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CSS Diner Solutions
#01 plate
#02 bento
#03 #fancy
#04 plate > apple
#05 #fancy pickle
#06 .small
#07 orange.small
#08 bento > orange
#09 plate, bento
#10 *
#11 orange.small, pickle, plate > apple
#12 plate + apple
#13 bento ~ pickle
#14 plate > apple
#15 plate orange:first-child
#16 plate *:only-child
#17 #fancy *:last-child , plate + pickle
#18 plate:nth-child(3)
#19 bento:nth-last-child(4)
#20 apple:first-of-type
#21 plate:nth-of-type(2n)
#22 plate:nth-of-type(2n+3)
#23 plate apple.small:only-of-type
#24 orange:last-of-type , apple:last-of-type
#25 bento:empty
#26 apple:not(.small)
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