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Created November 11, 2022 14:30
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Deno twtxt hash calc
import { encode } from "";
import { blake2b } from "";
import { DateTime } from "";
import { assertEquals } from "";
function base32(payload: Uint8Array) {
return encode(payload).replace(/=/g, "").toLowerCase();
function blake2b256(payload: string) {
return blake2b(payload, undefined, 32);
function formatRFC3339(text: string) {
return DateTime.fromISO(text, { setZone: true, zone: "utc" })
.replace(/\+00:00$/, "Z");
const twt = {
url: "",
hash: "o6dsrga",
created: "2020-07-18T12:39:52Z",
content: "Hello World! 😊",
const created = formatRFC3339(twt.created);
const payload = [twt.url, created, twt.content].join("\n");
const hash = base32(blake2b256(payload)).slice(-7);
Deno.test("hash", () => {
assertEquals(hash, twt.hash);
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