounding-factor rate (rationalize periods))
(ratio? periods)
(div (dec (exp (inc rate) (.numerator ^Ratio periods)))
(bigdec (.denominator ^Ratio periods)))
(integer? periods)
(dec (exp (inc rate) periods))))
(assert (= 0.03541666667M (compounding-factor 0.425M 1/12)))
(assert (= 0.425760887M (compounding-factor 0.03M 12)))
;;=== linear algebra
(defn transpose' [r m]
(into (empty m)
(apply mapcat vector (partition r m))))
(assert (= [1 4
2 5
3 6]
(transpose' 3
[1 2 3
4 5 6])))
(defn dotp [a b]
(reduce + (map * a b)))
(assert (= 3 (dotp [1 3 -5] [4 -2 -1])))
(defn dotr [m n a b]
(into (empty a)
(map dotp
(apply interleave (repeat n (partition m a)))
(apply concat (repeat n (partition m b))))))
(assert (= [3]
(dotr 3 1
[1 3 -5]
[4 -2 -1])))
(assert (= [58 64
139 154]
(dotr 3 2
[1 2 3
4 5 6]
(transpose' 2 [7 8
9 10
11 12]))))
(defprotocol LinearAlgebra
(rank [self])
(transpose [self])
(dot [a b]))
;; A generalized matrix type
(deftype Matrix [r v]
(seq [self]
(seq v))
(count [self]
(count v))
(empty [self]
(Matrix. (second (rank self)) (empty v)))
(cons [self o]
(Matrix. r (conj v o)))
(equiv [self o]
(.equiv ^IPersistentCollection o v))
(rank [self]
[r (/ (count v) r)])
(transpose [self]
(Matrix. (second (rank self))
(transpose' (first (rank self)) v)))
(dot [a b]
(assert (= (first (rank a)) (second (rank b))))
(dotr (first (rank a)) (second (rank a)) a b)))
(defn M
[rank array]
{:pre [(zero? (mod (count array) rank))]}
(Matrix. rank (vec array)))
(defmethod print-method Matrix [^Matrix o ^ w]
(->> (.v o)
(take (- (* 10 (.r o)) 1))
(partition (.r o) (.r o) (repeat ""))
(map (partial str/join \tab))
(cons (.toString o))
(str/join \newline)
(.write w)))
(M 3 (cons 1 (cons 1 (cons 1 (M 3 (range 9))))))
(assert (= (dot (M 3 [1 2 3
4 5 6])
(M 2 [7 9 11 8 10 12]))
(M 2 [58 64
139 154])))
;; Extend vector to always be a row-vector
(extend-type PersistentVector
(rank [self]
[(count self) 1])
(transpose [self]
(Matrix. (second (rank self)) self))
(dot [a b]
(assert (and (= (first (rank a)) (second (rank b)))
(= (second (rank a)) (first (rank b)))))
(dotr (first (rank a)) (first (rank b)) a b)))
(assert (= [3000]
(dot [2 1 0]
(transpose [1000 1000 1000]))))
;;=== financial math
(defn pmt [pv i n]
(div (* pv i)
(- 1 (exp (inc i) (- n)))))
(pmt 1000M 0.03M 4))
#_(let [c 1000M
i 0.03M
n 4
is (map (partial compounding-factor i) (range (inc n)))
iis (scalar inc is)
p (pmt (- c) i n)
pmts [0 0 0 0
p 0 0 0
p p 0 0
p p p 0
p p p p]
balance (sum (dot 1 iis [c])
(dot 4 iis pmts))
amort (scalar (partial + (- c))
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