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Created September 12, 2024 17:55
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// Function to check if the page was prerendered
function wasPrerendered() {
return document.prerendering || self.performance?.getEntriesByType('navigation')[0]?.activationStart > 0;
// Function to handle the transition from prerender to active
function handlePrerenderActivation() {
console.log('Pre-rendered page is now being shown to the user');
// Check if there are any query parameters
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;
if (urlParams.toString()) {
console.log('Query parameters detected. Re-rendering content...');
// Call your function to re-render or update the page content
} else {
console.log('No query parameters. Using pre-rendered content.');
// Function to update page content (you'll need to implement this)
function updatePageContent(params) {
// Example implementation:
// 1. Make an AJAX request to get new content based on params
// 2. Update the DOM with the new content
console.log('Updating page content with params:', params.toString());
// Your implementation here
// Flag to track if the page was prerendered
let wasPrerenderedFlag = false;
// Listen for the activate event
document.addEventListener('prerenderingchange', () => {
if (!document.prerendering) {
wasPrerenderedFlag = false; // Reset the flag
// Check on DOMContentLoaded
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
if (wasPrerendered()) {
if (!document.prerendering) {
} else {
wasPrerenderedFlag = true; // Set the flag if still prerendering
// Additional fallback using visibilitychange
document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', function () {
if (document.visibilityState === 'visible' && wasPrerenderedFlag) {
console.log('Page visibility changed to visible from pre-render.');
wasPrerenderedFlag = false; // Reset the flag
// Fallback using Navigation API (if available)
if ('navigation' in window && window.navigation.currentEntry) {
window.navigation.addEventListener('navigate', (event) => {
const entry = event.currentTarget.currentEntry;
if (entry && entry.activationStart > 0) {
console.log('Page pre-rendered and now activated (detected by Navigation API).');
// Initial check (in case the script runs after activation)
if (wasPrerendered() && !document.prerendering) {
console.log('Page was pre-rendered and is already active.');
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