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Created December 1, 2018 17:32
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Apple Remote IR Codes
play = [9116, 4506, 623, 547, 625, 1668, 626, 1666, 628, 1665, 619, 550, 622, 1670, 624, 1668, 634, 1659, 627, 1665, 619, 1673, 621, 1672, 623, 546, 626, 542, 620, 548, 624, 545, 627, 1673, 621, 1671, 623, 546, 626, 1668, 627, 542, 620, 547, 625, 544, 618, 550, 622, 547, 626, 1667, 628, 1665, 628, 1665, 619, 552, 621, 546, 626, 544, 618, 1674, 620, 1673, 621]
menu = [9102, 4516, 626, 542, 617, 1676, 618, 1675, 620, 1674, 620, 569, 603, 1667, 621, 1672, 619, 1673, 621, 1672, 622, 1670, 629, 1664, 616, 552, 620, 549, 626, 541, 618, 550, 628, 1672, 616, 1675, 619, 1674, 621, 547, 625, 544, 621, 548, 621, 547, 625, 543, 619, 550, 622, 1670, 624, 1668, 620, 1672, 618, 550, 622, 546, 616, 553, 620, 1680, 618, 1667, 625]
right = [9112, 4511, 619, 553, 620, 1670, 623, 1669, 627, 1665, 627, 544, 618, 1672, 622, 1670, 625, 1668, 626, 1665, 619, 1673, 622, 1669, 625, 543, 619, 549, 623, 545, 617, 551, 621, 1679, 616, 552, 620, 1672, 622, 1670, 625, 543, 619, 549, 623, 546, 621, 547, 621, 548, 624, 1668, 626, 1666, 618, 1674, 621, 547, 625, 543, 619, 550, 622, 1672, 625, 1667, 625]
left = [9107, 4516, 593, 574, 588, 1704, 592, 1699, 594, 1700, 594, 573, 589, 1702, 622, 1670, 614, 1680, 615, 1674, 620, 1673, 591, 1702, 592, 577, 595, 570, 622, 547, 595, 572, 620, 1680, 594, 1707, 587, 572, 620, 548, 625, 1667, 601, 567, 591, 578, 595, 573, 618, 550, 622, 1671, 623, 1670, 614, 1678, 596, 573, 619, 549, 625, 544, 596, 1696, 621, 1673, 589]
up = [9105, 4514, 616, 556, 616, 1672, 624, 1668, 625, 1666, 619, 552, 619, 1670, 624, 1668, 616, 1676, 619, 1675, 619, 1670, 624, 1667, 617, 551, 621, 547, 596, 572, 594, 574, 624, 1675, 620, 548, 624, 1669, 626, 542, 620, 1672, 622, 545, 617, 551, 621, 548, 644, 523, 620, 1673, 621, 1670, 624, 1668, 617, 551, 595, 573, 625, 543, 620, 1672, 622, 1671, 594]
down = [9104, 4515, 615, 551, 622, 1670, 624, 1668, 624, 1668, 626, 543, 620, 1672, 622, 1670, 629, 1664, 625, 1667, 628, 1664, 620, 1672, 624, 545, 625, 545, 617, 549, 623, 546, 617, 1683, 621, 548, 624, 544, 618, 1674, 623, 1670, 622, 546, 626, 543, 619, 549, 623, 544, 619, 1672, 622, 1670, 624, 1668, 626, 542, 620, 547, 626, 542, 620, 1674, 620, 1670, 624]
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