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Last active May 12, 2021 12:04
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Nim emscripten hello world

Compile nim hello world to wasm and serve it via http server.

Requirements: emcc should be available via path.

hello.nim world is just

echo "hello world"

Download nim.cfg in the same path as hello.nim, compile using nim c hello.nim, and then compile & run server using nim c -r --skipProjCfg:on httpserve.nim. Open and you should see example hello world.

import asynchttpserver, asyncdispatch, os
proc handler(req: Request) {.async.} =
echo "request for path ", req.url.path
let cwd = getCurrentDir()
let file = cwd / req.url.path
if fileExists(file):
await req.respond(Http200, file.readFile())
await req.respond(Http404, "Not Found " & file)
var server = newAsyncHttpServer()
waitFor server.serve(Port(8080), handler)
cc = clang
clang.exe = "emcc"
clang.linkerexe = "emcc"
cpu = "i386"
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